MAJOR CHANGES in JADE 3.1 (16 December 2003) ========================================================================== GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS: - New service-based kernel based on a Distributed Composition Filter pattern - Added support for replication of the main container - Added '-smhost' and '-smport' command line options, to locally install a Service Manager (for main containers only) - Added '-smaddrs' command line option, to specify a list of Service Manager addresses to use for fault tolerance (for peripheral containers only) - Added -services command-line option and management of configurable service startup. - Added the 'shutdown-platform' action to the 'jade-management' ontology - Modified the semantics of 'kill-container' action. Now, it never kills the whole platform (POSSIBLE BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY) - Added support for application specific message persistency through the PersistentDeliveryService - Added support for FIPA Propose interaction protocol - Added 2phase-commit interaction protocol ADD-ONS: - Added new highly efficient and scalable HTTP MTP (Joan Ametller and Sergi Robles from University of Barcelona) - Added new add-on: MTP implementation based on JMS (Edward Curry) - LEAP ADD-ON for running JADE agents on cell phones and PDAs: - Unified ProfileImpl class between JADE and JADE-LEAP - Modified default BackEnd-FrontEnd communication using two sockets - big improvement of performance in read/write operations on the sockets - Added support for keep-alive packets between FrontEnd and BackEnd - Added support for user-defined handling of disconnections on a split container through the ConnectionListener interface - Added support for sending the FAILURE notification for messages that are buffered by a BackEnd container whose FrontEnd is disconnected when the destination agent dies - Added jade.content.frame package: super compact support for creating content expressions - Added ANT target to minimize a midp application - Highly improved communication performances between different containers in the same JVM - Simplified configuration when multiple ICPs have to be installed - Changed name of BackEnd containers so that it appears clearly that they are split containers - Fixed a profile incoherence between the 'port' and 'local-port' options on a Main Container node. - Removed limitation of packet size to 64K - Modified to optimize container shutdown. - Modified to support http as transport protocol - Improved exception reporting - Removed deadlock on flushing - Added link to JADEX add-on (version 0.9 - 19th September 2003, Lars Braubach, Alexander Pokahr) - Added Beangenerator add-on (Chris van Aart - University of Amsterdam) - misc add-on: - JADEPlatformTest: Modified to probe for the new ServiceManagerRMI interface in the RMI Registry. - DynamicFSMBehaviour is now capable of reading the FSM definition directly from an ACLMessage. - benchmark add-on: added parallel mode and more configuration files - Added new add-on: RDFCodec compliant to FIPA specs BUG FIXES: - User defined parameters are now correctly handled by the Sniffer - Fixed a bug in message delivery due to cached slices. - Fixed a bug in management of relative times in WakerBehaviour - Removed bug when calling accept() on a dead node (now it throws an Exception). - jade.content - Modified usage of CaseInsensitiveString to take into account different Hashtable implementations. - Fixed bug in management of mandatory empty aggregates - Fixed bug related to facets defined upon an inherited slot. - Correctly handled the 'create an agent with an already existing name' use case. In case of a name clash the AMS answers with an 'already-registered' FAILURE message. - BasicJessBehaviour : replaced the usage of setReplyBy with setReplyByDate. Backward incompatibility: JESS batches have now to manage a date represented in milliseconds from 1/1/1970 instead of a Date represented in ISO8601 format - ACLMessage bug fix: userDefinedProperties were not cloned (Jason H Li) - XML add-on Bug fix: Aggregate members can have a "type" tag now in xml encoding. - jade.util.leap.Properties: Fixed bug when cloning properties with null values - StringACLCodec: did not parse/encode properly some words with strange symbols - SearchConstraints: Fixed bug in renewSearchId due to System.currentTimeMillis() limited precision - jade.domain.ams. (bug reported by Vardan Gyurjyan): if the AMS was requested to create an agent on a not-existing container, then it created the agent on the main-container. - jade.domain.df. when the DF had a max-lease-time policy and an agent requested an infinite lease time, the infinite lease time was granted. - jade.core.TimerDispatcher: fixed deadlock between the TimerDispatcher and Scheduler monitors - jade.core.Agent: No O2A operations were possible after clone or move operations (bug reported by Christian Loos) - jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder: - Fixed bug in cancellation mechanism - Added utility methods to help managing Subscription objects - jade.util.leap.Properties: correctly handled a NullPointerException in method load() - jade.wrapper.Agentcontainer: Added 2 new methods: getContainerName() and getPlatformName(). (based on a report of Christian Loos) - Fixed a nullpointer exception when no arguments were passed via the in-process interface. - XMLCodec add-on: fixed bug related to the managing of multiple inheritance OTHERS: - Added method submit() in the Service interface for cross service command submission - Added support for a service filter to stop a command. - Modified the jade.util.Logger class to accept user defined log formats - Improved some exception reporting - Added option for redirecting output to "per-day-files" - jade.content: improved efficiency of LEAPCodec - Introspector tool: a list of agents to introspect can be now passed as argument on the command line (Karl-Heinz Krempels) - ACC returns a failure msg to sender when msg is bouncing - The content of notifyFailureToSender() includes now the intended receiver that failed - jade.domain.RequestManagementBehaviour: the AGREE message is not sent anymore - added user-defined properties in the envelope - DF: improved the DF Applet (possible backward incompatibility), fixed bug in recursive search - Made lighter the ACLMessage class by avoiding cloning where possible - added method isMandatory() in jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema - Changed calls to Vector.add() in addElement() for MIDP compatibility - Increased the default size values of the fields in some tables (Andriy Panchenko) - changed MAIN_PROTO constant in - Added the jade.core.Profile parameter to the method activate() of the MTPs DOCUMENTATION: - Added the official "JADE-programming Tutorial for Beginners" - Completely revisited Javadoc APIs - Added section on fault tolerance and Main Container replication in the JADE Administrator's guide. - Added section on the Persistent delivery service in the JADE Administrator's guide. - Added section on the FIPA Propose interaction protocol in the JADE Programmer's guide - Added documentation of replicating a BackEnd container in the LEAP user guide - Added a link to "JADE Primer" (J. Vaucher and A. Ncho - Université de Montréal) - Added a link to "Basic aspects of JADE programming" (Owen Cliffe - University of Bath) - Added a link to tutorial on running JADE over .NET (Marti Bayo Alemany - Yellowmap AG) - Added JADEApplets tutorial - administratorsguide: Added the