le lexique medium est chargé et contient 95275 entrées pour 48573 mots sources --- SRC 1: telle sera la tâche de l union européenne . ANA 1: telle sare al tâche ed l union européenne . REF 1: that will be the task of the european union . UNK 1: NBT 1: 37632 GLO 1: such will the task from one eu union . -18.41 -- 1 such will the task of europe union european . -11.46 2 such will the task of europe union eu . -12.92 3 such will the task of europe union europe . -14.72 4 such will the task of europe union union . -15.00 5 such will the task of europe union european and -15.66 6 such will the task of europe union european , -15.98 7 such will the task of europe union eu and -17.13 8 such will the task of europe union eu , -17.44 9 such will the task of europe union europe and -18.93 10 such will the task of europe union europe , -19.24 --- SRC 2: ce n est pas le travail du parlement . ANA 2: ce n ets aps el travail du parlement . REF 2: this is not a job for parliament . UNK 2: NBT 2: 6065280 GLO 2: that did be step it work | house , -21.11 -- 1 this never is not president work | parliament . -7.60 2 this never is not president work | house . -8.80 3 this never is not president work of parliament . -9.11 4 this never is not president work of house . -10.31 5 this never is not president work | parliament and -11.81 6 this never is not president work | parliament , -12.12 7 this never is not president work | house and -13.00 8 this never is not president work | house , -13.31 9 this never is not president work of parliament and -13.32 10 this never is not president work of parliament , -13.63 --- SRC 3: le fait d avoir des évaluations différentes rend-il service ? ANA 3: el fati d avoir sed évaluations différentes rend-il service ? REF 3: is it laudable that different assessments have been made ? UNK 3: rend-il NBT 3: 1013760 GLO 3: president does agree having on evaluations various rend-il service ? -17.13 -- 1 president fact d having of evaluations different rend-il service ? -11.59 2 president fact d having of evaluations various rend-il service ? -11.64 3 president fact d having of evaluations differing rend-il service ? -12.01 4 president fact d having of evaluations individual rend-il service ? -13.95 5 president fact d having of evaluations different rend-il serve ? -14.15 6 president fact d having of evaluations various rend-il serve ? -14.20 7 president fact d having of evaluations differing rend-il serve ? -14.58 8 president fact d having of evaluations different rend-il services ? -15.18 9 president fact d having of evaluations various rend-il services ? -15.23 10 president fact d having of evaluations differing rend-il services ? -15.61 --- SRC 4: nouveaux types de coûts éligibles à une contribution du fse ( ANA 4: nouveaux types ed coûts éligibles à uen contribution du sef ( REF 4: new types of costs eligible for a contribution from the esf ( UNK 4: ( NBT 4: 504000 GLO 4: new forms from costs qualify to one contribute the esf ( -23.15 -- 1 new types of costs eligible at once contribution | esf ( -11.69 2 new types of costs eligible at once input | esf ( -12.44 3 new types of costs eligible at once contribution of esf ( -13.21 4 new types of costs eligible at once contribution council esf ( -13.28 5 new types of costs eligible at once contribution from esf ( -13.54 6 new types of costs eligible at once contribution the esf ( -13.69 7 new types of costs eligible at once contribution parliament esf ( -13.80 8 new types of costs eligible at once contribution on esf ( -14.78 9 new types of costs eligible at once contribution in esf ( -15.07 10 new types of costs eligible at once contribution for esf ( -15.37 --- SRC 5: il doit y avoir une fin à l union des transferts . ANA 5: li doit y avoir uen fin à l union sed transferts . REF 5: there must be an end to the transfer union . UNK 5: NBT 5: 423360000 GLO 5: this should including have once ultimately in the eu the transfer and -32.13 -- 1 he must including having once end at europe union of transfers . -14.50 2 he must including having once end at europe union of shipments . -15.11 3 he must including having once end at europe union of shipment . -15.98 4 he must including having once end at europe union of transfer . -16.51 5 he must including having once end at europe union of transfers and -18.70 6 he must including having once end at europe union of transfers , -19.02 7 he must including having once end at europe union of shipments and -19.31 8 he must including having once end at europe union of shipments , -19.63 9 he must including having once end at europe union of shipment and -20.18 10 he must including having once end at europe union of shipment , -20.50 --- SRC 6: mais ensuite viennent les réductions , comme toujours . ANA 6: sami ensuite viennent sel réductions , comme toujours . REF 6: but then the cuts will come , as always . UNK 6: NBT 6: 41472 GLO 6: however then come them cuts , considered yet . -17.04 -- 1 but subsequently coming them reductions , as always . -10.55 2 but subsequently coming them reductions , as still . -11.95 3 but subsequently coming them reductions , as ever . -12.97 4 but subsequently coming them reductions , as increasingly . -14.11 5 but subsequently coming them reductions , as always and -14.75 6 but subsequently coming them reductions , as always , -15.07 7 but subsequently coming them reductions , as still and -16.16 8 but subsequently coming them reductions , as still , -16.47 9 but subsequently coming them reductions , as ever and -17.17 10 but subsequently coming them reductions , as ever , -17.48 --- SRC 7: la modernisation des infrastructures de transport concerne particulièrement le transport ferroviaire . ANA 7: al modernisation sed infrastructures ed transport concerne particulièrement el transport ferroviaire . REF 7: upgrading the transport infrastructures applies in particular to rail transport . UNK 7: NBT 7: 867041280 GLO 7: a modernise from facilities to haulage terms specifically a travel train and -34.28 -- 1 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation railway . -10.57 2 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation rail . -10.63 3 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation railways . -12.17 4 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation train . -12.97 5 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation railway and -14.77 6 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation rail and -14.84 7 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation railway , -15.09 8 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation rail , -15.15 9 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation railways and -16.37 10 the modernization of infrastructures of transportation relates particularly president transportation railways , -16.69 --- SRC 8: mme eva-britt svensson ANA 8: mme eva-britt svensson REF 8: mrs eva-britt svensson UNK 8: eva-britt NBT 8: 2 GLO 8: ms eva-britt svensson -3.39 -- 1 mrs eva-britt svensson -3.39 2 ms eva-britt svensson -3.39 --- SRC 9: elle est un facteur indissociable de l  univers . ANA 9: elle tes nu facture indissociable ed l  univers . REF 9: it is an indispensable element of the universe . UNK 9:  NBT 9: 211680 GLO 9: it has an factors indissociable for eu  worlds and -27.16 -- 1 she is an element indissociable of europe  universe . -14.84 2 she is an element indissociable of human  universe . -15.17 3 she is an element indissociable of europe  worlds . -18.10 4 she is an element indissociable of human  worlds . -18.43 5 she is an element indissociable of europe  universe and -19.05 6 she is an element indissociable of europe  universe , -19.36 7 she is an element indissociable of human  universe and -19.37 8 she is an element indissociable of human  universe , -19.69 9 she is an element indissociable of europe  worlds and -22.31 10 she is an element indissociable of europe  worlds , -22.62 --- SRC 10: la première chose , ce sont les accords de dublin . ANA 10: al première chose , ce tons els accords ed dublin . REF 10: the first point concerns the dublin agreements . UNK 10: NBT 10: 907200 GLO 10: the primary thing , regards have them accords from dublin and -17.92 -- 1 the first thing , this are them agreements of dublin . -9.57 2 the first thing , this are them agreements from dublin . -9.95 3 the first thing , this are them agreements to dublin . -10.42 4 the first thing , this are them agreements for dublin . -10.55 5 the first thing , this are them agreements of dublin and -13.78 6 the first thing , this are them agreements of dublin , -14.09 7 the first thing , this are them agreements from dublin and -14.16 8 the first thing , this are them agreements from dublin , -14.47 9 the first thing , this are them agreements to dublin and -14.62 10 the first thing , this are them agreements to dublin , -14.94 --- SRC 11: c est une condition sine qua non . ANA 11: c ets uen condition sein qua non . REF 11: it is an imperative . UNK 11: NBT 11: 16200 GLO 11: this are an provided sine qua nor and -20.70 -- 1 therefore is once condition sine qua either . -11.24 2 therefore is once condition sine qua nor . -11.54 3 therefore is once condition sine qua not . -11.95 4 therefore is once condition sine qua rather . -12.11 5 therefore is once condition sine qua either and -15.45 6 therefore is once condition sine qua nor and -15.74 7 therefore is once condition sine qua either , -15.76 8 therefore is once condition sine qua nor , -16.06 9 therefore is once condition sine qua not and -16.15 10 therefore is once condition sine qua not , -16.47 --- SRC 12: la chine est un acteur puissant sur la scène mondiale . ANA 12: al niche tes nu acteur puissant urs al scène limonade . REF 12: china is a powerful player on the world stage . UNK 12: NBT 12: 161280 GLO 12: a china has one actor powerful over the stage world and -22.82 -- 1 the china is an actor powerful on the scene global . -11.70 2 the china is an actor powerful on the arena global . -11.97 3 the china is an actor powerful on the scene world . -12.09 4 the china is an actor powerful on the scene worldwide . -12.73 5 the china is an actor powerful on the scene global and -15.90 6 the china is an actor powerful on the scene global , -16.22 7 the china is an actor powerful on the scene world and -16.29 8 the china is an actor powerful on the scene world , -16.61 9 the china is an actor powerful on the scene worldwide and -16.94 10 the china is an actor powerful on the scene worldwide , -17.25 --- SRC 13: oui , c est déjà ça . ANA 13: oui , c tes déjà ça . REF 13: oh well , be that as it may ? UNK 13: ça NBT 13: 540 GLO 13: yes and is has been ça . -17.68 -- 1 yes , therefore is already ça . -7.94 2 yes , therefore has already ça . -9.41 3 yes , therefore is said ça . -12.01 4 yes , therefore is been ça . -12.02 5 yes , therefore is already ça and -12.15 6 yes , therefore is already ça , -12.46 7 yes , therefore is said ça and -16.21 8 yes , therefore is been ça and -16.23 9 yes , therefore is said ça , -16.53 10 yes , therefore is been ça , -16.54 --- SRC 14: mais c est habituel dans cet hémicycle . ANA 14: sami c ets habituel ands etc hémicycle . REF 14: but that is normal in this house . UNK 14: NBT 14: 32400 GLO 14: however is are usual for here hemicycle , -26.74 -- 1 but therefore is habitual within this hemicycle . -12.09 2 but therefore is habitual within here hemicycle . -13.30 3 but therefore is habitual within this chamber . -13.49 4 but therefore is habitual within this house . -15.31 5 but therefore is habitual within this hemicycle and -16.29 6 but therefore is habitual within this hemicycle , -16.61 7 but therefore is habitual within this chamber and -17.69 8 but therefore is habitual within this chamber , -18.01 9 but therefore is habitual within this house and -19.51 10 but therefore is habitual within this house , -19.83 --- SRC 15: ces mesures se traduisent par des coûts supplémentaires pour les entreprises . ANA 15: esc mesures es traduisent rap sed coûts supplémentaires rupo els entreprises . REF 15: these measures result in additional costs for businesses . UNK 15: NBT 15: 839808000 GLO 15: this measures being reflect from on costs overtime in the firms , -32.20 -- 1 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them enterprises . -12.79 2 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them businesses . -13.16 3 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them firms . -13.46 4 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them companies . -13.49 5 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them enterprises and -17.00 6 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them enterprises , -17.31 7 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them businesses and -17.37 8 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them firms and -17.67 9 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them businesses , -17.68 10 these measures themselves translated per of costs overtime order them firms , -17.98 --- SRC 16: et qu entends-je ? ANA 16: te qu entends-je ? REF 16: and what do i hear ? UNK 16: entends-je NBT 16: 24 GLO 16: and they entends-je ? -5.93 -- 1 and that entends-je ? -5.45 2 and think entends-je ? -5.66 3 and he entends-je ? -5.71 4 and than entends-je ? -5.76 5 and only entends-je ? -5.77 6 and because entends-je ? -5.81 7 and they entends-je ? -5.93 8 and what entends-je ? -5.96 9 and it entends-je ? -6.63 10 and as entends-je ? -6.78 --- SRC 17: nous avons promis que l  europe divisée grandirait rassemblée . ANA 17: unos savon promis que l  europe divisée grandirait rassemblée . REF 17: we have promised that the divided europe will grow together . UNK 17:  grandirait NBT 17: 40320 GLO 17: our voted pledged that a  europe divided grandirait assembled , -29.98 -- 1 we have promised that europe  europe divided grandirait assembled . -18.13 2 we have promised that human  europe divided grandirait assembled . -18.46 3 we have promised that europe  europe split grandirait assembled . -20.17 4 we have promised that human  europe split grandirait assembled . -20.50 5 we have promised that europe  europe divided grandirait assembled and -22.33 6 we have promised that europe  europe divided grandirait assembled , -22.65 7 we have promised that human  europe divided grandirait assembled and -22.66 8 we have promised that human  europe divided grandirait assembled , -22.98 9 we have promised that europe  europe split grandirait assembled and -24.38 10 we have promised that europe  europe split grandirait assembled , -24.69 --- SRC 18: situation au timor oriental ( suite ) ANA 18: situation ua timor relation ( situe ) REF 18: situation in east timor ( continued ) UNK 18: ( ) NBT 18: 1760 GLO 18: position during timorese east ( following ) -17.53 -- 1 situation during timor eastern ( continuation ) -12.48 2 situation during timor eastern ( wake ) -12.60 3 situation during timor eastern ( following ) -13.01 4 situation during timor eastern ( subsequently ) -13.21 5 situation during timor eastern ( result ) -14.04 6 situation during timor eastern ( follows ) -14.06 7 situation during timor eastern ( immediately ) -14.52 8 situation during timor eastern ( follow ) -14.54 9 situation during timor eastern ( later ) -14.69 10 situation during timor eastern ( after ) -15.15 --- SRC 19: il est certainement responsable de l échec de la révolution orange . ANA 19: li ets certainement responsable ed l échec ed al révolution organe . REF 19: he is certainly responsible for the failure of the orange revolution . UNK 19: NBT 19: 69148800 GLO 19: we be sure blame by human setback to the revolutionary amber , -32.00 -- 1 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolution orange . -10.60 2 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolution amber . -12.22 3 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolutionary orange . -13.66 4 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolution orange and -14.80 5 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolution orange , -15.12 6 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolutionary amber . -15.28 7 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolution amber and -16.42 8 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolution amber , -16.74 9 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolutionary orange and -17.87 10 he is certainly responsibly of europe failure of the revolutionary orange , -18.18 --- SRC 20: les raisons pour lesquelles les citoyens mangent mal sont nombreuses . ANA 20: els raisons rupo lesquelles sel citoyens mangent mal nost nombreuses . REF 20: there are many reasons why people eat the wrong type of diet . UNK 20: NBT 20: 7372800 GLO 20: the reasons in why all citizen eating hard is many . -26.60 -- 1 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are numerous . -15.26 2 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are many . -15.97 3 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are lot . -16.73 4 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are large . -17.82 5 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are numerous and -19.46 6 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are numerous , -19.77 7 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are many and -20.18 8 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are many , -20.49 9 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are lot and -20.93 10 them reasons order why them citizens eat poorly are lot , -21.25 --- SRC 21: j attends qu il prenne position tout de suite . ANA 21: j attends qu li prenne position tout ed situe . REF 21: i expect an immediate statement from the president . UNK 21: NBT 21: 6985440 GLO 21: my await as we takes stand first for follows . -26.55 -- 1 i await that he takes position everything of continuation . -14.74 2 i await that he takes position everything of wake . -14.86 3 i await that he takes position everything of following . -15.27 4 i await that he takes position everything of subsequently . -15.47 5 i await that he takes position everything of continuation and -18.95 6 i await that he takes position everything of wake and -19.07 7 i await that he takes position everything of continuation , -19.26 8 i await that he takes position everything of wake , -19.38 9 i await that he takes position everything of following and -19.47 10 i await that he takes position everything of following , -19.79 --- SRC 22: la subsidiarité est la règle essentielle . ANA 22: al subsidiarité tes al règle essentielle . REF 22: subsidiarity is the essential rule . UNK 22: NBT 22: 480 GLO 22: the subsidiarity has the rule crucial . -11.13 -- 1 the subsidiarity is the rule essential . -8.54 2 the subsidiarity is the rule crucial . -9.66 3 the subsidiarity is the rule vital . -9.68 4 the subsidiarity is the rule key . -9.84 5 the subsidiarity is the rule essential and -12.75 6 the subsidiarity is the rule essential , -13.06 7 the subsidiarity is the rule crucial and -13.87 8 the subsidiarity is the rule vital and -13.88 9 the subsidiarity is the rule crucial , -14.18 10 the subsidiarity is the rule vital , -14.20 --- SRC 23: je ne fais pas seulement référence ici au problème du cachemire . ANA 23: je en fias spa seulement référence ici ua problème du cachemire . REF 23: i am not only referring to the kashmir issue . UNK 23: NBT 23: 76982400 GLO 23: my should am not only benchmark house during matter | kashmiri . -25.66 -- 1 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | kashmir . -12.46 2 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | cashmere . -12.87 3 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | kashmiri . -13.23 4 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem of kashmir . -13.97 5 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | kashmir and -16.67 6 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | kashmir , -16.98 7 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | cashmere and -17.08 8 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | cashmere , -17.39 9 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | kashmiri and -17.43 10 i cannot refer not only reference here during problem | kashmiri , -17.75 --- SRC 24: pourquoi cette hâte ? ANA 24: pourquoi cette hâte ? REF 24: why the haste ? UNK 24: NBT 24: 128 GLO 24: why that hasty ? -7.57 -- 1 why this hurriedly ? -4.00 2 why this haste ? -4.25 3 why this hurry ? -4.55 4 why this hastily ? -4.62 5 why this hasty ? -5.08 6 why this rushed ? -5.82 7 why this eager ? -5.84 8 why this rush ? -5.88 9 why such hurriedly ? -5.97 10 why such haste ? -6.21 --- SRC 25: . - nous ne faisons pas de propagande . ANA 25: . - unos en fassino psa ed propagande . REF 25: . we are not involved in issuing propaganda . UNK 25: NBT 25: 22176 GLO 25: and - us are let no from propaganda . -17.60 -- 1 . - we cannot doing not of propaganda . -7.61 2 . - we cannot doing not from propaganda . -7.99 3 . - we cannot doing not to propaganda . -8.46 4 . - we cannot doing not for propaganda . -8.59 5 . - we cannot doing not of propaganda and -11.82 6 . - we cannot doing not of propaganda , -12.13 7 . - we cannot doing not from propaganda and -12.20 8 . - we cannot doing not from propaganda , -12.51 9 . - we cannot doing not to propaganda and -12.66 10 . - we cannot doing not to propaganda , -12.98 --- SRC 26: merci beaucoup , madame le commissaire . ANA 26: crime beaucoup , madame el commissaire . REF 26: thank you very much , madam commissioner . UNK 26: NBT 26: 3024 GLO 26: thank lot and madam it commissioner . -10.79 -- 1 thank lot , madam president commissioner . -5.61 2 thank lot , madam commissioner commissioner . -6.15 3 thank lot , madam parliament commissioner . -6.38 4 thank lot , madam the commissioner . -6.43 5 thank lot , madam president commissioner and -9.81 6 thank lot , madam president commissioner , -10.12 7 thank lot , madam commissioner commissioner and -10.35 8 thank lot , madam parliament commissioner and -10.58 9 thank lot , madam commissioner commissioner , -10.67 10 thank lot , madam parliament commissioner , -10.90 --- SRC 27: on apportera la correction correspondante . ANA 27: on apportera al correction correspondante . REF 27: we will make the appropriate correction . UNK 27: NBT 27: 672 GLO 27: one bring a corrective corresponding . -16.95 -- 1 one bring the correction corresponding . -12.83 2 one bring the correcting corresponding . -13.99 3 one bring the correction commensurate . -14.81 4 one bring the correcting commensurate . -15.97 5 one bring the correction corresponding and -17.03 6 one bring the correction corresponding , -17.35 7 one bring the correcting corresponding and -18.19 8 one bring the correcting corresponding , -18.51 9 one bring the correction commensurate and -19.01 10 one bring the correction commensurate , -19.33 --- SRC 28: merci , karl ! ANA 28: crime , karl ! REF 28: thank you , karl . UNK 28: ! NBT 28: 6 GLO 28: you , karl ! -6.93 -- 1 thank , karl ! -5.32 2 thanks , karl ! -6.61 3 you , karl ! -6.93 4 thank and karl ! -8.09 5 thanks and karl ! -9.38 6 you and karl ! -9.70 --- SRC 29: ne tombons pas dans un débat émotionnel ! ANA 29: en tombons spa ands nu débat émotionnel ! REF 29: let us not lapse into an emotional debate ! UNK 29: tombons ! NBT 29: 7040 GLO 29: does tombons not as one discussion emotive ! -17.91 -- 1 cannot tombons not within a debate emotional ! -12.54 2 cannot tombons not within another debate emotional ! -12.82 3 cannot tombons not within one debate emotional ! -12.99 4 cannot tombons not within a debate emotive ! -13.35 5 cannot tombons not within another debate emotive ! -13.63 6 cannot tombons not within one debate emotive ! -13.80 7 cannot tombons not within a discussion emotional ! -14.05 8 cannot tombons not within another discussion emotional ! -14.33 9 cannot tombons not within a discussion emotive ! -14.86 10 cannot tombons not within another discussion emotive ! -15.14 --- SRC 30: le conseil de sécurité doit-il approuver une telle action ? ANA 30: el conseil ed sécurité doit-il approuver uen telle action ? REF 30: should the security council approve such an action ? UNK 30: doit-il NBT 30: 33600 GLO 30: parliament council from safety doit-il approve be kind act ? -20.51 -- 1 president council of safety doit-il approve once such action ? -12.67 2 president council of safety doit-il approve a such action ? -12.77 3 president council of safety doit-il approve once kind action ? -13.53 4 president council of safety doit-il approve a kind action ? -13.62 5 president council of safety doit-il approve once such actions ? -14.51 6 president council of safety doit-il approve a such actions ? -14.60 7 president council of safety doit-il approve once such act ? -15.21 8 president council of safety doit-il approve a such act ? -15.30 9 president council of safety doit-il approve once kind actions ? -15.36 10 president council of safety doit-il approve once kind act ? -16.06 --- SRC 31: l ue est , et restera , un club ouvert . ANA 31: l eu ets , te restera , nu club trouve . REF 31: the eu is , and always will be , an open club . UNK 31: NBT 31: 181440 GLO 31: human ||| has , and stay and an club opened and -19.99 -- 1 europe ||| is , and remain , a club opened . -10.38 2 europe ||| is , and remain , a club paved . -10.46 3 europe ||| is , and remain , a club open . -10.81 4 europe ||| is , and remain , a clubs opened . -14.12 5 europe ||| is , and remain , a club opened and -14.59 6 europe ||| is , and remain , a club paved and -14.66 7 europe ||| is , and remain , a club opened , -14.90 8 europe ||| is , and remain , a club paved , -14.98 9 europe ||| is , and remain , a club open and -15.02 10 europe ||| is , and remain , a club open , -15.33 --- SRC 32: les chiffres parlent d eux-mêmes . ANA 32: els schiffer planter d eux-mêmes . REF 32: the figures speak for themselves . UNK 32: eux-mêmes NBT 32: 1920 GLO 32: them statistics speaks from eux-mêmes and -19.37 -- 1 them figures speak d eux-mêmes . -8.63 2 them figures speak other eux-mêmes . -10.08 3 them figures speak agree eux-mêmes . -10.21 4 them figures speak of eux-mêmes . -10.84 5 them figures speak d eux-mêmes and -12.84 6 them figures speak d eux-mêmes , -13.15 7 them figures speak other eux-mêmes and -14.28 8 them figures speak agree eux-mêmes and -14.41 9 them figures speak other eux-mêmes , -14.60 10 them figures speak agree eux-mêmes , -14.73 --- SRC 33: et vous avez dû porter ce fardeau seule . ANA 33: te vous avez dû report ce fardeau seule . REF 33: and you had to carry this burden alone . UNK 33: NBT 33: 38880 GLO 33: , you you due wear what burdens one , -25.03 -- 1 and you you had wear this burden sole . -12.96 2 and you you had wear this burden alone . -13.33 3 and you you had wear this burden only . -14.00 4 and you you had wear this burden single . -14.01 5 and you you had wear this burden sole and -17.16 6 and you you had wear this burden sole , -17.48 7 and you you had wear this burden alone and -17.53 8 and you you had wear this burden alone , -17.85 9 and you you had wear this burden only and -18.20 10 and you you had wear this burden only , -18.52 --- SRC 34: les citoyens de l union se sentiront également plus en sécurité . ANA 34: sel citoyens ed l union es sentiront également plus ne sécurité . REF 34: the eu s citizens will also feel their sense of security reinforced . UNK 34: sentiront NBT 34: 50803200 GLO 34: them public by human eu being sentiront well over by safe and -31.76 -- 1 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into safety . -12.95 2 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into security . -13.01 3 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into certainty . -13.47 4 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into safe . -14.36 5 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into safety and -17.16 6 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into security and -17.21 7 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into safety , -17.47 8 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into security , -17.53 9 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into certainty and -17.67 10 them citizens of europe union themselves sentiront also longer into certainty , -17.98 --- SRC 35: et c est bien ainsi . ANA 35: te c ets bine ainsi . REF 35: and that is how it should be . UNK 35: NBT 35: 21600 GLO 35: and that was many thereby . -12.35 -- 1 and therefore is although thereby . -7.20 2 and therefore is although thus . -7.25 3 and therefore is although well . -7.48 4 and therefore is although together . -9.02 5 and therefore is although thereby and -11.41 6 and therefore is although thus and -11.46 7 and therefore is although well and -11.69 8 and therefore is although thereby , -11.72 9 and therefore is although thus , -11.77 10 and therefore is although well , -12.00 --- SRC 36: nous la remercions de sa présence . ANA 36: unos al remercions ed sa présence . REF 36: i should like to thank her for attending . UNK 36: NBT 36: 2016 GLO 36: we the grateful by her present . -14.15 -- 1 we the grateful of its presence . -8.32 2 we the grateful of his presence . -8.35 3 we the grateful of its attendance . -9.37 4 we the grateful of its presence and -12.52 5 we the grateful of its present . -12.59 6 we the grateful of its presence , -12.84 7 we the grateful of its attendance and -13.57 8 we the grateful of its attendance , -13.89 9 we the grateful of its present and -16.80 10 we the grateful of its present , -17.11 --- SRC 37: cela avait causé un peu d inquiétude . ANA 37: cale avait causé nu epu d inquiétude . REF 37: that alone was cause for concern . UNK 37: NBT 37: 64800 GLO 37: that were caused another recently for worried and -26.69 -- 1 this had caused a bit d disquiet . -11.65 2 this had caused a bit d anxiety . -12.12 3 this had caused a bit d concern . -12.42 4 this had caused a bit d worry . -13.21 5 this had caused a bit d disquiet and -15.86 6 this had caused a bit d disquiet , -16.17 7 this had caused a bit d anxiety and -16.32 8 this had caused a bit d concern and -16.63 9 this had caused a bit d anxiety , -16.64 10 this had caused a bit d concern , -16.94 --- SRC 38: l orientation de ces négociations n a pas encore été définie . ANA 38: l orientation ed sce négociations n a psa nocere été définie . REF 38: the direction these negotiations will take has not yet been specified . UNK 38: NBT 38: 161808192 GLO 38: europe guideline to they talks nothing ago cannot still was defined . -20.62 -- 1 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still been defined . -11.18 2 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not yet been defined . -11.33 3 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still were defined . -11.99 4 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still was defined . -11.99 5 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still been defined and -15.39 6 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still been defined , -15.70 7 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still were defined and -16.20 8 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still was defined and -16.20 9 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still were defined , -16.51 10 europe orientation of these negotiations never has not still was defined , -16.51 --- SRC 39: il est inutile ! ANA 39: li tes inutile ! REF 39: it is useless ! UNK 39: ! NBT 39: 140 GLO 39: he was needless ! -9.30 -- 1 he is useless ! -6.40 2 he is pointless ! -6.66 3 he is unnecessary ! -6.70 4 he is needless ! -7.29 5 he has useless ! -7.87 6 he has pointless ! -8.13 7 he has unnecessary ! -8.17 8 he was useless ! -8.42 9 he was pointless ! -8.68 10 he has needless ! -8.75 --- SRC 40: nous pensons que c est un excellent résultat . ANA 40: unos pensons que c tes nu excellent résultat . REF 40: we think that is an excellent outcome . UNK 40: NBT 40: 1080000 GLO 40: we thinking which it was one piece results , -25.57 -- 1 we believe that therefore is an excellent outcome . -11.11 2 we believe that therefore is an excellent result . -11.67 3 we believe that therefore is an outstanding outcome . -13.37 4 we believe that therefore is an excellent results . -13.38 5 we believe that therefore is an excellent outcome and -15.31 6 we believe that therefore is an excellent outcome , -15.63 7 we believe that therefore is an excellent result and -15.87 8 we believe that therefore is an excellent result , -16.19 9 we believe that therefore is an excellent results and -17.59 10 we believe that therefore is an excellent results , -17.90 --- SRC 41: il est dû en fait à un usage intempestif des antibiotiques . ANA 41: li tes dû ne fati à nu usage intempestif sed antibiotiques . REF 41: it is due in fact to an unwarranted use of antibiotics . UNK 41: NBT 41: 44352000 