%% %% BibTeX database file, for use with LaTeX/BibTeX %% database : Code compaction/compression %% %% Last modified November 12, 2004. %% %% Mario Latendresse %% Departement d'Informatique et de Recherche Operationnelle %% Universite de Montreal %% Montreal, QC %% Canada %% email: latendre "at" iro.umontreal.ca %% %% This bibliography was started and maintained until June 2002 by: %% %% Rik van de Wiel %% Philips Research Laboratories %% Building WDC p.040, Prof. Holstlaan 4 %% 5656 AA Eindhoven %% The Netherlands %% e-mail: Rik.van.de.Wiel "at" philips.com %% @Preamble{{\typeout{} \typeout{The Code Compaction/Compression Bibliography.} \typeout{Last modified on November 2, 2004}}} %% Predefined journals @STRING{cacm = "Communications of the ACM"} @STRING{acmpls = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} @STRING{ieeetc = "IEEE Transactions on Computers"} @STRING{ieeetit = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory"} @STRING{ieeetvs = "IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems"} @STRING{jacm = "Journal of the ACM"} @STRING{microrep = "Microprocessor Report"} @STRING{spe = "Software - Practice and Experience"} %% Predefined publishers @STRING{ap = "Academic Press"} @STRING{aw = "Addison-Wesley"} @STRING{csp = "IEEE Computer Society Press"} @STRING{cwi = "CWI"} @STRING{esp = "Elsevier Science Publishers"} @STRING{kap = "Kluwer Academic Publishers"} @STRING{mit = "MIT Press"} @STRING{ph = "Prentice-Hall"} @STRING{springer = "Springer-Verlag"} %% Predefined conference proceedings @STRING{acm = "Association for Computing Machinery"} @STRING{acmcc = "Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction"} @STRING{async = "Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems"} @STRING{arvlsi = "Proc. Conf. on Advanced Research in VLSI"} @STRING{asplos = "Proc. Symp. on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems"} @STRING{compcon = "Proc. Int'l Computer Conference"} @STRING{iccd = "Proc. Int'l Conf. on Computer Design"} @STRING{iccad = "Proc. Int'l Conf. on Computer-Aided Design"} @STRING{isca = "Proc. Int'l Symp. on Computer Architecture"} @STRING{isss = "Proc. ACM/IEEE Int'l Symp. on System Synthesis"} @STRING{ivme = "Proc. of the Workshop on Interpreters, Virtual Machines, and Emulators"} @STRING{micro = "Proc. Int'l Symp. on Microarchitecture"} @STRING{euromicro= "Proc. of EUROMICRO Conference"} @STRING{pieee = "Proc. of the IEEE"} @STRING{pldi = "Proc. Conf. on Programming Languages Design and Implementation"} @STRING{popl = "Proc. Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages"} @STRING{dac = "Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference"} @STRING{wcsss = "Workshop on Compiler Support for System Software"} @STRING{dcc = "Proc. Data Compression Conference"} @STRING{esc = "Proc. Embedded Systems Conference"} @STRING{lctes = "Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems"} @STRING{ta = " (To appear)"} @STRING{sub = " (Submitted)"} @STRING{np = " Not published"} % Add entries on GCC summit 2004 % The following entries added after November 14, 2004 @Article{surveyACM2003, author = {Besz\'{e}des, \'{A}rp\'{a}d and Ferenc, Rudolf and Gyim\'{o}thy, Tibor and Dolenc, Andr\'{e} and Karsisto, Konsta}, title = {Survey of code-size reduction methods}, journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.}, volume = {35}, number = {3}, year = {2003}, issn = {0360-0300}, pages = {223--267}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/937503.937504}, publisher = {ACM Press}, abstract = "Program code compression is an emerging research activity that is having an impact in several production areas such as networking and embedded systems. This is because the reduced-sized code can have a positive impact on network traffic and embedded system costs such as memory requirements and power consumption. Although code-size reduction is a relatively new research area, numerous publications already exist on it. The methods published usually have different motivations and a variety of application contexts. They may use different principles and their publications often use diverse notations. To our knowledge, there are no publications that present a good overview of this broad range of methods and give a useful assessment. This article surveys twelve methods and several related works appearing in some 50 papers published up to now. We provide extensive assessment criteria for evaluating the methods and offer a basis for comparison. We conclude that it is fairly hard to make any fair comparisons of the methods or draw conclusions about their applicability." } @INPROCEEDINGS{BFG04, author = "Besz\'edes, \'Arp\'ad and Ferenc, Rudolf and Gergely, Tam\'as and Gyim\'othy, Tibor and L\'oki, G\'abor and Vid\'acs, L\'aszl\'o", title = "CSiBE Benchmark: One Year Perspective and Plans", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2004 GCC Developers' Summit", year = 2004, month = jun, pages = "7-15", location = "Ottawa, Canada" } @INPROCEEDINGS{LKJ04, author = "L\'oki, G\'abor and Kiss, \'Akos and J\'asz, Judit and Besz\'edes, \'Arp\'ad", title = "Code Factoring in GCC", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2004 GCC Developers' Summit", year = 2004, month = jun, pages = "79-84", location = "Ottawa, Canada" } @INPROCEEDINGS{BGG03, author = "Besz\'edes, \'Arp\'ad and Gergely, Tam\'as and Gyim\'othy, Tibor and L\'oki, G\'abor and Vid\'acs, L\'aszl\'o", title = "Optimizing for Space : Measurements and Possibilities for Improvement", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2003 GCC Developers' Summit", year = 2003, month = may, pages = "7-20", location = "Ottawa, Canada", abstract = "GCC's optimization for space seems to have been often neglected, in favor of performance tuning. With this work we aim at determining the weakpoints of GCC concerning its optimization capability for space. We compare (1) GCC with two non-free ARM cross-compiler toolchains, (2) how GCC evolved from release 3.2.2 to version 3.3, and (3) two runtime libraries for the Linux kernel. All tests were performed using the C front end and for the ARM target both as standalone and as Linux executables. The test suite is comprised of applications from well-known