description of how to pass arguments to the sniffer and to the introspector (Karl-Heinz Krempels) - JADE4Beginners: Added a JADE-JBuilder tutorial and made a few small changes to the 4 older ones (David Grimshaw) - Added new add-on & Tutorial on how to use JADE from Servlet (Fabien Gandon) - Args&Props.html: Fixed a bug in the tutorial (setArguments is final!) [Dick Cowan] - Several examples reviewed and more examples added. MAJOR CHANGES in JADE 3.0b1 (19 March 2003) ========================================================================== GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS: - integrated JADE and LEAP. LEAP is now managed by the JADE team as an add-on of JADE that allows to port JADE on Java J2ME profile. Further to the re-harmonization with JADE, this is the list of main improvements we did to LEAP: - added command-line options with the same style and syntax of JADE command-line options - the container functionalities have been split between a front-end and a back-end in order to reduce the footprint and to increase the performance in J2ME and wireless. - MIDP agents can also be sniffed now. - added support for .NET compilation (experimental and undocumented; by Steffen Rusitschka & Robert Kessler) - added a multi-party chat demo on J2ME MIDP - Improved and simplified shutdown procedure - updated JADE to the new set of FIPA Standards, approved by FIPA at end 2002. This new set of standards includes a number of modifications that required changes also to the API's exposed by JADE to the applications. That is the main motivation for the change of major release from 2.X to 3.X. For the full list of FIPA modifications see the FIPA X2S page The following is instead the list of modifications that we did to JADE: - Fipa-Agent-Management Ontology: - Removed the slots named ontology, language, protocol. - Added the slot search-id in SearchConstraints. - Added 3 exceptions that were missing: MissingArgument, UnexpectedArgument, UnexpectedArgumentCount. - Added the slot lease_time in the DFAgentDescription - Removed the encrypted field from envelope - Removed class and action Quit - because sending the AGREE message is now optional in the Fipa-request interaction protocol, we avoid now to send this message when the execution of an action requires a short time - jade.domain.DFService: - the methods register and modify return now the registered DFAgentDescription, where the assigned lease-time might be different from the requested one. - added method keepRegistered() that allows to renew the registration with a DF when the lease-time expires - deprecated methods getSubscriptionMessage() and getNonBlockingBehaviour() Notice that we have not yet modified the IDL interface of the IIOP-MTP. Based on our knowledge, this should be the only incompliance to FIPA of JADE3.0b1. The reason for that is that we believe (and we will propose) that FIPA should add an errata corrige to this specs and avoid this unusefull and strong source of backward incompatibility with previous versions of FIPA. - Directory Facilitator: - added the capability of storing the DFAgentDescriptions on a persistent DB - added the capability of managing lease time of registrations - added the capability of managing subscriptions through the fipa-subscribe interaction protocol - added the misc add-on with some miscellaneous classes, in particular: - jade.misc.DFFederatorAgent, that simplifies the management and visualization of a network of federated DFs - a utility program to check if JADE main-container is up and running (by Stelios Gerogiannakis) - added new add-on XMLCodec, an XML-based content language codec - added new jade2xback add-on. This add-on includes a number of packages and classes from JADE 2.61 that have been removed because considered obsolete. It allows users to have a smooth transition by guaranteeing backward compatibility. (see also BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILIES section and a special tutorial on that) - slight improvement of performance of SLCodec and ISO8601 - added method getProperty in the class Agent in order to get the properties passed in the Profile or in the configuration file - any pararameter passed on the command line is now retrievable via the method getProperty - added new class jade.util.Logger to print log messages in a device dependent way - removed jade.domain.MobilityManager because no longer used. - Added logging mechanism to RealMobilityManager - jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder has been improved in order to use a single ACLMessage object for several notifications - added method getTickCount() in jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour - jade.gui.ACLGui. Called the SLFormatter to pretty-print all content in SL language. - jade.content: - Added method to get facets associated to a schema. - Added method to get the type of entities in an aggregate. - Some classes of this package have been made serializable. - internal reorganization of the AMS and the MainContainer classes which improves performance of AMS interaction (e.g. registering and deregistering agents) - added jade.util.InputQueue class - added an initial support to canceling a fipa-subscribe interaction protocol - added timeout support in jade.domain.FipaServiceCommunicator.doFipaRequestClient - a new set of icons has been used in the RMA, provided by Itai Shirav. - jade.proto.FIPAProtocolNames has been deprecated and will be soon removed - added possibility to start a Sniffer agent automatically sniffing a set of agents indicated as arguments (by Karl-Heinz Krempels) POSSIBLE BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITIES: - default value of SearchConstraints.maxResults is 1 instead of infinite (according to the new FIPA Standard) - updated definition of APDescription according to the new Fipa Standard - df, ams, and MessageManager: modified the names of property keys by replacing '_' with '.' - renamed key for Main container host and port to "host" and "port" for consistency with command line options - leap add-on: The properties source has been set to JAD by default - removed the old support to content and ontologies (, jade.onto) including the methods fill/extractContent of the class jade.core.Agent - removed the old-style interaction protocols from jade.proto, i.e. the following classes: FipaContractNetInitiator/ResponderBehaviour, FipaQueryInitiator/ResponderBehaviour,FipaRequestInitiator/ResponderBehaviour NonDeterministicBehaviour - removed deprecated classes and from jade.domain - removed toText() deprecated methods - removed deprecated method setArguments from jade.core.Agent - removed the following deprecated methods from jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate: MatchReceiver(java.util.List) MatchReplyTo(java.util.List) MatchReplyBy(String) - removed the following deprecated methods from jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage: getAllPerformatives() setReplyBy(String) toText() - removed the deprecated method delete() from jade.wrapper.Agent - removed the deprecated methods createAgent from jade.wrapper.AgentContainer - removed the deprecated methods preAction() and postAction() from jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour - removed all old-style classes that defined ontologies. - removed the old class (according to the new FIPA Standard) - all methods get_0,set_0,get_1,set_1,etc. in the ontology classes have been removed - new jade2xback add-on. This add-on includes a number of packages and classes from