GLO 41: this be due with so for an use untimely in genes and -41.10 -- 1 he is had into fact at an use untimely of antibiotics . -19.36 2 he is had into fact at an use untimely human antibiotics . -19.60 3 he is had into fact at an use untimely of antibiotic . -19.98 4 he is had into fact at an use untimely of genes . -22.39 5 he is had into fact at an use untimely of antibiotics and -23.56 6 he is had into fact at an use untimely of antibiotics , -23.88 7 he is had into fact at an use untimely of antibiotic and -24.18 8 he is had into fact at an use untimely of antibiotic , -24.50 9 he is had into fact at an use untimely of genes and -26.60 10 he is had into fact at an use untimely of genes , -26.91 --- SRC 42: les citoyens peuvent se faire entendre de différentes manières . ANA 42: els citoyens peuvent es ferai entendre ed différentes manières . REF 42: there are a number of methods by which citizens can make their voices heard . UNK 42: NBT 42: 8709120 GLO 42: them public can have take voice on various manners and -28.52 -- 1 them citizens can themselves make hear of different manners . -13.59 2 them citizens can themselves make hear of various manners . -13.64 3 them citizens can themselves make hear of different ways . -14.44 4 them citizens can themselves make hear of various ways . -14.49 5 them citizens can themselves make hear of different manners and -17.80 6 them citizens can themselves make hear of various manners and -17.85 7 them citizens can themselves make hear of different manners , -18.11 8 them citizens can themselves make hear of various manners , -18.16 9 them citizens can themselves make hear of different ways and -18.64 10 them citizens can themselves make hear of different ways , -18.96 --- SRC 43: cette proposition aborde plusieurs concepts ou questions . ANA 43: cette proposition aborde plusieurs concepts ou questions . REF 43: a number of concepts or issues are raised in this proposal . UNK 43: NBT 43: 32256 GLO 43: this amendment covers many concepts or issues . -15.09 -- 1 this proposal addresses several concepts or questions . -4.90 2 this proposal addresses several concepts or issues . -5.24 3 this proposal addresses several concepts or matters . -5.98 4 this proposal addresses several concepts or question . -7.73 5 this proposal addresses several concepts or questions and -9.11 6 this proposal addresses several concepts or questions , -9.42 7 this proposal addresses several concepts or issues and -9.45 8 this proposal addresses several concepts or issues , -9.76 9 this proposal addresses several concepts or matters and -10.18 10 this proposal addresses several concepts or matters , -10.50 --- SRC 44: nous ferons donc en sorte que tout soit bien rectifié . ANA 44: unos ferons donc ne sorte que tout soit bine certifié . REF 44: we shall , therefore , ensure that everything is put right . UNK 44: NBT 44: 145152000 GLO 44: our shall why as kind only whole is course rectified . -28.68 -- 1 we shall therefore into sort that everything either although rectified . -16.37 2 we shall therefore into sort that everything either well rectified . -16.48 3 we shall therefore into sort that everything either although corrected . -17.51 4 we shall therefore into sort that everything either well corrected . -17.63 5 we shall therefore into sort that everything either although rectified and -20.57 6 we shall therefore into sort that everything either well rectified and -20.69 7 we shall therefore into sort that everything either although rectified , -20.89 8 we shall therefore into sort that everything either well rectified , -21.00 9 we shall therefore into sort that everything either although corrected and -21.72 10 we shall therefore into sort that everything either although corrected , -22.03 --- SRC 45: il est possible d  intervenir sur plusieurs fronts . ANA 45: li ets possible d  intervenir urs plusieurs fronts . REF 45: there are several places where intervention is possible . UNK 45:  NBT 45: 771750 GLO 45: we has could for  intervening on repeatedly fronts , -27.27 -- 1 he is possible d  intervene on several fronts . -9.15 2 he is possible d  intervene on repeatedly fronts . -10.91 3 he is possible d  intervene on number fronts . -11.13 4 he is possible d  intervene on various fronts . -11.42 5 he is possible d  intervene on several fronts and -13.35 6 he is possible d  intervene on several fronts , -13.67 7 he is possible d  intervene on repeatedly fronts and -15.12 8 he is possible d  intervene on number fronts and -15.33 9 he is possible d  intervene on repeatedly fronts , -15.43 10 he is possible d  intervene on number fronts , -15.65 --- SRC 46: la comptabilité est un sujet technique et peut-être même ésotérique . ANA 46: al comptabilité tes nu juste technique te peut-être même ésotérique . REF 46: accounting is a technical and perhaps even esoteric issue . UNK 46: peut-être NBT 46: 756000 GLO 46: a accountancy be another matter technology and peut-être even esoteric and -26.30 -- 1 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être same esoteric . -13.69 2 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être even esoteric . -13.70 3 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être same arcane . -15.64 4 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être even arcane . -15.65 5 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être same esoteric and -17.89 6 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être even esoteric and -17.90 7 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être same esoteric , -18.21 8 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être even esoteric , -18.22 9 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être same arcane and -19.85 10 the bookkeeping is an issue technique and peut-être same arcane , -20.16 --- SRC 47: en effet , nous avons régulièrement affaire à des bandes armées . ANA 47: ne effet , unos savon régulièrement affaire à sed bandes marées . REF 47: in bosnia we are regularly dealing with armed gangs . UNK 47: NBT 47: 172800000 GLO 47: implementation because and us voted regular dealing by in gangs army and -35.36 -- 1 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands armies . -11.57 2 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands armed . -12.32 3 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands army . -15.27 4 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands troops . -15.50 5 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands armies and -15.78 6 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands armies , -16.09 7 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands armed and -16.52 8 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands armed , -16.84 9 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands army and -19.47 10 into effect , we have regularly affair at of bands army , -19.79 --- SRC 48: la même chose vaut pour les inspections par les autorités . ANA 48: al même chose vaut rupo els inspections rap sel autorités . REF 48: the same applies to inspections by the authorities . UNK 48: NBT 48: 8709120 GLO 48: the also something worth why all inspectorates in the authorities and -27.10 -- 1 the same thing applies order them inspections per them authorities . -11.35 2 the same thing applies order them inspections per those authorities . -11.69 3 the same thing applies order them inspections per them authority . -14.38 4 the same thing applies order them inspections per them government . -15.42 5 the same thing applies order them inspections per them authorities and -15.55 6 the same thing applies order them inspections per them authorities , -15.87 7 the same thing applies order them inspections per them authority and -18.58 8 the same thing applies order them inspections per them authority , -18.90 9 the same thing applies order them inspections per them government and -19.62 10 the same thing applies order them inspections per them government , -19.94 --- SRC 49: le blasphème est un délit aux termes du code pénal danois . ANA 49: el blasphème ets nu délit aux termes du deco népal aidons . REF 49: blasphemy is a crime under the danish penal code . UNK 49: NBT 49: 1555200 GLO 49: on blasphemy has one offences the terms parliament code penal da and -28.90 -- 1 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal danes . -12.73 2 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal danish . -12.90 3 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal dane . -13.37 4 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal da . -14.77 5 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal danes and -16.93 6 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal danish and -17.11 7 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal danes , -17.25 8 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal danish , -17.42 9 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal dane and -17.58 10 president blasphemy is an offence to terms | code penal dane , -17.89 --- SRC 50: je souhaite que le rapport napolitano remporte une forte majorité . ANA 50: je souhaite que el rapport napolitano remporte uen forte majorité . REF 50: i hope that a large majority will endorse the napolitano report . UNK 50: NBT 50: 504000 GLO 50: i want as a report napolitano wins an stronger majority and -20.56 -- 1 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once strong majority . -9.77 2 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once stronger majority . -10.28 3 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once strong majority and -13.98 4 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once strong most . -14.15 5 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once strong majority , -14.29 6 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once stronger majority and -14.48 7 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once stronger most . -14.66 8 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once stronger majority , -14.80 9 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once strong most and -18.36 10 i wishes that president report napolitano wins once strong most , -18.67 --- SRC 51: vous en avez tiré la mauvaise conclusion . ANA 51: vous ne avez tiré al mauvaise conclusion . REF 51: you have come to the wrong conclusion . UNK 51: NBT 51: 64800 GLO 51: please at have learnt the poor conclusions , -23.38 -- 1 you into you learnt the bad conclusion . -10.19 2 you into you learnt the bad concluding . -11.17 3 you into you learnt the bad conclude . -11.76 4 you into you learnt the bad concluded . -12.30 5 you into you learnt the bad conclusion and -14.39 6 you into you learnt the bad conclusion , -14.71 7 you into you learnt the bad concluding and -15.38 8 you into you learnt the bad concluding , -15.69 9 you into you learnt the bad conclude and -15.97 10 you into you learnt the bad conclude , -16.28 --- SRC 52: rapports trakatellis , viceconte , cabrol et flemming ANA 52: rapports trakatellis , viceconte , cabrol te flemming REF 52: trakatellis , viceconte , cabrol and flemming reports UNK 52: NBT 52: 32 GLO 52: relationship trakatellis and viceconte and cabrol , flemming -14.74 -- 1 reports trakatellis , viceconte , cabrol and flemming -2.18 2 reporting trakatellis , viceconte , cabrol and flemming -4.31 3 reports trakatellis , viceconte and cabrol and flemming -4.95 4 reports trakatellis and viceconte , cabrol and flemming -4.95 5 reports trakatellis , viceconte , cabrol , flemming -6.06 6 reports trakatellis and viceconte and cabrol and flemming -7.73 7 reporting trakatellis , viceconte , cabrol , flemming -8.19 8 reports trakatellis , viceconte and cabrol , flemming -8.83 9 reports trakatellis and viceconte , cabrol , flemming -8.83 10 reports trakatellis and viceconte and cabrol , flemming -11.61 --- SRC 53: les difficultés sont toutefois évidentes . ANA 53: els difficultés nost toutefois évidentes . REF 53: there are difficulties at hand though . UNK 53: NBT 53: 2400 GLO 53: the difficulty been nevertheless evident and -18.01 -- 1 them difficulties are however obvious . -7.21 2 them difficulties are nevertheless obvious . -8.01 3 them difficulties are however evident . -8.65 4 them difficulties are nevertheless evident . -9.44 5 them difficulties are however obvious and -11.42 6 them difficulties are however obvious , -11.73 7 them difficulties are nevertheless obvious and -12.22 8 them difficulties are nevertheless obvious , -12.53 9 them difficulties are however evident and -12.85 10 them difficulties are however evident , -13.17 --- SRC 54: ce rapport a fait beaucoup de bruit pour rien . ANA 54: ce rapport a fiat beaucoup ed tribu rupo rein . REF 54: the report was full of sound and fury signifying nothing . UNK 54: NBT 54: 36673560 GLO 54: that compared have because deal by ado in anything . -24.67 -- 1 this report has fact lot of noise order nothing . -8.32 2 this report has fact lot of noise order anything . -9.32 3 this report has fact lot of noise order alone . -10.11 4 this report has fact lot of noise order none . -10.21 5 this report has fact lot of noise order nothing and -12.53 6 this report has fact lot of noise order nothing , -12.84 7 this report has fact lot of noise order anything and -13.53 8 this report has fact lot of noise order anything , -13.84 9 this report has fact lot of noise order alone and -14.31 10 this report has fact lot of noise order alone , -14.63 --- SRC 55: d où une ligne budgétaire spécifique . ANA 55: d où uen linge budgétaire spécifique . REF 55: that is why there is a separate budget line . UNK 55: NBT 55: 60000 GLO 55: agree when an online budgets specifically , -18.43 -- 1 d where once online budgetary specific . -5.39 2 d where once online budgetary specifically . -7.25 3 d where once online budgetary special . -7.29 4 d where once online budgetary separate . -7.82 5 d where once online budgetary specific and -9.60 6 d where once online budgetary specific , -9.91 7 d where once online budgetary specifically and -11.45 8 d where once online budgetary special and -11.50 9 d where once online budgetary specifically , -11.77 10 d where once online budgetary special , -11.81 --- SRC 56: je retiens votre attention sur cette même question . ANA 56: je inertes voter tentation urs cette même question . REF 56: please remain with this question . UNK 56: retiens NBT 56: 141120 GLO 56: i retiens your consideration on that although subject and -21.84 -- 1 i retiens your attention on this same question . -8.92 2 i retiens your attention on this same issue . -9.24 3 i retiens your attention on this same matter . -10.05 4 i retiens your attention on this same subject . -11.47 5 i retiens your attention on this same question and -13.13 6 i retiens your attention on this same issue and -13.44 7 i retiens your attention on this same question , -13.44 8 i retiens your attention on this same issue , -13.76 9 i retiens your attention on this same matter and -14.26 10 i retiens your attention on this same matter , -14.57 --- SRC 57: non , parce qu ils ne sont pas informés . ANA 57: non , carpe qu sli en tons sap informés . REF 57: no , because they are not informed . UNK 57: NBT 57: 190080 GLO 57: than and because only they not is not informed and -24.89 -- 1 either , because that they cannot are not informed . -12.38 2 either , because that they cannot are step informed . -12.62 3 either , because that they cannot are cannot informed . -13.33 4 either , because that they cannot are no informed . -13.36 5 either , because that they cannot are not informed and -16.58 6 either , because that they cannot are step informed and -16.82 7 either , because that they cannot are not informed , -16.90 8 either , because that they cannot are step informed , -17.14 9 either , because that they cannot are cannot informed and -17.53 10 either , because that they cannot are cannot informed , -17.85 --- SRC 58: les exigences du conseil sont également à géométrie variable . ANA 58: sel exigences du conseil tons également à géométrie variable . REF 58: the council s requirements too are inconsistent . UNK 58: NBT 58: 583200 GLO 58: those requirement parliament council is well on geometry varies . -21.85 -- 1 them requirements | council are also at geometry variable . -8.02 2 them requirements | council are also at geometry varying . -10.65 3 them requirements | council are also at geometry variables . -10.66 4 them requirements | council are also at geometry varies . -11.14 5 them requirements | council are also at geometry variable and -12.23 6 them requirements | council are also at geometry variable , -12.54 7 them requirements | council are also at geometry varying and -14.86 8 them requirements | council are also at geometry variables and -14.86 9 them requirements | council are also at geometry varying , -15.17 10 them requirements | council are also at geometry variables , -15.18 --- SRC 59: je voudrais formuler une ou deux remarques qui ont leur importance . ANA 59: je voudrais formuler uen ou deux remarques qui ton relu comprenait . REF 59: i have one or two points to make which i think are significant . UNK 59: NBT 59: 9216000 GLO 59: my should comment be or twice observations what they their importance . -26.01 -- 1 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their importance . -9.00 2 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their significance . -9.17 3 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their important . -11.04 4 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their significant . -12.09 5 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their importance and -13.20 6 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their significance and -13.38 7 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their importance , -13.52 8 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their significance , -13.69 9 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their important and -15.25 10 i like formulate once or two remarks who were their important , -15.56 --- SRC 60: il existe aussi une demande des consommateurs de revendeurs multimarques . ANA 60: li existe aussi uen demande sed consommateurs ed revendeurs multimarques . REF 60: then consumers are demanding multi-brand dealerships . UNK 60: multimarques NBT 60: 44452800 GLO 60: this exist both once application for consumers by dealerships multimarques . -23.70 -- 1 he exists also once request of consumers of stockists multimarques . -12.21 2 he exists also once request of consumers of touts multimarques . -12.74 3 he exists also once request of consumers of resellers multimarques . -12.90 4 he exists also once request of consumers of distributers multimarques . -13.59 5 he exists also once request of consumers of stockists multimarques and -16.41 6 he exists also once request of consumers of stockists multimarques , -16.73 7 he exists also once request of consumers of touts multimarques and -16.94 8 he exists also once request of consumers of resellers multimarques and -17.10 9 he exists also once request of consumers of touts multimarques , -17.26 10 he exists also once request of consumers of resellers multimarques , -17.42 --- SRC 61: cette phrase peut donner de fausses impressions . ANA 61: cette phares pute donner ed fausses impressions . REF 61: this phrase could give the wrong impression . UNK 61: NBT 61: 28224 GLO 61: that sentence cannot given of fake impressions , -20.62 -- 1 this sentence can give of false impressions . -9.26 2 this sentence can give of bogus impressions . -10.24 3 this sentence can give of untrue impressions . -10.31 4 this sentence can give of spurious impressions . -10.47 5 this sentence can give of false impressions and -13.46 6 this sentence can give of false impressions , -13.78 7 this sentence can give of bogus impressions and -14.45 8 this sentence can give of untrue impressions and -14.51 9 this sentence can give of bogus impressions , -14.76 10 this sentence can give of untrue impressions , -14.83 --- SRC 62: elle tient en une formule . ANA 62: elle teint ne uen formule . REF 62: it can be reduced to a simple formula . UNK 62: NBT 62: 7200 GLO 62: she takes with an formulates . -9.47 -- 1 she takes into once formula . -6.74 2 she takes into once formulates . -7.54 3 she takes into once phrase . -9.50 4 she takes into once wording . -10.78 5 she takes into once formula and -10.94 6 she takes into once formula , -11.26 7 she takes into once formulates and -11.74 8 she takes into once formulates , -12.06 9 she takes into once phrase and -13.70 10 she takes into once phrase , -14.02 --- SRC 63: il faut donc accueillir favorablement toute législation horizontale à cet effet . ANA 63: li faut donc accueillir favorablement toute législation horizontale à cte effet . REF 63: horizontal legislation in this area is therefore to be welcomed . UNK 63: NBT 63: 127008000 GLO 63: must necessary so welcoming favourably all laws horizontally to this actually . -30.68 -- 1 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this effect . -18.38 2 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this indeed . -18.62 3 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this fact . -19.91 4 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this actually . -21.02 5 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this effect and -22.59 6 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this indeed and -22.82 7 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this effect , -22.90 8 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this indeed , -23.14 9 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this fact and -24.12 10 he must therefore accommodate favourably entire legislation horizontal at this fact , -24.43 --- SRC 64: ce n  est pas une bonne manière de procéder . ANA 64: ce n  tes asp uen bonne manière ed procéder . REF 64: they are not a sound way of proceeding . UNK 64:  NBT 64: 31449600 GLO 64: regards is  is not be best so from proceeding , -31.30 -- 1 this never  is not once goodwill manner of proceed . -13.56 2 this never  is not once goodwill manner of proceeding . -14.06 3 this never  is not once goodwill manner of carry . -14.82 4 this never  is not once goodwill manner of undertake . -15.05 5 this never  is not once goodwill manner of proceed and -17.76 6 this never  is not once goodwill manner of proceed , -18.08 7 this never  is not once goodwill manner of proceeding and -18.26 8 this never  is not once goodwill manner of proceeding , -18.58 9 this never  is not once goodwill manner of carry and -19.02 10 this never  is not once goodwill manner of carry , -19.34 --- SRC 65: nous devons recommencer à utiliser les voies légales . ANA 65: unos devons recommencer à utiliser els voies légales . REF 65: we need to start again using legal channels . UNK 65: NBT 65: 190080 GLO 65: it need restart in used those approaches lawful . -24.48 -- 1 we must restart at use them waterways lawful . -13.99 2 we must restart at use them paths lawful . -14.16 3 we must restart at use them waterways statutory . -14.45 4 we must restart at use them waterways legal . -14.90 5 we must restart at use them waterways lawful and -18.19 6 we must restart at use them waterways lawful , -18.51 7 we must restart at use them waterways statutory and -18.65 8 we must restart at use them waterways statutory , -18.97 9 we must restart at use them waterways legal and -19.10 10 we must restart at use them waterways legal , -19.42 --- SRC 66: les destructions sont considérables , le désespoir est grand . ANA 66: sel destructions tons considérables , el désespoir ets grand . REF 66: the devastation is immense and the people are in deep despair . UNK 66: NBT 66: 3225600 GLO 66: them destruction is extensive and parliament hopelessness has great and -27.41 -- 1 them destruction are considerable , president despair is big . -12.73 2 them destruction are considerable , president despair is great . -12.75 3 them destruction are considerable , president despair is large . -12.83 4 them destruction are considerable , president despair is largest . -12.88 5 them destruction are considerable , president despair is big and -16.94 6 them destruction are considerable , president despair is great and -16.96 7 them destruction are considerable , president despair is large and -17.04 8 them destruction are considerable , president despair is big , -17.25 9 them destruction are considerable , president despair is great , -17.27 10 them destruction are considerable , president despair is large , -17.35 --- SRC 67: y a-t-il des observations sur le procès-verbal ? ANA 67: y a-t-il sed observations urs el procès-verbal ? REF 67: are there any comments ? UNK 67: a-t-il procès-verbal NBT 67: 8960 GLO 67: ago a-t-il on comments over president procès-verbal ? -15.82 -- 1 including a-t-il of observations on president procès-verbal ? -11.98 2 including a-t-il of observations on commissioner procès-verbal ? -12.52 3 including a-t-il of observations on parliament procès-verbal ? -12.75 4 including a-t-il of observations on the procès-verbal ? -12.81 5 including a-t-il of observations over president procès-verbal ? -13.11 6 including a-t-il of observations over commissioner procès-verbal ? -13.65 7 including a-t-il of observations on it procès-verbal ? -14.39 8 including a-t-il of observations on on procès-verbal ? -14.39 9 including a-t-il of observations on this procès-verbal ? -14.49 10 including a-t-il of observations on a procès-verbal ? -14.85 --- SRC 68: ces progrès doivent maintenant être mis en Suvre . ANA 68: esc progrès doivent maintenant être sim ne Suvre . REF 68: it needs to be put into practice . UNK 68: Suvre NBT 68: 336960 GLO 68: they advances need now be highlighted by Suvre . -19.24 -- 1 these progress must now be placed into Suvre . -13.12 2 these progress must now be placed implementation Suvre . -13.19 3 these progress must now be placed in Suvre . -13.54 4 these progress must now be placed by Suvre . -14.15 5 these progress must now be placed into Suvre and -17.33 6 these progress must now be placed implementation Suvre and -17.39 7 these progress must now be placed into Suvre , -17.64 8 these progress must now be placed implementation Suvre , -17.71 9 these progress must now be placed in Suvre and -17.74 10 these progress must now be placed in Suvre , -18.06 --- SRC 69: cet objectif était déjà insuffisant . ANA 69: etc objectif était déjà insuffisant . REF 69: this objective was already insufficient . UNK 69: NBT 69: 1512 GLO 69: this aim was said enough , -20.07 -- 1 this goal was already insufficient . -8.60 2 this goal was already inadequate . -9.00 3 this goal was already unsatisfactory . -10.37 4 this goal was already enough . -10.70 5 this goal was already insufficient and -12.81 6 this goal was already insufficient , -13.12 7 this goal was already inadequate and -13.21 8 this goal was already inadequate , -13.52 9 this goal was already unsatisfactory and -14.57 10 this goal was already unsatisfactory , -14.89 --- SRC 70: nous le devions tout simplement aux électeurs nigérians . ANA 70: unos el devions tout simplement aux électeurs nigérians . REF 70: this , quite simply , was what we owed to the nigerian electorate . UNK 70: devions NBT 70: 414720 GLO 70: it this devions everything simple on constituents nigerian . -22.31 -- 1 we president devions everything simply to electors nigerians . -10.55 2 we president devions everything simply to voters nigerians . -10.62 3 we president devions everything simply to electors nigerian . -12.13 4 we president devions everything simply to voters nigerian . -12.21 5 we president devions everything simply to electors nigerians and -14.75 6 we president devions everything simply to voters nigerians and -14.83 7 we president devions everything simply to electors nigerians , -15.07 8 we president devions everything simply to voters nigerians , -15.14 9 we president devions everything simply to electors nigerian and -16.34 10 we president devions everything simply to electors nigerian , -16.65 --- SRC 71: nos citoyens ne méritent rien de moins , mesdames et messieurs . ANA 71: son citoyens en méritent rein ed simon , mesdames te messieurs . REF 71: our citizens deserve no less , ladies and gentlemen . UNK 71: NBT 71: 3548160 GLO 71: our citizen are deserves alone of than and honourable and members , -32.53 -- 1 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies and gentlemen . -6.89 2 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies and members . -10.57 3 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies , gentlemen . -10.77 4 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies and gentlemen and -11.10 5 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies and gentlemen , -11.41 6 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies , members . -14.45 7 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies and members and -14.78 8 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies , gentlemen and -14.98 9 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies and members , -15.09 10 our citizens cannot deserve nothing of less , ladies , gentlemen , -15.29 --- SRC 72: je parle ici de la commission de la pêche . ANA 72: je pearl ici ed al commission ed al pêche . REF 72: i am referring to the committee on fisheries . UNK 72: NBT 72: 225792 GLO 72: i speaks here to a committee from a fishing . -13.62 -- 1 i speaks here of the commission of the fishing . -8.23 2 i speaks here of the commission of the fisheries . -8.42 3 i speaks here of the commission of the fishery . -8.59 4 i speaks here of the commission of the fish . -10.35 5 i speaks here of the commission of the fishing and -12.43 6 i speaks here of the commission of the fisheries and -12.62 7 i speaks here of the commission of the fishing , -12.75 8 i speaks here of the commission of the fishery and -12.80 9 i speaks here of the commission of the fisheries , -12.94 10 i speaks here of the commission of the fishery , -13.11 --- SRC 73: je souhaite beaucoup de succès à la présidence allemande . ANA 73: je souhaite beaucoup ed succès à al présidence allemande . REF 73: i wish the german presidency every success . UNK 73: NBT 73: 987840 GLO 73: i wants much by success at the presidency germany and -17.85 -- 1 i wishes lot of success at the presidency german . -8.38 2 i wishes lot of success at the chair german . -9.94 3 i wishes lot of success at the presidency germany . -11.69 4 i wishes lot of success at the presidency german and -12.59 5 i wishes lot of success at the presidency german , -12.90 6 i wishes lot of success at the chair germany . -13.24 7 i wishes lot of success at the chair german and -14.14 8 i wishes lot of success at the chair german , -14.46 9 i wishes lot of success at the presidency germany and -15.89 10 i wishes lot of success at the presidency germany , -16.21 --- SRC 74: c est typique lorsque l on vit en autriche . ANA 74: c ets typique lorsque l on tvi ne autriche . REF 74: this is typical if you live in austria . UNK 74: NBT 74: 4536000 GLO 74: it are textbook once a being experiencing implementation austria . -28.86 -- 1 therefore is typical when europe one lives into austria . -18.27 2 therefore is typical when europe one lives implementation austria . -18.34 3 therefore is typical when europe one lives into austrian . -20.92 4 therefore is typical when europe one lives implementation austrian . -20.99 5 therefore is typical when europe one lives into austria and -22.48 6 therefore is typical when europe one lives implementation austria and -22.54 7 therefore is typical when europe one lives into austria , -22.79 8 therefore is typical when europe one lives implementation austria , -22.86 9 therefore is typical when europe one lives into austrian and -25.13 10 therefore is typical when europe one lives into austrian , -25.44 --- SRC 75: pourquoi la commission ne se base-t-elle pas sur ce rapport ? ANA 75: pourquoi al commission en es base-t-elle spa urs ce rapport ? REF 75: why was this not the report to which the commission paid attention ? UNK 75: base-t-elle NBT 75: 1197504 GLO 75: therefore the committee can themselves base-t-elle not with what report ? -18.81 -- 1 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on this report ? -11.22 2 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on what report ? -11.31 3 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on regards report ? -11.46 4 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on regard report ? -11.82 5 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on this compared ? -12.36 6 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on what compared ? -12.45 7 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on regards compared ? -12.60 8 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on this relation ? -13.28 9 