Bang Liu


Email: firstname.lastname [at] umontreal dot ca
Location: 2920 chemin de la Tour, Montréal, QC H3T 1N8, Canada

Education & Career
  • August 2020 - Current
    Assistant Professor
    Université de Montréal, Canada (Link to DIRO)
    Mila - Quebec AI Institute (Link to Mila)
    Institut Courtois (Link to Institut Courtois)
  • Jan 2016 - Jan 2020
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
    University of Alberta (UA)
    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada
  • Sept 2013 - Sept 2015
    Master of Science (M.Sc.)
    University of Alberta (UA)
    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada
  • Aug 2009 - June 2013
    Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
    University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
    Dept. of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, China

Bang Liu (刘邦)


Bang Liu (July 1993) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research (DIRO) at the University of Montreal (UdeM). He is a member of the RALI laboratory (Applied Research in Computer Linguistics) of DIRO, a member of Institut Courtois of UdeM, an associate member of Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, and a Canada CIFAR AI (CCAI) Chair. He received his B.Engr. degree in 2013 from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), as well as his M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree from University of Alberta in 2015 and 2020, respectively. His research interests primarily lie in the areas of natural language processing, multimodal & embodied learning, theory and techniques for AGI (e.g., understanding and improving large language models), and AI for science (e.g., health, material science, XR).

Openings: I am looking for highly-motivated students to work on natural language processing, data mining, machine learning, and a broad range of topics related to artificial intelligence. Please send me your CV if interested.

What is New

  • 05/2024: Three papers on Embodied Learning, Multi-Agent Reasoning, and Long-Context LLM are accepted by ACL 2024.
  • 05/2024: Received a Samsung-Mila Collaboration Grant on Materials Discovery. Merci!
  • 05/2024: I accepted the invitation to become an IVADO Researcher. (IVADO Research Community)
  • 05/2024: I visited Seoul research institutes as a member of IVADO-Seoul delegation. (IVADO-Korea AI Association Partnership) (Seoul Digital Foundation Partnership) (Seoul AI Hub Partnership)
  • 05/2024: One paper on Explaining Graph Neural Networks is accepted by ICML 2024.
  • 04/2024: One paper on Causal Structures Discovery is accepted by IJCAI 2024.
  • 04/2024: One tutorial on AI Generated Contents is accepted by IJCAI 2024.
  • 02/2024: We presented a tutorial about AI generated content (AIGC) at AAAI 2024. Check the tutorial website here.
  • 02/2024: I accepted the invitation to serve as Area Chair for ACL 2024.
  • 01/2024: One paper on Explaining Graph Neural Networks is accepted by ICLR 2024.
  • 12/2023: I accepted the invitation to serve as Area Chair for NAACL 2024.
  • 12/2023: One paper on Humor Response Generation is accepted by AAAI 2024.
  • 10/2023: One tutorial on AI Generated Contents is accepted by AAAI 2024.
  • 10/2023: Three papers on NLP4MaterialScience, Large Language Model, and State-Space Models are accepted by EMNLP 2023 main conference and Findings.
  • 08/2023: One paper on Question Generation is accepted by TKDE.
  • 07/2023: One paper on Low-Bit Shift Network is accepted by ICCV'23.
  • 05/2023: Four papers on NLP4MaterialScience, Question Answering, Pretrained Language Model Analysis, and Conversational Search are accepted by ACL'23.
  • 05/2023: Our paper on Conversational Search in WWW'23 received Best Paper Award Nomination (one of 16 sportlight papers among 365 accepted papers and 1900 submissions).
  • 04/2023: I gave a training course “Knowledge graphs: Extracting and leveraging meaning from unstructured text” in the NLP Training Series organized by IVADO and CLIQ-ai. (Slides)
  • 03/2023: I received the Faculty of Arts and Science Medal of Excellence in Research - 2022. (Link)
  • 01/2023: One paper on Conversational Search is accepted by WWW'23.
  • 01/2023: One paper on Few-Shot Relation Classification is accepted by EACL'23.
  • 12/2022: I accepted the invitation to serve as Area Chair for ACL 2023.
  • 10/2022: I accepted the invitation to serve as Area Chair for EACL 2023.
  • 10/2022: One paper on Event Causality Identification is accepted by AAAI'23.
  • 10/2022: One paper on Language Model and Humor is accepted by WSDM'23.
  • 10/2022: Two papers on Question Evaluation and Dialogue System are accepted by EMNLP'22.
  • 10/2022: Received Mila Internal Funding - Industry Sponsored Academic Labs on Materials Discovery. Merci!
  • 08/2022: Received an Intel-Mila Collaboration Grant on Material Discovery. Merci!
  • 08/2022: Received a MITACS grant from GoodLabs Studio. Merci!
  • 08/2022: Received a MITACS grant from Thales Canada. Merci!
  • 06/2022: I accepted the invitation to serve as Area Chair for EMNLP 2022.
  • 06/2022: Received a FRQNT Établissement de la relève professorale grant. Merci beaucoup Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT)!
  • 05/2022: One paper on Social Media Content Tagging is accepted by KDD'22.
  • 05/2022: One paper on Clinical NER is accepted by KSEM'22.
  • 04/2022: We organized the ICLR'22 Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing Workshop. (DLG4NLP@ICLR’22)
  • 03/2022: Two papers on Taxonomy Expansion and Reading Path Generation are accepted by ICDE'22 (Industry Track).
  • 03/2022: One paper on Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering is accepted by CVPR'22.
  • 02/2022: One paper on model measurement and question answering is accepted by ACL'22.
  • 02/2022: I accepted the invitation to serve as Program Committee member of CIKM 2022.
  • 02/2022: I gave a training course “Knowledge graphs: Extracting and leveraging meaning from unstructured text” in the NLP Training Series organized by IVADO and CLIQ-ai. (Slides)
  • 01/2022: Two papers on knowledge-based question answering and multi-modal knowledge graph are accepted by DASFAA'22.
  • 01/2022: One paper on reasoning over graphs is accepted by ICLR'22 as spotlight.
  • 01/2022: One paper on taxonomy completion is accepted by WWW'22.
  • 12/2021: One paper on code modeling is accepted by ICSE-NIER'22.
  • 12/2021: I am quite honoured to be named as a Canada CIFAR AI Chair. (CIFAR News)
  • 12/2021: One conference tutorial on GNNs for NLP is accepted at WWW'22.
  • 11/2021: I completed my duty of serving as a voluntary mentor in the Mila Mentorship Program.
  • 11/2021: My PhD student Suyuchen Wang won the Artificial Intelligence Scholarship.
  • 11/2021: My MSc student Pierre-William Breau has been awarded and accepted the Graduate and Postdoctoral Excellence Scholarships.