import*; import umontreal.ssj.charts.HistogramChart; import umontreal.ssj.rng.*; import umontreal.ssj.stat.TallyStore; import umontreal.ssj.util.Chrono; /** * Here we compute the empirical distribution of the shortest path lengths and * we construct a histogram. */ public class San13DistCRN extends San13Dist { // The constructor reads link length distributions in a file. public San13DistCRN(String fileName) throws IOException { super(fileName); } public void updatePaths() { V[2] *= 10.0/7.0; V[4] *= 18.5/16.5; // Path lengths paths[1] = V[0] + V[2] + V[5] + V[10]; paths[2] = V[0] + V[4] + V[10]; if (paths[1] > maxPath) maxPath = paths[1]; if (paths[2] > maxPath) maxPath = paths[2]; // return maxPath; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int n = 100000; San13DistCRN san = new San13DistCRN("san13a.dat"); TallyStore statIRN = new TallyStore("Tally for IRN"); TallyStore statCRN = new TallyStore("Tally for CRN"); TallyStore statCRNPos = new TallyStore("Tally for CRN, positive values"); RandomStream stream = new LFSR113(); double x1, delta; Chrono timer = new Chrono(); for (int i=0; i 0.0000000001) statCRNPos.add(delta); san.simulate(stream); // with new random numbers. san.updatePaths(); // and new parameters. statIRN.add(san.getValue()-x1); } System.out.println("Total CPU time: " + timer.format() + "\n"); statCRN.setConfidenceIntervalStudent(); System.out.println(, 4)); System.out .printf("Variance per run: %9.5g%n", statCRN.variance() * n); System.out.println(, 4)); statIRN.setConfidenceIntervalStudent(); System.out.println(, 4)); System.out .printf("Variance per run: %9.5g%n", statIRN.variance() * n); System.out .printf("Variance ratio: %9.5g%n", statIRN.variance() / statCRN.variance()); HistogramChart hist = new HistogramChart("Dist. of positive Delta, CRN", "Values of Delta", "Frequency", statCRNPos.getArray(), statCRNPos.numberObs()); double[] bounds = { 0, 20, 0, 2200 }; hist.setManualRange(bounds); (hist.getSeriesCollection()).setBins(0, 40, 0, 20); hist.view(800, 500); String histLatex = hist.toLatex(12.0, 8.0); Writer file = new FileWriter("san13CRNchart.tex"); file.write(histLatex); file.close(); hist = new HistogramChart("Distribution of Delta IRN", "Values of Delta", "Frequency", statIRN.getArray(), n); double[] bounds2 = { -150, 150, 0, 16000 }; hist.setManualRange(bounds2); (hist.getSeriesCollection()).setBins(0, 30, -150, 150); hist.view(800, 500); histLatex = hist.toLatex(12.0, 8.0); file = new FileWriter("san13IRNchart.tex"); file.write(histLatex); file.close(); } }