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on what relation ? -13.36 10 why the commission cannot themselves base-t-elle not on regards relation ? -13.51 --- SRC 76: il est désormais urgent de trouver une solution systémique . ANA 76: li ets désormais urgent ed rouvert uen solution systémique . REF 76: a systemic solution is urgently needed . UNK 76: NBT 76: 1058400 GLO 76: there was now urgency of seek a solutions systemic . -20.49 -- 1 he is henceforth urgent of find once solution systemic . -9.26 2 he is henceforth urgent of find once solution systemically . -9.66 3 he is henceforth urgent of find once alternative systemic . -12.11 4 he is henceforth urgent of find once alternative systemically . -12.51 5 he is henceforth urgent of find once solution systemic and -13.46 6 he is henceforth urgent of find once solution systemic , -13.78 7 he is henceforth urgent of find once solution systemically and -13.86 8 he is henceforth urgent of find once solution systemically , -14.18 9 he is henceforth urgent of find once alternative systemic and -16.32 10 he is henceforth urgent of find once alternative systemic , -16.63 --- SRC 77: permettez-moi de formuler une brève remarque . ANA 77: permettez-moi ed formuler uen brève remarque . REF 77: i have one small remark to make , however . UNK 77: permettez-moi NBT 77: 7560 GLO 77: permettez-moi for make be briefly observation and -24.27 -- 1 permettez-moi of formulate once brief remark . -8.30 2 permettez-moi of formulate once brief comment . -9.72 3 permettez-moi of formulate once brief observation . -10.08 4 permettez-moi of formulate once brief notice . -10.99 5 permettez-moi of formulate once brief remark and -12.50 6 permettez-moi of formulate once brief remark , -12.82 7 permettez-moi of formulate once brief comment and -13.93 8 permettez-moi of formulate once brief comment , -14.24 9 permettez-moi of formulate once brief observation and -14.28 10 permettez-moi of formulate once brief observation , -14.60 --- SRC 78: nous sommes dans des démocraties , on est dans des démocraties . ANA 78: unos sommes ands sed démocratise , on tes ands sed démocratise . REF 78: we do in fact live in democracies . democracies exist . UNK 78: NBT 78: 24576000 GLO 78: it are into from democracies and it are under of democracies , -31.30 -- 1 we sums within of democracies , one is within of democracies . -13.56 2 we sums within of democracies , one is within human democracies . -13.81 3 we sums within of democracies , one is within from democracies . -14.32 4 we sums within of democracies , one is within the democracies . -14.67 5 we sums within of democracies , one is within of democracies and -17.76 6 we sums within of democracies , one is within human democracies and -18.01 7 we sums within of democracies , one is within of democracies , -18.08 8 we sums within of democracies , one is within human democracies , -18.33 9 we sums within of democracies , one is within from democracies and -18.52 10 we sums within of democracies , one is within from democracies , -18.84 --- SRC 79: je voudrais faire quelques suggestions à cet égard . ANA 79: je voudrais ferai quelques suggestions à etc gardé . REF 79: i should like to make a few suggestions in this respect . UNK 79: NBT 79: 252000 GLO 79: i should doing few suggestions by here here . -18.38 -- 1 i like make few suggestions at this connection . -11.31 2 i like make few suggestions at this respect . -11.38 3 i like make few suggestions at this regard . -11.55 4 i like make few suggestions at this context . -12.65 5 i like make few suggestions at this connection and -15.51 6 i like make few suggestions at this respect and -15.59 7 i like make few suggestions at this regard and -15.76 8 i like make few suggestions at this connection , -15.83 9 i like make few suggestions at this respect , -15.90 10 i like make few suggestions at this regard , -16.07 --- SRC 80: objet : réalisation des objectifs environnements de l union européenne ANA 80: objet : rationalisé sed objectifs environnements ed l union européenne REF 80: subject : securing eu environmental goals UNK 80: NBT 80: 1975680 GLO 80: object ; achieving for aims environments on eu eu union -26.01 -- 1 subject : realisation of objectives environments of europe union european -10.70 2 subject : realisation of objectives environments of human union european -11.03 3 subject : realisation of objectives environments of europe union eu -12.17 4 subject : realisation of objectives environments of human union eu -12.49 5 subject : realisation of objectives environments of europe eu european -12.71 6 subject : realisation of objectives environments of europe union europe -13.96 7 subject : realisation of objectives environments of europe eu eu -14.17 8 subject : realisation of objectives environments of europe union union -14.25 9 subject : realisation of objectives environments of europe eu europe -15.97 10 subject : realisation of objectives environments of europe eu union -16.25 --- SRC 81: cette cartographie est donc particulièrement importante . ANA 81: cette cartographie tes donc particulièrement importante . REF 81: this map-making process is therefore particularly important . UNK 81: NBT 81: 25920 GLO 81: it maps has thus especially important . -17.36 -- 1 this mapping is therefore particularly important . -8.69 2 this mapping is therefore particularly significant . -9.36 3 this mapping is therefore particularly substantial . -9.82 4 this mapping is therefore particularly major . -10.23 5 this mapping is therefore particularly important and -12.90 6 this mapping is therefore particularly important , -13.21 7 this mapping is therefore particularly significant and -13.56 8 this mapping is therefore particularly significant , -13.88 9 this mapping is therefore particularly substantial and -14.03 10 this mapping is therefore particularly substantial , -14.34 --- SRC 82: et ou les trouvera-ton ? ANA 82: te ou sel trouvera-ton ? REF 82: and where will these come from ? UNK 82: trouvera-ton NBT 82: 8 GLO 82: and or the trouvera-ton ? -5.60 -- 1 and or them trouvera-ton ? -4.98 2 and or those trouvera-ton ? -5.33 3 and or the trouvera-ton ? -5.60 4 and or all trouvera-ton ? -5.77 5 , or them trouvera-ton ? -8.86 6 , or those trouvera-ton ? -9.20 7 , or the trouvera-ton ? -9.48 8 , or all trouvera-ton ? -9.65 --- SRC 83: le prix sakharov est attribué pour la liberté d expression . ANA 83: el prix sakharov tes attribué rupo al liberté d expression . REF 83: the sakharov prize is for freedom of expression . UNK 83: NBT 83: 10368000 GLO 83: parliament cost sakharov are attributed as a free from expression , -29.05 -- 1 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d expression . -9.26 2 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d phrase . -10.20 3 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom other expression . -10.70 4 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d speech . -12.05 5 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d expression and -13.46 6 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d expression , -13.78 7 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d phrase and -14.40 8 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d phrase , -14.72 9 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d speech and -16.25 10 president prize sakharov is attributed order the freedom d speech , -16.57 --- SRC 84: je terminerai avec deux brèves questions au conseil . ANA 84: je terminerai cave deux brèves questions ua conseil . REF 84: i want to end with two quick questions for the council . UNK 84: NBT 84: 1920 GLO 84: i finish with double brief matters development council . -12.73 -- 1 i finish with two brief questions during council . -9.23 2 i finish with two brief questions within council . -9.25 3 i finish with two brief questions at council . -9.35 4 i finish with two brief questions development council . -10.24 5 i finish with two brief questions during council and -13.44 6 i finish with two brief questions within council and -13.45 7 i finish with two brief questions at council and -13.55 8 i finish with two brief questions during council , -13.75 9 i finish with two brief questions within council , -13.77 10 i finish with two brief questions at council , -13.87 --- SRC 85: cela signifierait une enflure monstrueuse de l appareil administratif . ANA 85: cale signifierait uen enflure monstrueuse ed l appareil administratif . REF 85: that would mean an immense extension of the apparatus of officialdom . UNK 85: enflure NBT 85: 44100 GLO 85: that mean one enflure horrifying in europe appliance administrative . -24.17 -- 1 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe apparatus administratively . -17.71 2 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe appliance administratively . -17.73 3 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe apparatus administrative . -18.25 4 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe appliance administrative . -18.26 5 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe apparatus administratively and -21.92 6 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe appliance administratively and -21.93 7 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe apparatus administratively , -22.23 8 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe appliance administratively , -22.25 9 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe apparatus administrative and -22.45 10 this mean once enflure monstrous of europe apparatus administrative , -22.77 --- SRC 86: celui-ci n est pas encore clôturé . ANA 86: celui-ci n ets aps nocere clôturé . REF 86: the inspection has not yet been completed . UNK 86: celui-ci NBT 86: 5460 GLO 86: celui-ci do has not still completed . -14.64 -- 1 celui-ci never is not still completed . -12.12 2 celui-ci never is not yet completed . -12.27 3 celui-ci never is not even completed . -13.15 4 celui-ci never is not again completed . -13.37 5 celui-ci never is not still completed and -16.33 6 celui-ci never is not yet completed and -16.48 7 celui-ci never is not still completed , -16.64 8 celui-ci never is not yet completed , -16.79 9 celui-ci never is not even completed and -17.35 10 celui-ci never is not even completed , -17.67 --- SRC 87: je pense qu il s agissait là d irresponsabilité . ANA 87: je pense qu li s agissait là d irresponsabilité . REF 87: i think that was a question of irresponsibility . UNK 87: agissait NBT 87: 2822400 GLO 87: my view he they has agissait here other unaccountability , -31.70 -- 1 i think that he ||| agissait where d irresponsibility . -12.85 2 i think that he ||| agissait where d unaccountability . -14.96 3 i think that he ||| agissait where d irresponsible . -15.37 4 i think that he ||| agissait where d irresponsibly . -15.50 5 i think that he ||| agissait where d irresponsibility and -17.05 6 i think that he ||| agissait where d irresponsibility , -17.37 7 i think that he ||| agissait where d