JADE 2.61 that have been removed because considered obsolete. It allows users to have a smooth transition by guaranteeing backward compatibility. - jade.domain.FIPANames has been transformed into an interface - the signature or SubscriptionManager.deregister() has a different return value and different exceptions BUG FIXES: - management of relative time in ISO8601 - fixed a bug that generated a deadlock in jade.core.LADT - handling of null keys and values in serialization of jade.util.leap.HashMap - jade.content: - handling and externalization of communicative acts as agent actions - result predicate modified to accept a generic value (possibly a List) instead of just a List - managed the case of no facet associated with the slot name specified in method getFacet() of jade.content.schema.ObjectSchemaImpl - ams: Corrected bug in tools notification related to container crash - updated jade.util.ExpandedProperties for Windows XP support (Dick Cowan) - fixed bug about the imtp option on the command line - messages for FIPAExceptions have been quoted - fixed bug in jade.core.ProfileImpl on handling parameters - fixed bug in the remote class fetching mechanism and in mobility from a personalJava to a J2SE container - method toString of jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate - sniffer: Fixed bug in painting a conversation-id shorter than 3 chars. (Bug reported by Juan C. Martinez) - leap add-on: - fixed bug in the reconnection mechanism. Improved logs - Modified response timeout - Set timeouts flag of Connection to false do avoid EOFException - XMLACLCodec add-on: - Fixed bug on dealing with a null reply-by (Giovanni Barone) - BlueJADE: - agent mobility (Dick Cowan, reported by Arunanthisivam Vimalathithen.) - security add-on: - usage of SSL as the SSL-based IMTP did not work. - SSL key files are now named after the Sun default names: keystore and truststore. - improved example OTHERS: - TickerBehaviour: modified so that getTickCount() returns 1 at first tick - added new tutorial: "How to use arguments or properties to configure your agent", Dick Cowan - added new tutorial about the usage of the new XML Codec - updated the Programmer's and Administrator's Guide - updated the LEAP User Guide - bit-efficient add-on (Heikki Helin): - DateTimeToken parsing exceptions thrown to user (previously they were silently discarded...) - Fixed String handling in slot values (escaping, etc.) - Improved documentation - http MTP add-on (Edward Curry): - added a properties file for setting the size of the codec and thread pools. Default value are for 10 codecs and 50 threads MAJOR CHANGES in JADE 2.61 (23 September 2002) ========================================================================== GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS: - a new plug-in to deal with intra-platform security has been added - the Introspector Agent tool has been strongly improved and it allows now the visualization of the tree and state of the agent behaviours, including the snapshot of the agent state, and a step-by-step introspection capability (one step being the execution of the action() method of a behaviour) - replaced all the make files with build files for ant both in JADE and in all the add-ons. - added capability to assign a user-defined name to a remote container (Alexander Osherenko) - added FALSE Proposition in BasicOntology - all tools, examples, and software have been fully ported to use the jade.content package instead of the old jade.onto package. In the next release the old package will be completely removed. BUG FIXES: - Fixed bug in file separator. (reported by Karl-Heinz Krempels) - Added sanity check to avoid null pointer exception - jade.core.Agent. Improved the exception thrown by getContainerController() - jade.content: fixed bug on throwing UngroundedException when converting AbsIRE and AbsVariable into Java objects - fixed bug in visualization of AID and ServiceDescription GUI in Apple virtual machines (reported by Francesco Ricca) - fixed bug in handling SET and SEQUENCE in jade.content - the sniffer did not sniff the envelope of the messages - Fixed Bit-efficient BLE content decoding when the length is between 1 and 256 - Fixed bug in setting the RMI Socket Factory: it caused an uncorrect increase in the number of threads. - IntrospectionOntology: slots STATE and OWNERSHIP of element BORNAGENT where missing EXAMPLES: - Ontology. Reimplemented the example with the new content support and the new interaction protocols - PingAgent. Added capability to log exchanged messages. MAJOR CHANGES in JADE 2.6 (18 July 2002) ========================================================================== POSSIBLE SOURCES OF MINOR BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITIES: - Modified the signature of the method Profile.getParameter - Removed old patch in method Agent.doStart(), now agents can be created only via the inprocess interface - definition of the constants used in the ontologies have been moved into the XXXVocabulary classes GENERAL: - Added new configuration parameter "file-dir" to set the output directory for the files generated by JADE - Added method getAgent in jade.wrapper.PlatformController to get the wrapper of a running Agent - jade.content - modified hashcode() method of AbsObjectImpl to take the type into account - added support for ordered-based encoding of concept slots - minor modifications to make it compatible with J2ME - modified to allow using AbsDescriptors as Java classes - modified to represent more that one element in an ontology - Improved exception reporting - added vocabulary, schemas and operators for SL0,1,2 - made case-insensitive all comparison for content languages and ontologies - all ontologies used directly by the JADE framework have been ported to the new support for content - added new package jade.domain.mobility with all the classes of the JADE-MObility ontology - Added support for FIPA-SUBSCRIBE interaction protocol - Added to the DF the capability of dealing with fipa-subscribe protocol. - Added in jade.proto also the SubscribeInitiator/Responder classes. - Added in DFService the method searchUntilFound() to wait until a given agent description is matched with the registrations of the DF - jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver: added method to reset deadline and template; added method interrupt() to stop waiting for messages. - reengineered df, ams in order to use the new SimpleAchieveRE classes and the new content support the AMS is able to deal with all profiles of SL content language - reingeneered ToolAgents, and examples in order to use the new SimpleAchieveRE classes - Made multi-threaded the Message Manager - Added class - Added removeUserDefinedSlot method in jade.core.AID - All the properties on the command line and in the configuration file are now set in the Profile and can be read by all classes that can access the Profile - Added new method Agent.getCurQueueSize() - Added build.xml file for compiling by using ant - Added SimpleAchieveREInitiator/Responder that are faster and simpler to use - FSMBehaviour: Added a method to force a transition into a given state - Added TickerBehaviour TOOLS: - Added new tool provided by Chris Van Aart - Improved the IntrospectorAgent with the capability of visualizing the tree of behaviours (with the help of Brian Bremick). There is still a bug to fix in updating the situation at the start-up time. - Added the ability to clip specified prefixes from agent names in the Sniffer (Dick Cowan). - SocketProxyAgent: