import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.simevents.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.rng.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.randvar.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.probdist.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stat.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.util.*; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; import cern.colt.matrix.*; import cern.colt.matrix.impl.*; import cern.colt.matrix.linalg.*; import cern.jet.stat.Descriptive; import*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.LinkedList; // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% class CallCenter { static final double HOUR = 3600.0; // Time is in seconds. // Parameters and data for the call center model. // Arrival rates are per hour, service and patience times are in seconds. double openingTime; // Opening time of the center (in hours). int numPeriods; // Number of working periods (hours) in the day. int[] numAgents; // Number of agents for each period. double[] lambda; // Base arrival rate lambda_j for each j. double alpha0; // Parameter of gamma distribution for B. double p; // Probability that patience time is 0. double nu; // Parameter of exponential for patience time. double alpha, beta; // Parameters of gamma service time distribution. double s; // Want stats on waiting times smaller than s. // Variables double busyness; // Current value of B. double arrRate = 0.0; // Current arrival rate. double nCallsExpected; // Expected number of calls per day. double workExpected; // Expected sum of service times. int nAgents; // Number of agents in current period. int nBusy; // Number of agents occupied; int nArrivals; // Number of arrivals today; int nAbandon; // Number of abandonments today. int nGoodQoS; // Number of waiting times less than s today. double sumServTimes; // Sum of service times today. Event nextArrival = new Arrival(); // The next Arrival event. RandomStream streamB = new RandMrg(); // For B. RandomStream streamArr = new RandMrg(); // For arrivals. RandomStream streamPatience = new RandMrg(); // For patience times. GammaGen genServ; // For service times; created in readData(). LinkedList waitList = new LinkedList (); Tally statWaitsDay = new Tally ("Waiting times within a day"); // Constructor reads data from file "CallCenter.dat". public CallCenter (String fileName) throws IOException { readCenterData (fileName); } // **************************** // One call in the call center. class Call { double arrivTime, servTime, patienceTime; // Constructor of a call that just arrives. public Call() { servTime = genServ.nextDouble(); // Generate service time. sumServTimes += servTime; if (nBusy < nAgents) { // Start service immediately. nBusy++; nGoodQoS++; statWaitsDay.add (0.0); new CallCompletion().schedule (servTime); } else { // Join the queue. patienceTime = generPatience(); arrivTime = Sim.time(); waitList.addLast (this); } } // This call has just completed its wait. public void endWait() { double wait = Sim.time() - arrivTime; // sumProbAbandon += p + (1.0-p) * ExponentialDist.cdf (nu, wait); if (patienceTime < wait) { // Caller has abandoned. nAbandon++; wait = patienceTime; // Effective waiting time. } else { nBusy++; new CallCompletion().schedule (servTime); } if (wait < s) nGoodQoS++; statWaitsDay.add (wait); } } // A new period starts; the arrival rate and number of agents may change. class NextPeriod extends Event { int j; // Number of the new period. public NextPeriod (int period) { j = period; } public void actions() { if (j < numPeriods) { nAgents = numAgents[j]; arrRate = busyness * lambda[j] / HOUR; if (j == 0) nextArrival.schedule (ExponentialDist.inverseF (arrRate, streamArr.nextDouble())); else { checkQueue(); nextArrival.reschedule ((nextArrival.time() - Sim.time()) * lambda[j-1] / lambda[j]); } new NextPeriod(j+1).schedule (1.0 * HOUR); } else nextArrival.cancel(); // End of the day. } } // Arrival of a new call. class Arrival extends Event { public void actions() { nextArrival.schedule (ExponentialDist.inverseF (arrRate, streamArr.nextDouble())); nArrivals++; Call call = new Call(); // Call just arrived. } } // End of a call. class CallCompletion extends Event { public void actions() { nBusy--; checkQueue(); } } // Start answering new calls if agents are free and queue not empty. public void checkQueue() { while ((waitList.size() > 0) && (nBusy < nAgents)) ((Call)waitList.removeFirst()).endWait(); } // Generates the patience time for a call. public double generPatience() { double u = streamPatience.nextDouble(); if (u <= p) return 0.0; else return ExponentialDist.inverseF (nu, (1.0-u) / (1.0-p)); } // Simulates one day of operation of the center, with B = busyness. public void simulOneDay (double busyness) { Sim.init(); statWaitsDay.init(); nArrivals = 0; nAbandon = 0; nGoodQoS = 0; nBusy = 0; sumServTimes = 0.0; this.busyness = busyness; new NextPeriod(0).schedule (openingTime * HOUR); Sim.start(); // Here the simulation is running... } // Generates B and simulates one day of operation of the center. public void simulOneDay () { simulOneDay (GammaDist.inverseF (alpha0, alpha0, 8, streamB.nextDouble())); } // Reads data from file and construct some arrays + genServ. public void readCenterData (String fileName) throws IOException { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (fileName)); StringTokenizer line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); openingTime = Double.parseDouble (line.nextToken()); line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); numPeriods = Integer.parseInt (line.nextToken()); numAgents = new int[numPeriods]; lambda = new double[numPeriods]; nCallsExpected = 0.0; for (int j=0; j < numPeriods; j++) { line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); numAgents[j] = Integer.parseInt (line.nextToken()); lambda[j] = Double.parseDouble (line.nextToken()); nCallsExpected += lambda[j]; } line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); alpha0 = Double.parseDouble (line.nextToken()); line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); p = Double.parseDouble (line.nextToken()); line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); nu = Double.parseDouble (line.nextToken()); line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); alpha = Double.parseDouble (line.nextToken()); line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); beta = Double.parseDouble (line.nextToken()); // genServ can be created only after its parameters are read. // The acceptance/rejection method is much faster than inversion. genServ = new GammaAcceptanceRejectionGen (new RandMrg(), new GammaDist (alpha, beta)); workExpected = nCallsExpected * alpha / beta; line = new StringTokenizer (input.readLine()); s = Double.parseDouble (line.nextToken()); input.close(); System.out.println ("----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println ("Call center with CV + stratification on B."); System.out.println ("Data read in file: " + fileName + "\n"); System.out.println (numPeriods + "periods.\n"); } public double getAlpha0 () { return alpha0; } public double getBusyness () { return busyness; } public double getNumCallsExpected () { return nCallsExpected; } public double getWorkExpected () { return workExpected; } public int getNumArrivals () { return nArrivals; } public double getSumServTimes () { return sumServTimes; } public int getNumAbandons () { return nAbandon; } public int getNumGoodQoS () { return nGoodQoS; } public StatProbe getStatWaits () { return statWaitsDay; } } // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% public class CallStrat { CallCenter center = new CallCenter ("CallStrat.dat"); RandomStream streamB2 = new RandMrg(); // To generate the busyness B. public static double beta0, beta1, beta2; // Quadratic function beta^*(u). public static double sigma0, sigma1, sigma2; // Quadratic function sigma(u). static double hatbeta; Tally statGoodQoS = new Tally ("Proportion of waiting times < s"); // Constructor. public CallStrat() throws IOException { } // Applies straigthforward MC for numDays days to estimate g(s) and // the estimator's variance. public void simulMC (int numDays) { double busyness; double alpha0 = center.getAlpha0(); Tally statMeanG = new Tally(); // Statistics on G(s). System.out.println ("----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println ("Ordinary MC simulation:\n"); for (int i=0; i < numDays; i++) { center.simulOneDay (); statMeanG.add (center.getNumGoodQoS()); } System.out.println (" Total number of days = " + numDays); System.out.println (" Expected number of arrivals = " + PrintfFormat.format (8, 2, 2, center.getNumCallsExpected())); System.out.println (" Estimated value of g(s) = " + PrintfFormat.format (8, 2, 2, statMeanG.average())); System.out.println (" Variance of G(s) = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, statMeanG.variance())); System.out.println (); } // Applies MC with stratification on B with numStrat strata, daysInStrat // days per strata, and the CV (A - E[A|B=b]) with coefficient // beta = beta0 + beta1 * U + beta2 * U * U where U = F(B) and F is the // distribution function of B, to estimate