benchmark suites such as SPEC and Mediabench. An optimal combination of compiler (and linker) options with respect to minimal code size is elaborated as well. We conclude that GCC 3.3 steadily improves with respect to version 3.2.2 and that it is only about 11% behind a high-performance non-free compiler. At the same time, we were able to document a number of issues that deserve further investigation in order to improve code generation for space." } % The following entries were added on November 2, 2004. @INPROCEEDINGS{Krishnaswamy02, author = {Arvind Krishnaswamy and Rajiv Gupta}, title = {Profile guided selection of ARM and thumb instructions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the joint conference on Languages, compilers and tools for embedded systems}, year = {2002}, isbn = {1-58113-527-0}, pages = {56--64}, location = {Berlin, Germany}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/513829.513840}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @ARTICLE{Cooper99a, author = "Keith D. Cooper and Philip J. Schielke and Devika Subramanian", title = "Optimizing for Reduced Code Space using Genetic Algorithms", journal = "ACM SIG{\-}PLAN Notices", volume = "34", number = "7", pages = "1--9", month = jul, year = "1999", coden = "SINODQ", ISSN = "0362-1340", bibdate = "Tue Aug 31 06:24:16 1999", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Pugh99, author = "William Pugh", title = "Compressing {Java} Class Files", booktitle = pldi, pages = "247--258", year = 1999 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Rayside99, author = "Derek Rayside and Evan Mamas and Erik Hons", title = "Compact Java Binaries for Embedded Systems", booktitle = "Cascon", month = nov, year = 1999, pages = "1--14" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lucco00, author = "Steven Lucco", title = "Split-Stream Dictionary Program Compression", booktitle = pldi, address = "Vancouver, British Columbia", month = jun # " 18--21,", year = "2000", pages = "27--34", } @TECHREPORT{kf96, author = "Michael Franz and Thomas Kistler", title = "A Tree-Based Alternative to Java Byte-Codes", institution = "Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine", type = "techreport", number = "96-58", month = dec, year = "1996", url = "http://www.ics.uci.edu/~franz/publications/C9703a%20TreeBasedAlternative.pdf", abstract = "Despite the apparent success of the Java Virtual Machine, its lackluster performance makes it ill-suited for many speed-critical ap- plications. Although the latest just-in-time compilers and dedicated Java processors try to remedy this situation, optimized code compiled directly from a C program source is still orders of magnitude faster than software transported via Java byte-codes. This is true even if the Java byte-codes are subsequently further translated into native code. In this paper, we claim that these performance penalties are not a neces- sary consequence of machine-independence, but related to Java's partic- ular intermediate representation. We have constructed a prototype and are further developing a software transportability scheme founded on a tree-based alternative to Java byte-codes. This tree-based intermediate representation is not only twice as compact as Java byte-codes, but also contains more detailed semantic information, some of which is critical for advanced code optimizations. Our architecture not only provides on-the-fly code generation from this intermediate representation, but also continuous re-optimization of the existing code-base by a low-priority background process. The re-optimization process is guided by up-to-the-minute profiling data, leading to superior optimization results.", } @ARTICLE{Horspool99, title = "Tailored Compression of Java Class Files", author = "R. Nigel Horspool and Jason Corless", journal = "Software -- Practice and Experience", volume = 28, number = 12, year = 1999, pages = "1253--1268" } @ARTICLE{Earle82, author = "W. Earle", title = "Compress {ROM} programs with a math-function interpreter", journal = "Electronic design news", month = mar, year = 1982 } @ARTICLE{Turner86, author = "N. Turner", title = "The right to Assemble. Code compression with mini-interpreters", journal = "Dr. Dobbs journal", month = may, pages = "110--111", year = 1986 } @ARTICLE{Hehner77, title={Information Content of Programs and Operation Encoding}, author={Eric C. R. Hehner}, area={Programming Methodology}, pages={290--297}, journal=jacm, month=apr, year=1977, volume=24, number=2, keywords={}, cr64-categories={}, source={http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~jacm/jacm.bib} } @ARTICLE{Hehner76, author = "Eric C. R. Hehner", title = "Computer design to minimize memory requirements", journal = "Computer", volume = "9", number = "8", pages = "65--70", month = aug, year = "1976", coden = "CPTRB4", ISSN = "0018-9162", bibdate = "Thu Dec 12 07:20:54 MST 1996", abstract = "It is shown that matching the instructions and their representations to the distributions of usage can save 75\% of the space taken by contemporary machine representations. The gain in space may be accompanied by a reduction in execution time due to more efficient use of data paths. Variable-length codes can also eliminate all forms of overflow from machine-language, and greatly reduce the probability of overflow in data.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "Computer", keywords = "computer programming languages; computers", } @ARTICLE{Piu98, author = "Ian Piumarta and Fabio Riccardi", title = "Optimizing Direct-threaded Code by Selective Inlining", journal = "ACM SIG{\-}PLAN Notices", volume = "33", number = "5", pages = "291--300", month = may, year = "1998", coden = "SINODQ", ISBN = "0-89791-987-4", ISSN = "0362-1340", bibdate = "Thu May 13 12:37:28 MDT 1999", url = "http://www.acm.org:80/pubs/citations/proceedings/pldi/277650/p291-piumarta/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Published as part of the Proceedings of PLDI'98.", keywords = "algorithms; experimentation; languages; performance", subject = "{\bf D.3.4} Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Processors, Optimization. {\bf D.3.4} Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Processors, Interpreters. {\bf D.3.4} Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Processors, Translator writing systems and compiler generators.", } @ARTICLE{Wil72, author = "W. T. Wilner", title = "Burroughs {B1700} memory utilization", journal = "AFIPS FJCC", volume = "41", year = "1972", pages = "579--586" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ICCAD94*391, author = "I.