removed the limitation to wait just for one reply message, now it waits if an Agree message was sent in reply. ADD-ONS: - Added new add-on bechmark with the roundtriptime benchmark - HTTP-MTP add-on: Version 2.5 patch 7 of Ion Constantinescu. Cleaned-up the core queues and added a pool thread mechanism. Also modified the socket binding and creating options. This should be considered as a major rewrite. - Added new add-on with a JADE tag library provided by Daniel Le Berre BUG FIXES: - remote containers did not start - fixed makefile - ContentManager: made transient languages and ontologies - Fixed a problem with exceptions from initAgent() not passing through, thus not letting the AMS know that agent creation failed. - AchieveREInitiator: Made serializable the inner class Session - Fixed bug in agent migration that caused an endless loop - AMS and DF variables are no more static in the Agent class in order to support multiple JADE platforms on the same JVM - the AIDs for the AMS and the Default DF are kept up to date with all the MTPs installed in the whole platform - fixed bug in the Envelope that caused problems in sending a message to multiple agents - fixed born-event bug in the AMS - Jess example: Commented the load of the package jess.miscFunctions because no more used in JESS6.0 - added sanity check for null arguments passed to jade.core.Agent and for null pointer exception in SenderBehaviour - fixed deadlock when shutting down the platform (Dick Cowan) - fixed bug in managing SequentialBehaviour - Prevented nullpointerexception of the SLParsers when the content is empty - Fixed bug in behaviour restart with very short timeout - Made Serializable MessageFuture - Fixed bug in SL when parsing boolean values - content support: order of slots and slot names including - deadlock for some cases of agent mobility and tool event notification - StringACLCodec: Added quotes and removed bug in some expression slots - AchieveREResponder now goes in the PrepareResultNotification state also when no response is sent - Fixed bug when reading a boolean property from the configuration file - Added mechanism to preserve message order when messages are retransmitted due to disconnection problems - Fixed a bug if you have blank lines within a continued long property in the configuration file. - Made case-insensitive both the url of the addresses of the remote agents and the HAP of the local agents DOCUMENTATION: - added SimpleAchieveREResponder/Initiator and removed references to DF/AMSServiceCommunicator - Added new tutorial for JADE beginners - Added javadoc for jade.util jade.content.lang packages - Added tutorial on benchmarking - Made the documentation available on-line on the Web site DEPRECATIONS: - deprecated the old FIPARequest protocol classes EXAMPLES: - content example: Improved output MAJOR CHANGES in JADE 2.5 (5 February 2002) ========================================================================== GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS AND NEW FUNCTIONALITIES - the queue of ACLMessages of an Agent is now set by default to unlimited size. Each Agent, if it wishes so, must now set its queue size. Furthermore, a warning is print on stderr when the message queue is full - added new class jade.domain.FIPANames with the list of constants defined by FIPA - RMA GUI: - added a dialog box to manage all the platform MTPs (i.e. installing and deinstalling MTPs) - added a vertical scroll bar to see better all the agents (Ion Constantinescu, EPFL) - Now several APDescriptions can be added via a single AddViaURL command (Ion Constantinescu, EPFL) - the reception of the AGREE message is now optional in Fipa-Request initiator protocol. In this way initiating the protocol with a not-existent agent, or an agent with a wrong address, does not block for-ever the protocol because it manages the FAILURE message received by the platform. - corbaloc and corbaname addresses in the IIOP-MTP - corbaloc and corbaname addresses are properly handled in the IIOP-MTP implementation based on ORBacus, both as client and as server - corbaloc address is properly handled in the IIOP-MTP implementation based on the Sun ORB, so far only as client side because of JDK limitations - checked compatibility when ORBacus is server and Sun ORB is client - add new add-on: the RDF Codec for encoding the content of ACLMessages (University of Parma) - added support for enhanced configuration files with environment variables and file inclusions (HP Palo Alto) - added the new command-line option "-nomobility" that increase the level of security of the host by disabling mobility and cloning for that container - added methods jade.wrapper.AgentContainer#acceptNewAgent and jade.core.Agent#getContainerController (HP Palo Alto) - added interface to support agent security functionality - added support for Object2Agent Communication (see jade.core.Agent.putO2AObject and jade.wrapper.Agent.putO2AObject) - reingeneered the support to content - added new class OntoAID that wraps a jade.core.AID - ContentElementList, AbsContentElementList and AbsAggregate Now all these classes have methods with the same names as the methods in the jade.util.leap.List interface - Introspectable Interface This interface has to be implemented by Ontology classes that are to be used in J2ME where the ReflectiveIntrospector is not available and the MicroIntrospector (also added to the repository) has to be used. - AbsPrimitive The constructor AbsPrimitive(String type, Object value) is no longer available as it can lead to errors. Use the static methods wrap() instead. - AbsObject The method set(String name, AbsObject value) is no longer available as it can lead to errors. Use the static method of the Ontology class setAttribute() instead - FullOntology This class does no longer exist. Use Ontology instead. - Now it is possible for an ontology to extend more than just one ontology. - The Introspector used by an ontology tries to convert Java objects to/from abstract descriptors only for schemas defined in the ontology that uses it (and not also in base ontologies) - Added support for full FIPA-SL - Made fully asynchronous the message passing and added mechanism to buffer messages in the disconnected state and to automatically retry sending messages in case of exceptions. - Deprecated FipaContractNetInitiator/ResponderBehaviour and replaced by ContractNetInitiator/Responder whose interface is homogeneous with AchieveREInitiator/Responder - Reingeneered the implementation of MessageTemplate in order to improve performance. - modified StringACLCodec in order to add/remove the prefix ":X-" a - HTTP MTP. see ChangeLog in jade\add-ons\http BUG FIX - the ACLMessage class is now able to properly deal with a content encoded as a Sequence of bytes. The bit-efficient ACLCodec has been consequently modified - the DF did not set its addresses in its DFAgentDescrption provided to the federated DF - Agent.getAID() did not set the list of platform addresses in the returned AID - synchronization bug in the class ISO8601 - the Sniffer did not properly distinguish between local and remote agents that had the same nickName - MTPs of a crashed or unreachable container are now properly cleaned - Fixed StackOverflow bug in AbsCommunicativeact (as reported by Habin Lee, bug #63) - Improved handling of errors in remote creation of moving agents - Made LEAPCodec compilable in pJava - HTTP-MTP Add-on - Fixed bug in HTTP-MTP when dealing with intended-receiver list (as reported by Jerome Picault, Motorola) - Made