package ift6561examples; import*; import umontreal.ssj.rng.*; import umontreal.ssj.hups.*; import umontreal.ssj.util.*; /** * Reads a set of points, applied a digital random shift to them, then prints * the shifted points in a file. */ public class DigitalShift { private String formatBase (int base, double x) { if (x >= 1) return PrintfFormat.formatBase(base, (long)x); else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("0."); long y; for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) { x *= 2; y = (long) x; if (y == 1) sb.append("1"); else sb.append("0"); x -= y; } return sb.toString(); } } private String formatPoints (PointSet set, int n, int d, String mess) { return formatPoints (set, n, d, 10, mess); } private String formatPoints (PointSet set, int n, int d, int base, String mess) { if (set.getNumPoints() < n) n = set.getNumPoints(); if (set.getDimension() < d) d = set.getDimension(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(mess); sb.append (":" + PrintfFormat.LINE_SEPARATOR); PointSetIterator itr = set.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) { sb.append (" "); if (base == 10) sb.append (itr.nextCoordinate()); else sb.append (formatBase (base, itr.nextCoordinate())); } sb.append (PrintfFormat.LINE_SEPARATOR); itr.resetToNextPoint(); } return sb.toString(); } public DigitalShift(int n) { DigitalSequenceBase2 p0 = new SobolSequence(n, 1); DigitalNetBase2 p = p0.toNetShiftCj(); int dim = 2; System.out.println(formatPoints(p, n, dim, "Sobol points")); System.out.println(); RandomStream stream = new MRG32k3a(); p.addRandomShift(0, 1, stream); System.out.println(formatPoints(p, n, dim, "Sobol shifted")); System.out.println(); System.out.println(formatPoints(p, n, dim, 2, "Sobol shifted, base = 2")); System.out.println(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { new DigitalShift(16); } }