-J. Huang and A. M. Despain", title = "Generating Instruction Sets and Microarchitectures from Applications", pages = "391--396", booktitle = "International Conference on Computer-Aided Design", month = nov, publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "Los Alamitos, Ca., USA", year = "1994", ISBN = "0-89791-690-5", } @INPROCEEDINGS{HolmerDes91, author = "Bruce K. Holmer and Alvin M. Despain", title = "Viewing Instruction Set Design as an Optimization Problem", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture", address = "Albuquerque, New Mexico", month = nov # " 18--20,", organization = "ACM SIGMICRO and IEEE Computer Society TC-MICRO", year = "1991", pages = "153--162", } @ARTICLE{Bennet89, author = "J. P. Bennet and G. C. Smith", title = "The Need for Reduced Byte Stream Instruction Sets", journal = "The Computer Journal", volume = "32", pages = "370--373", year = "1989", refs = "8", checked = "19950714", source = "Main library", abstract = "In the design of byte stream instruction sets, a popular methodology has been peephole refinement of a canonical instruction set. By this we mean the addition of extra opcodes over the minimum necessary for a viable machine in order to handle particular common cases more efficiently. Such machines by the use of ``escape'' sequences often have hundreds of different opcodes. By comparison, modern ``Reduced Instruction Set'' computers, which do not take the byte stream approach, have a very small number of opcodes. We argue that in theact there is not significant benefit to be achieved by having byte stream instructions sets of more than around 100 opcodes. A formal basis for the selection of extra opcodes is used in justifying this view.", sjb = "The conclusion is ``Only add those extra opcodes you really need. There really is little point in filling up an instruction set with little-used opcodes. Fewer opcodes means less microcod, and more silicon for hardware assistance. It also makes the compiler writer's job easier, with fewer options in selecting opcodes.''", } @PhdThesis{Bennet87, author = "J. P. Bennet", title = "A Methodology for Automated Design of Computer Instruction Sets", school = "University of Cambridge", year = "1987", reffrom = "Bennett:Smith:bcs:cj:1989", } @INPROCEEDINGS{SohVaj89, author = "G. S. Sohi and S. Vajapeyam", title = "Tradeoffs in Instruction Format Design for Horizontal Architectures", pages = "15--25", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating System (ASPLOS)", journal = "SIGPLAN Notices", volume = "24", number = "5", month = may, year = "1989", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York, NY", ISBN = "0-89791-300-0", } @MASTERSTHESIS{Dube96, author = "Danny Dubé", title = "Un système de programmation {Scheme} pour micro-contrôleur", school = "Université de Montréal", month = apr, year = 1996 } @INPROCEEDINGS{dube2000, title = "{BIT}: A very compact {Scheme} system for embedded applications", author = "Danny Dubé", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming", editor = "Matthias Felleisen", month = sep, year = "2000", } @TECHREPORT{Leroy90, pages = "100 p.", type = "Technical Report", number = "RT-0117", institution = "Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique", title = "The {ZINC} experiment : an economical implementation of the {ML} language", bibdate = "February 1, 1990", author = "Xavier Leroy", language = "A", year = 1990 } @TECHREPORT{Nekritch00, author = "Yakov Nekritch", title = "Decoding of Canonical Huffman Codes with Look-Up Tables", institution = "University of Bonn, Department of Computer Science", number = "85209-CS", month = jan, year = "2000", url = "ftp://theory.cs.uni-bonn.de/pub/reports/cs-reports/1999/85209-CS.ps.gz", note = "Wed, 06 Sep 2000 09:44:01 GMT", } @TECHREPORT{Nekritch98, author = "Yakov Nekritch", title = "On Efficient Decoding of Huffman Codes", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Bonn", number = "85190-CS", month = may, year = "1998", url = "ftp://theory.cs.uni-bonn.de/pub/reports/cs-reports/1998/85190-cs.ps.gz", abstract = "Two new algorithms for space- and time-efficient decoding of minimum redundancy codes with numerical sequence property are investigated. Both algorithms are particularly efficient in case of large source alphabets and limited memory resources. Practical experiments show a reduction of up to 50 $\backslash$\% and more in the number of operations.", note = "Wed, 12 Nov 98 14:00:00 GMT", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Moffat95, title = "Space-Efficient Construction of Optimal Prefix Codes", author = "Alistair Moffat and Andrew Turpin and Jyrki Katajainen", pages = "192--201", booktitle = dcc, month = mar, year = "1995", } @ARTICLE{ITC::Hashemian95, title = "Memory Efficient and High-Speed Search {Huffman} Coding", author = "Reza Hashemian", pages = "2576--2581", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Communications", month = oct, year = "1997", volume = "43", number = "10", } @ARTICLE{Schwartz1964, title = "Generating a Canonical Prefix Encoding", author = "Eugene S. Schwartz and Bruce Kallick", pages = "166--169", journal = "Communications of the ACM", month = mar, year = "1964", volume = "7", number = "3", } @INPROCEEDINGS{CPM::Klein1997, title = "Space- and Time-Efficient Decoding with Canonical {Huffman} Trees", author = "Shmuel T. Klein", booktitle = "Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 8th Annual Symposium", editor = "Alberto Apostolico and Jotun Hein", address = "Aarhus, Denmark", month = "30~" # jun # "--2~" # jul, year = "1997", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "1264", publisher = "Springer", ISBN = "ISBN 3-540-63220-4", pages = "65--75", } @ARTICLE{Chung:1997:EHD, author = "Kuo-Liang Chung", title = "Efficient {Huffman} decoding", journal = "Information