more robust the HTTP-MTP with a number of sanity checks (Ion Constantinescu) - fixed the MTP Name - AchieveREInitiator and ContractNetInitiator did not work properly if the initiator was also one of the responders. Modified also the method reset to change the conversationId after each reset. - Removed causes for a possible ConcurrentModificationException in AMS and MobilityManager. EXAMPLES - removed usage of depreacted methods in the examples. - improved documentation. - added party example kindly provided by Ian Dickinson (HP Bristol) - updated the MeetingScheduler demo by using Swing instead of awt - ported the code of the Jess Example to compile both with JESS 6.0 (Xiaoxu Ren, Dept. of ACSE, University of Sheffield) and JESS 5.1 (in this latter case the source code needs to be modified, see the comment in the source) DISTRIBUTION - created a new demo directory under the root and distributed an already compiled jar file for a quick start of the demo, usefull for novice users. MAJOR CHANGES in JADE 2.4 (25 Sep. 2001) ========================================================================== GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS AND NEW FUNCTIONALITIES - Modified the deprecated constructor of jade.core.AID in order to ensure better compatibility with JADE 2.2 and earlier versions. (David Bell, HP) - If an RMIRegistry can be located on the given port at Boot time, that registry is then used without creating a new one. (David Bell, HP) - It is now possible to pass an array of Object (i.e. Object[]) as arguments of the Agent and no more just an array of String. The method setArguments(String[] args) has been deprecated and the method Object[] getArguments() should be used instead. - improved the shutdown and the termination of the JVM - removed inheritance between MainContainer and AgentContainer SUPPORT FOR J2ME AND JADE-LEAP INTEGRATION - added new package jade.util.leap that contains all those java.util classes that are not supported in J2ME, in particular the Java collection framework. In this way JADE does not use internally the Java collection framework and it can be easily compiled and ported to J2ME and CLDC. All the APIs of JADE that had a parameter of type java.util.List have been deprecated, they are not supported on J2ME and they will be definitevely removed also in the next version of JADE. - the internal inter-container message transport protocol (IMTP) of JADE has been made pluggable via the IMTPManager. The package jade.imtp.rmi provides the default RMI-based implementation - removed the class jade.core.Starter and added the classes Profile and ProfileImpl that allow the JADE Runtime to get the Boot arguments. Modified, as a consequence, also the Boot class. - jade.core.acc is now an interface and two implementations (FullAcc and LightAcc) have been provided. - modified the signature of the method forwardMessage() in public void forwardMessage(ACLMessage msg, AID receiver, String address) - preparation of the Envelope and payload coding are now responsibility of the ACC and no more of the ACCProxy - encapsulated the code concerning Mobility into the class MobilityManager - encapsulated the code concerning Event Notification into the class NotificationManager BUG FIX - fixed bug in the HTTP-MTP (Ion Constantinescu) - fixed bug in ACLMessage.createReply. The createdEnvelope was not correct as reported by Tianning Zhang - fixed bug in Behaviour.block(long) that generated a NullPointerException - fixed bug in ReceiverBehaviour, removed 2 bugged constructors and added getMessage method. - fixed bug in and in they did not send proper failure/refuse messages (reported by Alfredo Ricchi) - fixed bug in method MessageTransportProtocol.deliver that caused agents to die when sending messages to wrong addresses (reported by Steve Willmott) EXAMPLES - added TestReceiverBehaviourAgent in the examples/behaviours - added ThanksAgent in examples/thanksAgent - added Initiator/Responder examples in examples/protocols that shows how to use AchieveREInitiator/Responder and HandlerSelector classes - added Sender/Receiver example in examples/content that shows how to use the new support for message content and ontologies BEHAVIOURS AND INTERACTION PROTOCOLS - added 2 new classes AchieveREInitiator/Responder that provides support for all the FIPA-Request like interaction protocols, such as Fipa-query, Fipa-propose, Fipa-proxy, ... - added 2 new classes in the package jade.proto.states to support the implementation of interaction protocols, in particular the HandlerSelector to select between a set of handlers - added a new class DataStore in jade.core.behaviours that represents a private datastore of a behaviour DEPRECATED - removed the deprecated constructor of ACLMessage: ACLMessage(String type) - deprecated all the toText() methods, replaced by toString() - Agent.setArguments(String[] args) replaced by Object[] Agent.getArguments() - FipaRequestInitiator/Responder and FipaQueryInitiator/Responder have been deprecated and should be replaced by AchieveREInitiator/Responder - All the APIs of JADE that had a parameter of type java.util.List have been deprecated, they are not supported on J2ME and they will be definitevely removed also in the next version of JADE. In particular, the followings: - DF/AMS ServiceCommunicator and replaced by DF/AMS Service that are CLDC-compliant because they do not use java.util.List - Agent.fillContent/extractContent have been deprecated. They will be replaced in the next version of JADE by the new content support (see below) - ACLMessage.getAllPerformatives() and replaced by ACLMessage.getAllPerformativeNames() - MessageTemplate.MatchReceiver and MessageTemplate.MatchReplyTo COMPLIANCE TO FIPA - Improved compliance with FIPA2000 about the usage of singular names for some slots whose type value is a set. In particular for "ontologies","languages","protocols". DOCUMENTATION - Programmer's Guide: added description of AchieveREInitiator/Responder and removed the description of fipaRequest and fipaQuery interaction protocols. Added appendix on new support for message content - Added a description of the examples. SUPPORT FOR MESSAGE CONTENT - The old jade.onto support for content languages and ontologies is going to be deprecated and then definitevely removed in the next versions of JADE It will be replaced by the new support in the package jade.content MAJOR CHANGES in JADE 2.3 (11 July 2001) ========================================================================== - fixed some bugs in the SocketProxyAgent (David Bell, HP Palo Alto) - implemented the InProcessInterface (jade.wrapper and jade.core.Runtime) - added the inprocess example - implemented the IntrospectorAgent - improved the support for ToolAgents and implemented a new event ontology - fixed bug in run.bat of the demo because it did not include iiop.jar in the CLASSPATH - Added a sanity check in notifyFailureToSender to avoid NullPointerException when the sender is null - ACLMessage: removed an additional blank at the end of the content slot. - ACLMessage: deprecated the two methods setReplyBy and getReplyBy. The methods getReplyByDate and setReplyByDate should be used instead. - MobileAgent example: fixed bug in dealing with the move message - jade.gui.ServiceDescrDlg fixed bug in the visualization of the Properties of a ServiceDescription registered with the DF - jade.domain.MobilityOntology. removed the actor slot in the classes MoveAction, QueryPlatformLocation and WhereIsAgent (as reported by Nicolas Lhuillier, Motorola