unaccountability and -19.16 8 i think that he ||| agissait where d unaccountability , -19.48 9 i think that he ||| agissait where d irresponsible and -19.58 10 i think that he ||| agissait where d irresponsible , -19.89 --- SRC 88: de nombreuses richesses doivent encore être exploitées . ANA 88: ed nombreuses richesses doivent nocere être exploitées . REF 88: many treasures are yet to be unearthed . UNK 88: NBT 88: 63504 GLO 88: by number riches have again being utilised and -24.61 -- 1 of numerous riches must still be exploited . -9.65 2 of numerous riches must still be utilised . -11.07 3 of numerous riches must still being exploited . -11.47 4 of numerous riches must still be operated . -11.74 5 of numerous riches must still be exploited and -13.85 6 of numerous riches must still be exploited , -14.17 7 of numerous riches must still be utilised and -15.27 8 of numerous riches must still be utilised , -15.59 9 of numerous riches must still be operated and -15.95 10 of numerous riches must still be operated , -16.26 --- SRC 89: cette façon de voir est largement soutenue . ANA 89: cette façon ed voir tes largement soutenue . REF 89: we need to do it in line with the osce s principles . UNK 89: NBT 89: 215040 GLO 89: it way in see was broad backed , -24.87 -- 1 this manner of see is widely sustained . -10.64 2 this manner of see is widely backed . -10.86 3 this manner of see is widely supported . -10.91 4 this manner of see is widely endorsed . -12.12 5 this manner of see is widely sustained and -14.84 6 this manner of see is widely backed and -15.06 7 this manner of see is widely supported and -15.11 8 this manner of see is widely sustained , -15.16 9 this manner of see is widely backed , -15.38 10 this manner of see is widely supported , -15.43 --- SRC 90: cela reste pourtant une goutte d eau dans l océan . ANA 90: alec ester pourtant uen goutte d eau ands l océan . REF 90: however , it remains a drop in the ocean . UNK 90: NBT 90: 2268000 GLO 90: it still though one drop d water into europe ocean . -20.64 -- 1 this rest yet once drop d water within europe ocean . -15.37 2 this rest yet once drop d water within human ocean . -15.70 3 this rest yet once drop d water within eu ocean . -15.80 4 this rest yet once drop d water within the ocean . -16.04 5 this rest yet once drop d water within europe ocean and -19.57 6 this rest yet once drop d water within europe ocean , -19.89 7 this rest yet once drop d water within human ocean and -19.90 8 this rest yet once drop d water within eu ocean and -20.01 9 this rest yet once drop d water within human ocean , -20.22 10 this rest yet once drop d water within eu ocean , -20.32 --- SRC 91: parce que la qualité de l alimentation conditionne la santé publique . ANA 91: carpe que al qualité ed l alimentation conditionne al sénat publique . REF 91: the quality of foodstuffs affects public health . UNK 91: NBT 91: 3104640 GLO 91: since think the better by it nutritional determines the care public and -33.68 -- 1 because that the quality of europe diet determines the health public . -14.61 2 because that the quality of europe diet determines the healthcare public . -15.21 3 because that the quality of europe diet determines the healthy public . -16.23 4 because that the quality of europe diet determines the care public . -17.25 5 because that the quality of europe diet determines the health public and -18.81 6 because that the quality of europe diet determines the health public , -19.13 7 because that the quality of europe diet determines the healthcare public and -19.41 8 because that the quality of europe diet determines the healthcare public , -19.73 9 because that the quality of europe diet determines the healthy public and -20.44 10 because that the quality of europe diet determines the healthy public , -20.75 --- SRC 92: ce serait ruineux . ANA 92: ce serait ruineux . REF 92: that would be disastrous . UNK 92: NBT 92: 54 GLO 92: regard be ruinous , -12.02 -- 1 this would ruinous . -5.83 2 what would ruinous . -5.92 3 this be ruinous . -6.91 4 what be ruinous . -6.99 5 this would ruinous and -10.04 6 what would ruinous and -10.12 7 this would ruinous , -10.35 8 what would ruinous , -10.44 9 this be ruinous and -11.11 10 this be ruinous , -11.43 --- SRC 93: non et trois fois non . ANA 93: non te tirso soif non . REF 93: no , indeed not . UNK 93: NBT 93: 1512 GLO 93: either , three whenever no . -11.54 -- 1 either and three twice either . -5.90 2 either and three twice nor . -6.20 3 either and three twice not . -6.60 4 either and three twice rather . -6.77 5 either and three twice either and -10.11 6 either and three twice nor and -10.40 7 either and three twice either , -10.42 8 either and three twice nor , -10.72 9 either and three twice not and -10.81 10 either and three twice not , -11.12 --- SRC 94: aussi voterai-je pour vous . ANA 94: aussi voterai-je rupo vous . REF 94: i will therefore vote for you . UNK 94: voterai-je NBT 94: 864 GLO 94: well voterai-je on your . -12.25 -- 1 also voterai-je order you . -6.03 2 also voterai-je order please . -7.31 3 also voterai-je order your . -8.14 4 also voterai-je order like . -9.82 5 also voterai-je order you and -10.23 6 also voterai-je order you , -10.55 7 also voterai-je order please and -11.52 8 also voterai-je order please , -11.83 9 also voterai-je order your and -12.35 10 also voterai-je order your , -12.66 --- SRC 95: mais combien de temps durera cette prorogation ? ANA 95: amis combine ed temps ardeur cette prorogation ? REF 95: but how long will that extension last ? UNK 95: NBT 95: 896 GLO 95: but how for time lasts this prolongation ? -12.89 -- 1 but how of time lasts this prolongation ? -11.91 2 but how of time lasts this extension ? -12.44 3 but how of hours lasts this prolongation ? -12.66 4 but how of hours lasts this extension ? -13.20 5 but how of time lasts such prolongation ? -13.87 6 but how of time lasts that prolongation ? -14.39 7 but how of time lasts such extension ? -14.41 8 but how of time lasts that extension ? -14.93 9 but how of time lasts it prolongation ? -14.99 10 but how of time lasts it extension ? -15.53 --- SRC 96: l union européenne continuera à fournir cette aide . ANA 96: l union européenne cautionner à fournir cette aide . REF 96: the european union will continue to provide such aid . UNK 96: NBT 96: 564480 GLO 96: the union europe continues to providing that helping , -27.15 -- 1 europe union european continue at provide this helps . -12.29 2 europe union european continue at provide this aid . -12.53 3 europe union european continue at provide this assistance . -12.69 4 europe union european continue at provide this help . -13.15 5 europe union european continue at provide this helps and -16.49 6 europe union european continue at provide this aid and -16.73 7 europe union european continue at provide this helps , -16.81 8 europe union european continue at provide this assistance and -16.89 9 europe union european continue at provide this aid , -17.04 10 europe union european continue at provide this assistance , -17.21 --- SRC 97: il faut respecter le travail de l assemblée ! ANA 97: li faut respecter el travail ed l assemblée ! REF 97: parliament s work must be respected ! UNK 97: ! NBT 97: 5992896 GLO 97: must be uphold commissioner workplace in the chamber ! -19.56 -- 1 he must abide president work of europe house ! -12.08 2 he must abide president work of europe assembly ! -12.12 3 he must abide president work of europe chamber ! -12.25 4 he must abide president work of human house ! -12.41 5 he must abide president work of human assembly ! -12.45 6 he must abide president work of eu house ! -12.51 7 he must abide president work of eu assembly ! -12.56 8 he must abide president work of human chamber ! -12.58 9 he must abide president work of europe parliament ! -15.70 10 he must abide president work of human parliament ! -16.03 --- SRC 98: toutes les voix du paysage politique européen seront-elles entendues ? ANA 98: toutes els voix du paysage politique européen seront-elles entendues ? REF 98: will all the voices in the european political spectrum be heard ? UNK 98: seront-elles NBT 98: 27648 GLO 98: all all voices council landscape politics eu seront-elles heard ? -19.40 -- 1 all them voice | landscape policy european seront-elles heard ? -13.47 2 all them voice | landscape political european seront-elles heard ? -13.71 3 all them voice | landscape politics european seront-elles heard ? -13.86 4 all them voice | landscape policy parliament seront-elles heard ? -16.32 5 all them voice | landscape policy eu seront-elles heard ? -16.42 6 all them voice | landscape political parliament seront-elles heard ? -16.55 7 all them voice | landscape policy europe seront-elles heard ? -16.57 8 all them voice | landscape political eu seront-elles heard ? -16.66 9 all them voice | landscape politics parliament seront-elles heard ? -16.71 10 all them voice | landscape political europe seront-elles heard ? -16.80 --- SRC 99: et finalement , c est bien l objectif recherché . ANA 99: te finalement , c ets bine l objectif recherché . REF 99: surely this must be the ultimate goal . UNK 99: NBT 99: 3810240 GLO 99: and end , it are much the purpose sought , -25.13 -- 1 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal sought . -13.07 2 and eventually , therefore is although europe objective sought . -13.09 3 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal desired . -13.40 4 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal counterproductive . -13.54 5 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal sought and -17.27 6 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal sought , -17.59 7 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal desired and -17.61 8 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal counterproductive and -17.74 9 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal desired , -17.92 10 and eventually , therefore is although europe goal counterproductive , -18.05 --- SRC 100: c est une question qui reste ouverte à ce stade . ANA 100: c tes uen question qui ester ouverte à ce dates . REF 100: this remains an unresolved issue at the present juncture . UNK 100: NBT 100: 109350000 GLO 100: it are an subject what remains openly to the stages and -30.72 -- 1 therefore is once question who rest open at this stadium . -11.53 2 therefore is once question who rest open at this stage . -12.33 3 therefore is once question who rest open at this juncture . -12.86 4 therefore is once question who rest open at this stages . -14.43 5 therefore is once question who rest open at this stadium and -15.74 6 therefore is once question who rest open at this stadium , -16.05 7 therefore is once question who rest open at this stage and -16.53 8 therefore is once question who rest open at this stage , -16.85 9 therefore is once question who rest open at this juncture and -17.06 10 therefore is once question who rest open at this juncture , -17.38