Processing Letters", volume = "61", number = "2", pages = "97--99", day = "28", month = feb, year = "1997", coden = "IFPLAT", ISSN = "0020-0190", mrclass = "68P05 (94B35)", mrnumber = "1 439 875", bibdate = "Sat Nov 7 17:55:50 MST 1998", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @TECHREPORT{Raeder98, type = "Technical Report", number = "RR-3578", institution = "Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique", title = "Java Bytecode Compression for Embedded Systems", language = "A", pages = "22 p.", bibdate = "December 1, 1998", year = 1998, author = "Lars Raeder Clausen and Ulrik Pagh Schultz and Charles Consel and Gilles Muller", abstract = "La conception et l'execution d'un programme dans un systeme embarque doit repondre a des contraintes en taille de memoire et en temps de reponse. Dans cet article, nous montrons qu'il est possible de factoriser automatiquement des sequences d'instructions communes pour du code intermediaire Java. Sur un ensemble de programmes Java representatifs, nous avons obtenu un taux moyen de compression de la taille du code intermediare de 30\%, ceci avec un temps d'execution augmente au plus de 30\%. L'implementation de la factorisation requiert des modifications mineures au sein d'une machine virtuelle Java. Nous decrivons ces modifications pour la machine virtuelle d'Harissa et presentons un algorithme permettant de factoriser le code intermediaire. A program executing on an embedded system or similar environment faces limited memory resources and fixed time constrains. We demonstrate how factorization of common instruction sequences can be automatically applied to Java bytecode programs. Based on a series of experiments, we argue that program size is reduced by 30\% on the average, typically with an execution time penalty of less than 30\%. The one-time, minor modifications necessary to make a standard Java interpreter compatible with this factorized code are presented on the Harissa virtual machine, together with an algorithm for performing the factorization of Java bytecode.", } @INPROCEEDINGS{ivme03, author = "Mario Latendresse and Marc Feeley", title = "Generation of Fast Interpreters for Huffman Compressed Bytecode", month = jun, booktitle = ivme, publisher = acm, year = 2003 } @PHDTHESIS{phd:Latendresse2000, author = "Mario Latendresse", title = "Génération de machines virtuelles pour l'exécution de programmes compressés", school = "Université de Montréal", month = may, year = 2000, note = "Available at www.iro.umontreal.ca/\verb+~+latendre/publications/" } @TECHREPORT{Report1219, Author = "Mario Latendresse and Marc Feeley", Title = "Fast and Compact decoding of {Huffman} encoded virtual instructions", Type = "Technical Report", year = "2002", institution = "University of Montreal", number = "DIRO-1219", month = nov, note = "Available at www.iro.umontreal.ca/\verb+~+latendre/publications/" } %%% The following entries were taken from Rik van de Wiel Bibliography. @MISC{compact-bib, author = "Mario Latendresse", title = "{The {C}ode {C}ompaction/{C}ompression Bibliography}", url = "http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~latendre", howpublished= "{\tt http://www.iro.umontreal.ca}", organization = "University of Montreal" } @TECHREPORT{Araujo2000a, author = "Guido Ara\'{u}jo and Paulo Centoducatte and Rodolfo Azevedo and Ricardo Pannain", title = "Expression Tree Based Algorithms for Code Compression on Embedded {RISC} Architectures", number = "IC-00-01", month = jan, year = 2000, institution = "Instituto de Computa\c{c}\~{a}o - UNICAMP", pages = 27, language = engl, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Araujo2000, author = "Guido Ara\'{u}jo and Paulo Centoducatte and Rodolfo Azevedo and Ricardo Pannain", title = "Expression Tree Based Algorithms for Code Compression on Embedded {RISC} Architectures", journal = ieeetvs, month = mar, year = 2000 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Araujo98, author = "Guido Ara\'{u}jo and Paulo Centoducatte and Mario C\^{o}rtes and Ricardo Pannain", title = "Code compression based on operand factorization", booktitle = micro, year = 1998, month = dec, pages = "194--201", note = "" } @BOOK{ARM95, author = "ARM", title = "An Introduction to Thumb", publisher = "Advanced {RISC} Machines Ltd.", year = 1995, month = mar, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Anantha90, author = "Kasi Anantha and Fred Long", title = "Code Compaction for Parallel Architectures", journal = spe, pages = "537--554", volume = 20, number = 6, month = jun, year = 1990 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Bandyopadhyay87, author = "S. Bandyopadhyay and V.S. Begwani and R.B. Murray", title = "Compiling for the {CRISP} Microprocessor", booktitle = compcon, year = 1987 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Baxter98, author = "I. Baxter and A. Yahin and L. Moura and M. Sant'Anna and L. Bier", title = "Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Trees", booktitle = "Proc. of the Int'l. Conf. on Software Maintenance", year = 1998, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Benes97, author = "Martin Benes and Steven M. Nowick and Andrew Wolfe", title = "A Fast Asynchronous {H}uffman Decoder for Compressed-Code Embedded Processors", booktitle = async, month = sep, year = 1998 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Benes98, author = "Martin Benes and Andrew Wolfe and Steven M. Nowick", title = "A High-Speed Asynchronous Decompression Circuit for Embedded Processors", booktitle = arvlsi, month = sep, year = 1997, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Berenbaum87a, author = "A.D. Berenbaum and D.R. Ditzel and H.R. McLellen", title = "Introduction to the {CRISP} Instruction Set Architecture", booktitle = compcon, year = 1987 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Berenbaum87b, author = "A.D. Berenbaum and D.R. Ditzel and H.R. McLellen", title = "Architectural Innovations in the {CRISP} Microprocessor", booktitle = compcon, year = 1987 } @TECHREPORT{Bird96, author = "P. Bird and T. Mudge", title = "An Instruction Stream Compression Technique", institution = "EECS Department, University of Michigan", type = "Technical Report", number = "CSE-TR-319-96", year = 1996, month = nov } @INPROCEEDINGS{Breternitz97, author = "Breternitz Jr., Mauricio and Roger Smith", title = "Enhanced Compression Techniques to Symplify Program Decompression and Execution", booktitle = iccd, pages = "170--176", year = 1997, month = oct } @TECHREPORT{Bunda92, title = "16-bit Vs. 32-bit Instructions for Pipelined Microprocessors", author = "John D. Bunda and Donald S. Fussell and Roy M. Jenevein and W. C. Athas", institution = "The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences", type = "Technical Report", number = "TR-92-39", year = 1992, note = "" # "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Bunda99, author = "Benda S. Baker and Udi Manber and Robert Muth", title = "Compressing Differences of Executable Code", booktitle = wcsss, year = 1999, month = may, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cate91, author = "Vincent Cate and Thomas Gross", title = "Integration of Compression and Caching for a Two-Level File System", pages = "200--211", booktitle = asplos, year = 1991 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Centoducatte99, author = "Paulo Centoducatte and Ricardo Pannain and Guido Ara\'{u}jo", title = "Compressed Code Execution on {DSP} Architectures", booktitle = isss, year = 1999, month = nov, note = "" } @TECHREPORT{Chen97a, author = "I. Chen and P. Bird and T. Mudge", title = "The Impact of Instruction Compression on I-cache Performance", institution = "EECS Department, University of Michigan", type = "Technical Report", number = "CSE-TR-330-97", year = 1996 } @PHDTHESIS{Chen97b, author = "I. Chen", title = "Enhancing Instruction Fetching Mechanism Using Data Compression", school = "University of Michigan", year = 1997 } @ARTICLE{Clausen2000, author = "L. R. Clausen and U. P. Schultz and C. Consel and G. Muller", title = "Java bytecode compression for low-end embedded systems", journal = acmpls, volume = 22, number = 3, pages = "471--489", year = 2000 } @TECHREPORT{Clausen98, author = "L. R. Clausen and U. P. Schultz and C. Consel and G. Muller", title = "Java Bytecode Compression for Embedded Systems", institution = "Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systemes Aleatoires", type = "Technical Report", number = "No 1213", year = 1998, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Conte96, author = "Thomas M. Conte and Sanjeev Banerjia and Sergei Larin and Kishore N. Menezes and Aumedh W. Sathaye", title = "Instruction fetch mechanisms for VLIW architectures with compressed encodings", booktitle = isca, year = 1996, month = nov, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cooper99, author = "Keith D. Cooper and Nathaniel McIntosh", title = "Enhanced Code Compression for Embedded {RISC} Processors", booktitle = pldi, year = 1999, month = may, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Davidson82, author = "Jack W. Davidson and Chris W. Fraser", title = "Eliminating Redundant Object Code", booktitle = popl, pages = "128--132", year = 1982 } @ARTICLE{Debray2000b, author = "Saumya Debray and William Evans and Robert Muth and Bjorn de Sutter", title = "Compiler Techniques for Code Compaction", journal = acmpls, volume = 22, number = 2, pages = "378--415", year = 2000, note = "" } @TECHREPORT{Debray2000a, author = "Saumya Debray and William Evans and Robert Muth and Bjorn de Sutter", title = "Compiler Techniques for Code Compaction", institution = "Department of Computer Science, The University of Arizona", type = "Technical Report", number = "TR00-04", month = mar, year = 2000, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Debray99, author = "Saumya Debray and William Evans and Robert Muth", title = "Compiler Techniques for Code Compression", booktitle = wcsss, year = 1999, month = may, note = "" # " Note: Preliminary version of article in " # acmpls # "." } @INPROCEEDINGS{Debray2002, author = "Saumya Debray and William Evans", title = "Profile-Guided Code Compression", booktitle = pldi, year = 2002, month = jun, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ditzel87, author = "D. Ditzel and H.R. McLellan and A.D. Berenbaum", title = "The Hardware Architecture of the {CRISP} Microprocessor", booktitle = isca, month = jun, year = 1987 } @ARTICLE{Elias87, author = "Peter Elias", title = "Interval and Recency Rank Source Coding: Two On-line Adaptive Variable-length Schemes", journal = ieeetit, volume = 33, number = 1, year = 1987 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ernst97, author = "Jens Ernst and Christopher W. Fraser and William Evans and Steven Lucco and Todd A. Proebsting", title = "Code Compression", booktitle = pldi, year = 1997, month = jun, pages = "358--365", note = "" } @PHDTHESIS{Franz94, author = "M. Franz", title = "Code-Generation On-The-Fly: A Key to Portable Software", school = "Swiss Federal Institute of Technology", year = 1994 } @INCOLLECTION{Franz97a, author = "M. Franz", title = "Adaptive Compression of Syntax Trees and Iterative Dynamic Code Optimization: Two Basic Technologies for Mobile-Object Systems", editor = "Jan Vitek and Christian Tschudi", booktitle = "Mobile Object Systems: Towards the Programmable Internet,", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", publisher = springer, pages = "263--276", year = 1997, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Franz97b, author = "M. Franz and T. Kistler", title = "Slim Binaries", journal = cacm, volume = 40, number = 12, month = dec, year = 1997, pages = "87--94" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Fraser84, author = "C. Fraser and E. Myers and A. Wendt", title = "Analyzing and Compressing Assembly Code", booktitle = acmcc, year = 1984, volume = 19, pages = "117--121", month = jun } @ARTICLE{Fraser86, title = "Integrating code generation and optimization", author = "Christopher W. Fraser and Alan L. Wendt", booktitle = acmcc, address = "Palo Alto, CA", journal = "SIGPLAN Notices", volume = 21, number = 7, month = "June", year = 1986, pages = "242--248" } @ARTICLE{Fraser95, author = "Christopher W. Fraser and Todd A. Proebsting", title = "Custom Instruction Sets For Code Compression", journal = "Unpublished manuscript." # "{\tt http://research.microsoft.com/\~{}toddpro/papers/pldi2.ps}", year = 1995, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Fraser99, author = "Christopher W. Fraser", title = "Automatic Inference of Models for Statistical Code Compression", booktitle = pldi, year = 1999, month = may, pages = "242--246", note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Fraser2001, author = "Christopher W. Fraser and Will Evans", title = "Bytecode compression via profiled grammar rewriting", booktitle = pldi, year = 2001, month = jun, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Frieder76, title = "A Process for the Determination of Addresses in Variable Length Addressing", author = "Gideon Frieder and Harry J. Saal", journal = cacm, volume = 19, number = 6, month = "June", year = 1976, pages = "335--338" } @BOOK{Game98, author = "Mark Game and Alan Booker", title = "CodePack: Code Compression for {PowerPC} Processors", publisher = "International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation", year = 1998 } @PHDTHESIS{Geschke72, author = "Charles M. Geschke", title = "Global Program Optimizations", school = "Carnegie Mellon University", year = 1972 } @ARTICLE{Gonzales99, author = "David Ruimy Gonzales", title = "Micro-{RISC} Architecture for the Wireless Market", journal = "IEEE Micro", volume = 19, number = 4, year = 1999 } @ARTICLE{Hanson83, title = "Simple Code Optimization", author = "David B. Hanson", journal = "Software -- Practice and Experience", volume = 13, number = 8, year = 1983, pages = "745--763" } @ARTICLE{Hoogerbrugge99, author = "Jan Hoogerbrugge and Lex Augusteijn and Jeroen Trum and Rik van de Wiel", title = "A Code Compression System Based on Pipelined Interpreters", journal = spe, volume = 29, number = 11, year = 1999 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Huffman52, author = "D.A. Huffman", title = "A Method for Construction of Minimum Redundancy Codes", booktitle = pieee, volume = 40, year = 1952, pages = "1098--1101" } @BOOK{IBM98, author = "IBM", title = "CodePack: {PowerPC} Code Compression Utility User's Manual. Version 3.0", publisher = "International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation", year = 1998 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ishiura97, author = "N. Ishiura and M. Yamaguchi", title = "Instruction Code Compression for Application Specific VLIW Processors Based on Automatic Field Partitioning", booktitle = "Proc. of the Workshop on Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed Technologies", year = 1997, month = dec, pages = "105--109" } @ARTICLE{Kemp98, title = "A Decompression Core for {PowerPC}", author = "T.M. Kemp and R.M. Montoye and J.D. Harper and J.D. Palmer and D.J. Auerbach", journal = "{IBM} Journal of Research and Development", volume = 42, number = 6, month = "Nov", year = 1998 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kirovski97, author = "Darko Kirovski and Johnson Kin and William H. Mangione-Smith", title = "Procedure Based Program Compression", booktitle = micro, year = 1997, month = dec, note = "" } @BOOK{Kissell97, author = "K. Kissell", title = "{MIPS16}: High-density {MIPS} for the Embedded Market", publisher = "Silicon Graphics {MIPS} Group", year = 1997 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kjelso97, author = "Morten Kjels\o and Mark Gooch and Simon Jones", title = "Design and Performance of a Main Memory Hardware Data Compressor", booktitle = euromicro, publisher = csp, year = 1996 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Koopman92, author = "Koopman Jr., Philip", title = "A Preliminary Exploration of Optimized Stack Code Generation", booktitle = "Proc. of Rochester Forth Conference", year = 1992 } @ARTICLE{Korolev58, author = "L. N. Korolev", title = "Coding and Code Compression", pages = "328--33", translator = "Morris D. Friedman", journal = jacm, month = oct, year = 1958, volume = 5, number = 4 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kozuch94, author = "M. Kozuch and A. Wolfe", title = "Compression of Embedded System Programs", booktitle = iccd, year = 1994 } @TECHREPORT{Kozuch95, author = "Michael Kozuch and Andrew Wolfe", title = "Performance Analysis of the Compressed Code {RISC} Processor", institution = "Princeton University Computer Engineering", type = "Technical Report", number = "CE-A95-2", year = 1995 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kreuzer97, author = "Werner Kreuzer and Bernhard Wess", title = "Cooperative register assignment and code compaction for digital signal processors with irregular datapath", booktitle = "Proc. Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing", year = 1997 } @TECHREPORT{Kunchithapadam99, author = "Krishna Kunchithapadam and James R. Larus", title = "Using Lightweight Procedures to Improve Instruction Cache Performance", institution = "University of Wisconsin-Madison", number = "CS-TR-1999-1390", year = 1999, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Kwon99, author = "Young-Jun Kwon and Danny Parker and Hyuk Jae Lee", title = "{TOE}: Instruction Set Architecture for Code Size Reduction and Two Operations Execution", journal = "Presented at the International Workshop on Compiler and Architecture Support for Embedded Systems. " # np # " yet.", year = 1999, month = oct, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Latendresse2000, author = "Mario Latendresse", title = "Automatic Generation of Compact Programs and Virtual Machines for Scheme", booktitle = "Proc. of the Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming", year = 2000, month = sep, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Larin99, author = "S. Y. Larin and T. M. Conte", title = "Compiler-driven cached code compression schemes for embedded {ILP} processors", booktitle = micro, year = 1999, month = nov } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lefurgy97, author = "Charles Lefurgy and Peter Bird and I-Cheng Chen and Trevor Mudge", title = "Improving Code Density Using Compression Techniques", booktitle = micro, year = 1997, month = dec, note = "" } @TECHREPORT{Lefurgy98, author = "Charles Lefurgy and Trevor Mudge", title = "Code Compression for {DSP}", institution = "EECS Department, University of Michigan", type = "Technical Report", number = "CSE-TR-380-98", year = 1998, month = nov, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lefurgy99a, author = "Charles Lefurgy and Eva Piccininni and Trevor Mudge", title = "Analysis of a High-performance Code Compression Method", booktitle = micro, year = 1999, month = nov, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Lefurgy99b, author = "Charles Lefurgy and Trevor Mudge", title = "Fast Software-managed Code Decompression", journal = "Presented at the International Workshop on Compiler and Architecture Support for Embedded Systems. " # np # " yet.", year = 1999, month = jul, note = "" } @PHDTHESIS{Lefurgy2000a, author = "Charles Lefurgy", title = "Efficient Execution of Compressed Programs", school = "University of Michigan", month = jun, year = 2000, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lefurgy2000, author = "Charles Lefurgy and Eva Piccininni and Trevor Mudge", title = "Reducing Code Size with Run-time Decompression", booktitle = "Proc. of the International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture", year = 2000, month = jan, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lekatsas2001, author = "H. Lekatsas and J. Henkel and W. Wolf", title = "Design and Simulation of a Pipelined Decompression Architecture for Embedded Systems", booktitle = isss, month = oct, year = 2001, note = ta } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lekatsas2000c, author = "H. Lekatsas and Joerg Henkel and Wayne Wolf", title = "Code Compression as a Variable in Hardware/Software Co-Design", booktitle = "International Workshop on Hardware/Software Co-Design", year = 2000, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lekatsas2000b, author = "H. Lekatsas and Joerg Henkel and Wayne Wolf", title = "Code Compression for Low Power Embedded System Design", booktitle = dac, year = 2000, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lekatsas2000a, author = "H. Lekatsas and Joerg Henkel and Wayne Wolf", title = "Arithmetic Coding for Low Power Embedded System Design", booktitle = dcc, pages = "430--439", year = 2000, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Lekatsas99a, author = "H. Lekatsas and Wayne Wolf", title = "{SAMC}: A Code Compression Algorithm for Embedded Processors", journal = "IEEE Transactions on CAD", volume = "18", number = "12", pages = "1689--1701", month = dec, year = "1999", note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lekatsas98, author = "Haris Lekatsas and Wayne Wolf", title = "Code Compression for Embedded Systems", booktitle = dac, year = 1998, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lekatsas99, author = "Haris Lekatsas and Wayne Wolf", title = "Random Access Decompression using Binary Arithmetic Coding", booktitle = dcc, year = 1999, month = mar, pages = "306--315", note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lekatsas2002, author = "Haris Lekatsas and {J\"{o}rg} Henkel and Venkata Jakkula", title = "Design of a One-cycle Decompression Hardware for Performance Increase in Embedded Systems", booktitle = dac, year = 2002, month = jun, pages = "34--39" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Liao95, author = "Stan Liao and S. Devadas and K Keutzer", title = "Code Density Optimization for Embedded {DSP} Processors Using Data Compression Techniques", booktitle = arvlsi, year = 1995, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Liao95a, title = "Storage Assignment to Decrease Code Size", author = "Stan Liao and Srinivas Devadas and Kurt Keutzer and Steve Tjiang and Albert Wang", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN '95 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation", journal = "SIGPLAN Notices", volume = 30, number = 6, month= "June", year = 1995, pages = "186--195", note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Liao95b, title = "Code Optimization Techniques for Embedded {DSP} Microprocessors", author = "Stan Liao and Srinivas Devadas and Kurt Keutzer and Steve Tjiang and Albert Wang", booktitle = dac, year = 1995 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Liao95c, title = "Instruction Selection Using Binate Covering for Code Size Optimization", author = "Stan Liao and Srinivas Devadas and Kurt Keutzer and Steve Tjiang", booktitle = iccad, pages = "393--399", year = 1995 } @PHDTHESIS{Liao96, author = "Stan Liao", title = "Code Generation and Optimization for Embedded Digital Signal Processors", school = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", month = jun, year = 1996, note = "" } @ARTICLE{Liao96a, author = "Stan Liao and Srinivas Devadas and Kurt Keutzer and Steven Tjiang and Albert Wang", title = "Storage assignment to decrease code size", journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", volume = "18", number = "3", pages = "235--253", month = may, year = "1996", coden = "ATPSDT", ISSN = "0164-0925", abstract = "DSP architectures typically provide indirect addressing modes with autoincrement and decrement. In addition, indexing mode is generally not available, and there are usually few, if any, general-purpose registers. Hence, it is necessary to use address registers and perform address arithmetic to access automatic variables. Subsuming the address arithmetic into autoincrement and decrement modes improves the size of the generated code. In this article we present a formulation of the problem of optimal storage assignment such that explicit instructions for address arithmetic are minimized. We prove that for the case of a single address register the decision problem is NP-complete, even for a single basic block. We then generalize the problem to multiple address registers. For both cases heuristic algorithms are given, and experimental results are presented.", keywords = "algorithms; experimentation; management; measurement; theory" } @ARTICLE{Liao98, title = "A text compression based method for code size minimization in embedded systems", author = "Stan Liao and Kurt Keutzer and Srinivas Devadas", journal = "ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems", volume = 4, number = 1, month= "January", year = 1999 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lucco2000, title = "Split-Stream