Labs Paris) - Passed the FIPA Compliance Test of Motorola: - Catched exception in initfromIOR - Matched the ServiceDescription also against the user-defined properties - Added the JadeJessProtege example kindly provided by Oliver Hoffmann. - Added a checkbox to the AID GUI. This checkbox must be checked when local names are set instead of GUID (globally unique identifiers). - Modified the class jade.core.AID that now represents only GUID. Some user applications might need to modify the code and call the constructor AID(localName, AID.ISLOCALNAME) instead of the old constructor. - (see also the HTML page news.html) - Tiny fix to the SL0Encoder in order to permit encoding of strings of length 0 [Craig Sayers - HP] - HTTP-MTP (Ion Constantinescu) - Using base classes from jamr version 0.72 which: - fixes server socket listen bug - fixes thread interrupt bug - updates jamr.jms.basic classes - automates the process of creating the jade http mtp plugin - Also we changed the names of the make commands and batch files from make http, make httplib, httpclean to plain - Added drag and drop support for sending a file. (David Bell, HP) - You can drag and drop a file (containing a text representation of an ACL message) onto the "Send Message" AclGui panel or the DummyAgent AclGui panel. - You can select one or more agents in the AgentTree (left hand panel of the RMA) and then drag and drop a file onto the tree. The file should contain a text representation of an ACL message. The message will be sent to all selected agents. - Added the SLFormatter tool ( that allows to format an SL-expression into a human-friendly string. (Craig Sayers, HP) - Fixed bug of the configuration GUI that did not allow specifying a list of agents to be launched. - Added the command line parameter "-name" which specifies the symbolic name to be used as the platform name rather than the default name generated from the main container's hostname and the portnumber. (Ion Constantinescu) MAJOR CHANGES in JADE 2.2 (11 April 2001) ====================================================== - The class MessageTemplate has been modified in order to allow the creation of application-specific templates. - Integrated the following modifications to the Sniffer Agent provided by Robert Kessler and Griss Martin: - The performative is listed above the message line. - Above the message line is also truncated versions of the conversationID, inreplyto and replywith fields. - Messages are colored in the same color if it can be determined to be part of the same conversation. It uses the three fields to "guess" that it is all part of the same conversation. - The agent box now can take longer names without overflowing spread over 2 lines (truncating the name if it exceeds 2 lines). - Clicking on the agent box will give you the full name of the agent. - The agents boxes at the top do not scroll when you scroll the window, so you can see which line is associated with which agent. - When the sniffer starts up, it looks for a .inf file in the connected directory. If it doesn't find it there, it looks for the file in \.inf. This inf file contains a list of agent names that are to be immediately sniffed once the agent is born. The agent names are listed one name per line. - In the same .inf file you can store performative filtering information. If you want all messages to appear then leave it blank. Otherwise, list the names of the performatives to actually see (the rest being filtered out). I.e. agentfoo inform propose. - When you click a message, more information appears in the message window at the bottom. - Fixed bug on the SnifferAgent when displaying long agent names - The AMS now send the INFORM message after a 'create-agent' action. - Integrated the following modification to the SL0Parser/SL0Encoder provided by Sayers Craig, HP Labs, Palo Alto, California: Noticed that when using Jade's SL0 encoder/parser, some strings are written as words when they should probably be quoted, and that encode/decode are not always exact inverses of each other. We've modified the SL0encoder and the SL0parser so that they handle a wider range of strings - Modified the ISO8601 class by Sayers Craig, HP Labs, Palo Alto, California in order to read/write dates in UTC time (as recommended by FIPA) - Integrated the following 3rd party contributions: - HTTP-based MTP provided by EPFL - XML-based ACLCodec provided by EPFL - bit-efficient ACLCodec provided by Sonera - slight improvements to the directory structure of the ORBacus support - When the ACC is not able to deliver an ACLMessage, it sends back to the original sender a FAILURE message, as required by the FIPA specs. - Deprecated the toText() method of the class AID and improved its toString() method. - Restructured the jade.core.behaviours package as follows: - deleted the class ComplexBehaviour - added the classes ParallelBehaviour, CompositeBehaviour, and FSMBehaviour - deprecated the methods preAction() and postAction() and replaced by the new methods onStart() and onEnd() - deprecated the class NonDeterministicBehaviour and replaced by the new class ParallelBehaviour - Command line: - Improved the usage of the "-host" option on the command line such that it can be now used to orverride the local host name and including the full domain (e.g. "-host") - added the option "-aclcodec" to integrate external ACLCodecs - modified the separator on the "-mtp" option from "," to ";" - Fully integrated the usage of the FIPA Envelope when transporting messages - RMA GUI (Remote Monitoring Agent): - added support for displaying the APDescription of the platform - added support for monitoring a remote Agent Platform, including searching for agents in a remote AMS - Fixed the following bugs: - all the reported bugs about the scheduling of Behaviours - nullException when an empty content was received in the FipaRequest Behaviours - name of the package JadeMetaOntology for non-Windows platforms - ACC failed when a message with an empty :sender slot was received - The ACC went into endless loop when a 'bad' message came in. - bug in jade\mtp\iiop\ - ReceiverBehaviour that did not clone correctly the received ACLMessage, as reported by Andreas Lauer - bug in the value of the slot :name of the APDescription - The content of the ACLMessages has been quoted as specified by the FIPA specifications. - Improved the About GUI. - MeetingScheduler demo - fixed bug by setting the DateFormat - small modifications to the Meeting Scheduler demo, adding agent names to title bars, and to the default login and meeting description as provided by Martin L. Griss - Added the PingAgent example that complies with the AgentCities specs MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 2.1 (December 18, 2000) ============================================= - Fixed bugs in behaviour scheduling (blocked behaviour could not be removed, timers could not be reset properly). - Added support for pluggable MTPs (Message Transport Protocols). - Added command line options and RMA GUI actions to install and uninstall MTPs. - Split the programmer's guide into: this ChangeLog file with the release notes, the programmer's guide, and the administrator's guide with installation notes. - Added arguments to the Agent constructor. They can be passed either from the command-line, from the RMA or from the configuration GUI. - Added capability of moving and cloning agents from the RMA GUI. - Added capability of a/deactivating MTPs from command-line, from the RMA or from the configuration GUI. - Fixed bug in the method reset() of the behaviours. Their scope has been promoted to public and blocked behaviours are waken up after being reset. - The GUI that displays/edit an ACLMessage has been extended in order to show also the envelope of the message. - A bug of the sniffer has been removed which did not allow having multiple sniffers on the same containers. The look&feel of the sniffer GUI has also been improved. - Fixed bug in agent mobility - the IOR of the agent platform is now written into a different file name, no more JADE.IOR. The name of the file depends now on the container where the MTP is activated (MTPs-MainContainer.txt and MTPs-Container-xx.txt, where xx is the number of the container). - Ontology can now be serialized by using SL and the JADE-MetaOntology - Moved jade.onto.Name into jade.core - Made mobility case-insensitive for what regards the container-name - Upgrade of the Jess example to JESS 5.1 kindly provided by Kaveh Kamyab - Integrated ORBacus - Integrated applet to control the DF GUI via Web - Added button to main GUIs to open a web browser to the JADE url. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 2.01 (September 19, 2000) =============================================== - fixed bug about JADE integration with JSP (both the method Agent.doStart() and the examples). An inner class (SecurityManager) has been included within the Agent class as a first step towards managing security in JADE. - fixed bug about jade.core.AgentManager inner interface that some JVM require to be declared public - fixed bug in the sniffer that did not sniff agents on remote containers - improved the configuration gui with help button and agent specifiers. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 2.0 (September 12, 2000) ============================================== JADE 2.0 is based on and complies with the new FIPA 2000 specifications. The major changes in these specifications that affect JADE 2.0 are the following: - the agent name is no more a String composed of the concatenation of the agent local name + the address of its home agent platform. It is now, instead, a structure, called AgentIdentifier or AID, composed of several slots: the globally unique identifier of the agent, its set of addresses, and its set of resolvers (i.e. the AMS and all those white-page agents where the agent is registered). - the parameter envelope in the ACLMessage has been removed and two new parameters, reply-to and encoding, have been added. Also a couple of new performatives has been added. - When a message is transmitted, an envelope is attached that contains information relevant to the delivery of the message. As a consequence, the IDL IIOP interface is also changed. - The SL-0 parser has been improved and some bugs fixed. The concepts of set and sequence of terms have been introduced. The content of an ACLMessage must now be a t-uple of expressions. - The FIPA-Agent-Management ontology changed considerably and the AMS now supports a new action (search). As a consequence of these changes in FIPA, and also based on the feedback received by the JADE users, the following is the list, probably non-exhaustive, of the major changes in JADE 2.0. - The agent name is no more a String but an object of the class jade.core.AID - The class Agent has been modified to work with AID's rather than Strings and by adding the two methods getDefaultDF and getAMS() - All the methods to access the services of the DF and the AMS have been moved from the class Agent into the classes DFServiceCommunicator and AMSServiceCommunicator, that have been added to the package jade.domain. - the class ACLMessage has been modified to comply with the new FIPA specifications and, as a consequence, also the MessageTemplate class has been updated. The methods setSource and addDest have been renamed into setSender and addReceiver(). The methods dump(), toText() and fromText() have been removed from this class. Care must be taken because the getXXX() methods return null, while in the previous release they returned an empty string, when the parameter has not been set. - the interface jade.lang.acl.Codec has been added and the class StringACLCodec has been implemented to support String encoding. - The interface of the content language codec (jade.lang.Codec) has been changed to take into account t-uples as a content of the ACLMessage. - The IIOP IDL interface has been modified to comply with the new FIPA specs - The names of some classes of the jade.core package have been improved and the AgentGroup class has been removed - The class FIPAAgentManagement and its inner classes have been moved into the package jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement - A new package jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement has been added to include the JADE non-standard extensions to the FIPA-Agent-Management ontology. - The support to user-defined ontologies has been modified by fixing the bug reported by Kaveh Kamyab, renaming some classes, improving the API and implementing the support to set, sequences, and unspecified types. - The interface of the class FIPARequestResponderBehaviour has been slightly modified. - A Message Transport Protocol (MTP) interface has been added to allow the future implementation of plug-and-play of new MTP's - Some new classes have been added in the package jade.gui to display common concepts like an AID, a DFDescription, a ServiceDescription, - the GUI of the DF has been modified to comply with the new FIPA-Agent-Management ontology and has been improved to allow the full control of a network of federated DF's. The classes implementing this GUI have been moved from jade.gui into - the command line option -conf has been added and the option -platform has been set to default - several sections of the programmer's guide have been rewritten in the hope of improving the clarity - a new example was included about the integration of JADE within the JSP environment. The example, and a brief tutorial about that, was kindly provided by Daniel Le Berre that we gratefully acknowledge. - The MeetingScheduler example has been rewritten in order to use the new support for user-defined content languages and ontologies and the bug reported by Matthew Mishrikey has been fixed. - A bug, reported by Ijsbrand Zeelte, on agent cloning has been fixed; and a button to clone agents has been added to the MobileAgent example. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 1.4 (June 6, 2000) ======================================== - The visibility of the two methods getContentBase64 and setContentBase64 in ACLMessage has been restricted to private. They have been replaced by setContentObject and getContentObject as kindly suggested by Vasu Chandrasekhara (EML). This is the only modification that might impact the source code of your application agents. - Agent mobility, including the migration of the code, has been implemented. - Support to user-defined content languages and ontologies has been implemented. In this way, the encoding of the content message (e.g. String) is completely hidden to the programmer that can internally use Java objects instead. - A bug has been removed that caused an agent deadlock when waiting for messages. - The GUI of the Directory Facilitator has been completed, including the possibility of expressing constraints to the search operation and creating a federation of DFs. - The death of a container is now notified to the RMA and the GUI is automatically updated. - All the examples have been improved and more examples have been added. - The method MatchType in MessageTemplate has been deprecated and replaced by MatchPerformative - All deprecated calls have been removed, just the call to the methods, not the methods themselves. Notice that we plan to remove all deprecated methods in the next release of JADE. - Added "About" in all the GUIs. - More than one RMA can now be executed on the same container - The internal representation of the performative in the class ACLMessage is now an integer and no more a String - From the command line it is no more possible to pass both "-platform" and "-host" parameters. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 1.3 (February 25, 2000) ============================================= - Made JADE Open Source under LGPL License restrictions. - Removed some bugs. - Ported the GUI of the DF in Swing. - Added some examples. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 1.2 (November 22, 1999) ============================================= - Sniffer Agent. From the main GUI you can run the so-called sniffer agent that allows you to sniff and log the messages sent between agents. - ACLMessage class. We have improved this class by deprecating the usage of Strings when you set/get the performative of a message (i.e. "request", "inform", ...). As probably you have noticed already, the usage of Strings requires you to remember using case insensitive comparison. Now a set of constants has been defined in the ACLMessage class: ACLMessage.INFORM, ... - removed some bugs - improved the documentation. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 1.1 (October 8, 1999) =========================================== - support for Java serialization and transmission of sequence of bytes - removed a bug in the DF parser that did not allow the registration of attribute values starting with a ':' character - introduced support for intra-platform mobility of agents. This feature is still at an experimental level, testing is still on-going and no documentation is yet available. - made case-sensitive the class jade.core.AgentGroup and the agent names in the ACLMessage class - introduced support for Fipa-Iterated-Contract-Net protocol. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 1.0 (July 2, 1999) ======================================== - Timeout support on message receive, both agent-level and behaviour-level. Now a timeout version of blockingReceive() is available, and a new constructor has been added to ReceiverBehaviour class to support timeout. Moreover, a block() version with timeout has been added to Behaviour class. - AgentReceiver example program in directory src/examples/ex2 was modified and now times out every 10 seconds if no message is received. - A new example program, AgentTimeout, was added to directory src/examples/ex2 to how new ReceiverBehaviour support for timeouts. - Moved all behaviours in a separate package. Now they are in jade.core.behaviours package. User application must be updated to either 'import jade.core.behaviours.*' or the individual behaviours they use. - Moved RMA agent in a different package; now the Remote Management Agent has class named It can still be started with '-gui' command line option. - Multiple RMAs can be started on the same platform; they can be given any name and still perform their functions. - When requesting AMS actions via an RMA, if a 'refuse' or a 'failure' message is received, a suitable error dialog pops out, allowing to view the ACL message. - Fixed a bug in RMA graphical user interface, which sometimes caused a deadlock on platform startup. - When an ACL message has an empty ':sender' slot, JADE puts the sender agent name in it automatically. - Added a new tool agent:, allowing ACL messages manipulations through a GUI. This agent can be either started from an RMA or directly, since is an ordinary agent. - Javadoc-generated HTML documentation for all JADE public classes. - jade.domain.FipaRequestClientBehaviour has been replaced by jade.proto.FipaRequestInitiatorBehaviour and a new FipaRequestResponderBehaviour has been added in jade.proto package. - ACL messages now can have many agent names in ':receiver' slot. This required making some changes to ACLMessage interface. Please see HTML documentation for ACLMessage class. - Agents can be suspended and resumed by the GUI or they can suspend themselves; user should not suspend neither the AMS nor the RMA, since they obviously wouldn't be able to resume then back. - Now an agent can create another agent and starting it up with Agent.doStart(String name). - The gui of the DF is not shown at startup of the platform but only when requested via the RMA gui. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 0.97 (February 17, 1999) ============================================== - IIOP support for inter-platform communication (see section 5.2). - Now JDK 1.2 is required to run JADE. - GUI for DF management. - Modified Agent class (getName()/getLocalName() methods). (may need change to your source file!) - Modified AgentGroup class. (may need change to your source file!) - Renamed ComplexBehaviour.addBehaviour() to addSubBehaviour(). (may need change to your source file!) - Renamed ComplexBehaviour.removeBehaviour() to removeSubBehaviour().(may need change to your source file!) - Implemented some FIPA interaction protocols. - Added javadoc documentation. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 0.92 ========================== - Complete support for FIPA system agents. - Many examples revised, particularly examples.ex5.dfTester now is complete and usable. - Added examples.ex5.subDF example to show multiple agent domains. - Added examples.ex2.filebasedSenderAgent to help in debugging and testing. - Updated and completed documentation, which is now included as part of JADE package. MAJOR CHANGES IN JADE 0.9 (November 11, 1998) ============================================= - RMI Registry included within the Agent Platform. Therefore, it is no more necessary to run a shell with the rmiregistry; - added reset() method in the Behaviour class to allow complex and repetitive behaviours; - modifications to the method in the Agent class that make the state transitions: doDelete and doWake() to wake-up all the blocked behaviours. Therefore to wake-up an agent it is possible to call the method doWake() or to send it a message; - included the RMA (remote management agent), that is a GUI to control the agent platform. This agent can be executed via the option ‘-gui’ on the command line or as a normal agent; - the AMS is now able to create-agent, kill-agent, and manages subscribe messages from the RMA, and it is also able to manage several RMAs. When a new container or a new agent is born or is killed, the AMS sends an inform to all the registered RMAs; - included option '-version' on the command line to print the current version of Jade. MAJOR CHANGES FROM JADE 0.71+ TO JADE 0.79+ (September 30, 1998) ================================================================ - included this programmer’s guide; - implemented DF, AMS, and ACC that now are activated at the bootstrap of the Agent platform; - modified Behaviour that is now an Abstract class and no more an Interface; - included SenderBehaviour and ReceiverBehaviour that are more suitable to send and receive messages; - implemented new Behaviours, like OneShotBehaviour, CyclicBehaviour; - unified method name: the execute() method of the behaviours is now always called action(); - included an example, which is a ready-to-use agent, of Jess-based agent.