g(s) and the estimator's variance. public void simulStratCV (int daysInStrat, int numStrat) { double x, u; double busyness, cv, gs; double alpha0 = center.getAlpha0(); int numDays = 0; // Total number of days. int daysInThisStrat; // Number of days in current stratum double beta; // CV coefficient. double variance; Tally statInStrat = new Tally(); // Statistics within a stratum. Tally statInStratCV = new Tally(); // Statistics within a stratum, with CV. Tally statMeanG = new Tally(); // Means for different strata. Tally statVarG = new Tally(); // Variances for different strata. Tally statSdevG = new Tally(); // Standard dev. for diff. strata. Tally statMeanGCV = new Tally(); // Means for different strata, with CV. Tally statVarGCV = new Tally(); // Variances for different strata, with CV. Tally statSdevGCV = new Tally(); // Standard dev. for diff. strata, with CV. System.out.println ("----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println ("Stratification w.r.t. B and CV.\n"); statMeanG.init(); statVarG.init(); for (int s=0; s < numStrat; s++) { statInStrat.init(); statInStratCV.init(); u = ((double)(s) + 0.5) / (double)numStrat; daysInThisStrat = (int)Math.round ((double)daysInStrat * (sigma0 + u * (sigma1 + u * sigma2))); if (daysInThisStrat < 2) daysInThisStrat = 2; numDays += daysInThisStrat; for (int i=0; i < daysInThisStrat; i++) { u = ((double)(s) + streamB2.nextDouble()) / (double)numStrat; busyness = GammaDist.inverseF (alpha0, alpha0, 8, u); center.simulOneDay (busyness); beta = beta0 + u * (beta1 + u * beta2); cv = center.getNumArrivals() - busyness * center.getNumCallsExpected(); gs = center.getNumGoodQoS(); statInStrat.add (gs); statInStratCV.add (gs - beta * cv); } statMeanG.add (statInStrat.average()); statVarG.add (statInStrat.variance()); statSdevG.add (statInStrat.standardDeviation()); statMeanGCV.add (statInStratCV.average()); statVarGCV.add (statInStratCV.variance()); statSdevGCV.add (statInStratCV.standardDeviation()); } System.out.println (" Number of strata = " + numStrat); System.out.println (" Total number of days = " + numDays); System.out.println (" Estimated value of g(s) with strat. = " + PrintfFormat.format (8, 2, 2, statMeanG.average())); System.out.println (" Estimate of g(s) with strat. opt. + CV = " + PrintfFormat.format (8, 2, 2, statMeanGCV.average())); System.out.println (); double facteurVariance = (double)(numStrat-1) / (double)numStrat; variance = statVarG.average(); System.out.println (" Variance of G with strat. prop. = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, variance)); variance = statSdevG.average(); System.out.println (" Variance of G with strat. optim. = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, variance * variance)); variance = statMeanG.variance() * facteurVariance; System.out.println (" Variance of the means across strata = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, variance)); variance = statSdevG.variance() * facteurVariance; System.out.println (" Variance of sigmas across strata = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, variance)); System.out.println (); variance = statVarGCV.average(); System.out.println (" Variance of G with strat. prop. + CV = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, variance)); variance = statSdevGCV.average(); System.out.println (" Variance of G with strat. optim. + CV = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, variance * variance)); variance = statMeanGCV.variance() * facteurVariance; System.out.println (" Variance of means across strata with CV = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, variance)); variance = statSdevGCV.variance() * facteurVariance; System.out.println (" Variance of sigmas across strata with CV = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, variance)); System.out.println (); } // To store results of method simulForFixedU. class ResultsU { double varG; // Variance of G double varGCV; // Variance of G with CV double betahat; // Estimate of optimal CV coefficient beta. } // Returns an estimate of the optimal CV coefficient beta for the // control variate A - E[A|B=b] when F(b)=u, for this particular u. public ResultsU simulForFixedU (int numDays, double u) { ResultsU res = new ResultsU(); double busyness; double alpha0 = center.getAlpha0(); DoubleArrayList valC = new DoubleArrayList(); // Values of C. DoubleArrayList valG = new DoubleArrayList(); // Values of G(s). valC.clear(); valG.clear(); valC.ensureCapacity (numDays); valG.ensureCapacity (numDays); System.out.println ("----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println ("Estimation of CV coefficient."); busyness = GammaDist.inverseF (alpha0, alpha0, 8, u); for (int i=0; i < numDays; i++) { center.simulOneDay (busyness); valC.add (center.getNumArrivals() - busyness * center.getNumCallsExpected()); valG.add (center.getNumGoodQoS()); } System.out.println (" u = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 5, 4, u)); System.out.println (" B = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 5, 4, busyness)); res.varG = Descriptive.covariance (valG, valG); System.out.println (" Variance of G(s) = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, res.varG)); res.betahat = Descriptive.covariance (valC, valG) / Descriptive.covariance (valC, valC); System.out.println (" hat beta = " + res.betahat); for (int i=0; i < numDays; i++) { valG.set (i, valG.get(i) - res.betahat * valC.get(i)); } res.varGCV = Descriptive.covariance (valG, valG); System.out.println (" Variance of G(s) with CV = " + PrintfFormat.format (10, 2, 2, res.varGCV)); return res; } // Simulates the center for numDays to approximate the optimal CV // coefficient beta^*(u) when B = F^{-1}(u), for u = u0, u1, u2. // Then, fits a quadratic curve // beta(u) = beta0 + beta1 * u + beta2 * u * u to the three points // (u, beta^*(u)) obtained. // Also fits a quadratic curve // sigma(u) = sigma0 + sigma1 * u + sigma2 * u * u to the three points // (u, sigma(u)), where sigma^2(u) is the variance as a function of u. public void estimBeta3 (DoubleMatrix1D u, int numDays) { DoubleMatrix1D b = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D (3); DoubleMatrix1D v = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D (3); for (int j=0; j < 3; j++) { ResultsU res = simulForFixedU (numDays, u.get(j)); b.set (j, res.betahat); v.set (j, Math.sqrt (res.varGCV)); } DoubleMatrix2D m = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D (3, 3); for (int j=0; j < 3; j++) { m.set (j, 0, 1); m.set (j, 1, u.get(j)); m.set (j, 2, u.get(j) * u.get(j)); } Algebra A = new Algebra(); DoubleMatrix1D beta = A.mult (A.inverse (m), b); beta0 = beta.get(0); beta1 = beta.get(1); beta2 = beta.get(2); System.out.println(); System.out.print ("(beta0, beta1, beta2) = "); System.out.print (PrintfFormat.format (10, 4, 4, beta.get(0))); System.out.print (PrintfFormat.format (10, 4, 4, beta.get(1))); System.out.println (PrintfFormat.format (10, 4, 4, beta.get(2))); System.out.println(); DoubleMatrix1D sigma = A.mult (A.inverse (m), v); // Compute normalization constant, equal to the integral of sigma(u). double meanSigma = sigma.get(0) + sigma.get(1) / 2.0 + sigma.get(2) / 3.0; sigma0 = sigma.get(0) / meanSigma; sigma1 = sigma.get(1) / meanSigma; sigma2 = sigma.get(2) / meanSigma; System.out.print ("(sigma0, sigma1, sigma2) = "); System.out.print (PrintfFormat.format (10, 4, 4, sigma0)); System.out.print (PrintfFormat.format (10, 4, 4, sigma1)); System.out.println (PrintfFormat.format (10, 4, 4, sigma2)); System.out.println(); } // Same as estimBeta3, except that beta1 is forced to be 0. // We get a quadratic curve beta(u) = beta0 + beta2 * u * u, // fitted to the two points (u, beta^*(u)), for u = u0 and u2. public void estimBeta2 (DoubleMatrix1D u, int numDays) { DoubleMatrix1D b = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D (2); DoubleMatrix1D v = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D (2); ResultsU res = new ResultsU(); for (int j=0; j < 2; j++) { res = simulForFixedU (numDays, u.get(j)); b.set (j, res.betahat); v.set (j, Math.sqrt (res.varGCV)); } DoubleMatrix2D m = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D (2, 2); for (int j=0; j < 3; j++) { m.set (j, 0, 1); m.set (j, 1, u.get(j) * u.get(j)); } DoubleMatrix1D beta = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D (2); Algebra A = new Algebra(); beta = A.mult (A.inverse (m), b); beta0 = beta.get(0); beta1 = 0.0; beta2 = beta.get(1); System.out.println(); System.out.print ("(beta0, beta2) = "); System.out.print (PrintfFormat.format (10, 4, 4, beta0)); System.out.print (PrintfFormat.format (10, 4, 4, beta2)); System.out.println(); } static public void main (String[] args) throws IOException { int n0 = 1000; // Number of days to estimate beta^*. int n = 100000; // Target number of days to simulate. int s = 1000; // Number of days per strata. CallStrat cc = new CallStrat(); Chrono timer = new Chrono(); DoubleMatrix1D u = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D (3); u.set(0, 0.05); u.set(1, 0.5); u.set(2, 0.9); cc.estimBeta3 (u, n0); timer.init(); cc.simulStratCV (s, n/s); // MC with stratification and CV. System.out.println (" CPU time = " + timer.format()); } }