Dictionary Program Compression", author = "Steven Lucco", booktitle = pldi, pages = "27--34", year = 2000 } @ARTICLE{Marks80, title = "Compilation to Compact Code", author = "Brian Marks", journal = "IBM Journal of Research and Development", volume = "24", number = "6", month = "November", year = "1980", pages = "684--691" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Markwardt96, title = "Efficient Operand Passing for {RISC} Processors", author = "Gert Markwardt and G{\"{u}}nter Kemnitz and Rainer G. Spallek and Patrick Schulz", booktitle = "Proc. of Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architecture", address = "San Jose, California", month = "February", year = 1996 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Massalin87, title = "Superoptimizer -- A Look at the Smallest Program", author = "Henry Massalin", booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems}, address = "Palo Alto, California", year = "1987", pages = "122--126" } @ARTICLE{McCreight76, title = "A Space-Economical Suffix Tree Construction Algorithm", author = "Edward M. McCreight", journal = jacm, volume = "23", number = "2", month = "April", year = "1976", pages = "262--272" } @ARTICLE{McKeeman65, title = "Peephole Optimization", author = "W. M. McKeeman", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "8", number = "7", month = "July", year = "1965", pages = "443--444" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Miretsky99, title = "{RISC} Code Compression Model", author = "Alex Miretsky and Arie Ben-Efraim and Vitaly Sukonik and Alexander Saper and Avi Ginsberg and Rami Natan and Amit Dor", booktitle = esc, address = "Chicago, Illinois", month = "March", year = 1999 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Murtagh84, title = "A Less Dynamic Memory Allocation Scheme for Algol-like Languages", author = "Thomas P. Murtagh", booktitle = "Conference Record of the Eleventh Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", address = "Salt Lake City, UT", month = "January", year = 1984, pages = "283--289" } @ARTICLE{Murtagh91, title = "An Improved Storage Management Scheme For Block Structured Languages", author = "T. P. Murtagh", journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", volume = 13, number = 3, month = "July", year = 1991, pages = "327--398" } @ARTICLE{Nam99, title = "Improving Dictionary-based Code Compression in {VLIW} Architectures", author = "Sang-Joon Nam and In-Cheol Park and Chong-Min Kyung", journal = "IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences", volume = "E82-A", number = 11, month = nov, year = 1999, pages = "2318--2324", note = "" } @TECHREPORT{Peck75, author = "J.E.L. Peck and V.S. Manis and W.E. Webb", title = "Code Compaction for Minicomputers with {INTCODE} and {MINICODE}", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Britisch Columbia", type = "Technical Report", number = "TR-75-02", year = 1975 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Pittman87, author = "Thomas Pittman", title = "Two-Level Hybrid Interpreter. Native Code Execution for Combined Space-Time Program Efficientcy", booktitle = acmcc, year = 1987, pages = "150--152" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Proebsting95, author = "T. Proebsting", title = "Optimizing a {ANSI} {C} Interpreter with Superoperators", booktitle = popl, year = 1995, pages = "322--332" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Rao99, author = "Amit Rao and Santosh Pande", title = "Storage Assignment Optimizations to Generate Compact and Efficient Code on Embedded {DSP}s", booktitle = pldi, year = 1999, month = may } @ARTICLE{Richards71, title = "How To Keep the Addresses Short", author = "Donald L. Richards", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = 14, number = 5, month = "May", year = 1971, pages = "346--349" } @PHDTHESIS{Rosenberg83, author = "Jonathan Rosenberg", title = "Generating Compact Code for Generic Subprograms", school = "Carnegie Mellon University", year = 1983 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ruggieri88, title = "Lifetime Analysis of Dynamically Allocated Objects", author = "Cristina Ruggieri and Thomas P. Murtagh", booktitle = "Conference Record of the Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", address = "San Diego, California", month = "January", year = 1988, pages = "285--293" } @MASTERSTHESIS{Runeson2000a, author = "Johan Runeson", title = "Code compression through procedural abstraction before register allocation", school = "University of Uppsala", month = mar, year = 2000, note = "" # "Note from author: In this version not all experimental results are correct; this will be corrected in a later version." } @INPROCEEDINGS{Runeson2000b, author = "J. Runeson and S. {Nystr\"{o}m} and J. {Sj\"{o}din}", title = "Optimizing Code Size through Procedural Abstraction", year = 2000, booktitle = lctes, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Sugino93, title = "{DSP} Code Optimization by Use of Code Compression Method Based on Neural Network", author = "Nobuhiko Sugino and Koji Tamura and Akinori Nishihara", booktitle = "Proc. Digital Signal Processing Symposium", month = oct, year = 1993, pages = "29--34" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Sutter2001, title = "Combining Global Code and Data Compaction", author = "Bjorn de Sutter and Bruno de Bus and Koen de Bosschere and Saumya Debray", booktitle = lctes, month = jun, year = 2001, note = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Srivastava93, author = "A. Srivastava and A.M. Despain", title = "Prophetic Branches: A Branch Architecture for Code Compaction and Efficient Execution", year = 1993, booktitle = micro, pages = "94--99" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Taunton91, author = "M. Taunton", title = "Compressed Executables: An Exercise in Thinking Small", year = 1991, booktitle = "Proc. of the Summer 1991 USENIX Conference", address = "Nashville, {TN}", pages = "385--403", } @ARTICLE{Turley95, author = "J.L. Turley", title = "Thumb Squeezes {ARM} Code Size", journal = microrep, volume = 9, number = 4, month = mar, year = 1995 } @ARTICLE{Turley97, author = "J.L. 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