Mohamed Nabil Lokbani

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Last update on July 29th 2023.

Intro       MOOC     Teaching     Publications     Links       Humour

version française

I received an Electrical Engineering degree from Houari Boumedienne University (89), Algiers, Algeria; M.S. (90) and Ph.D. (93) degrees in Automatic and Signal Processing, both from Paris-XI University, Paris, France.

I worked at Laboratoire Signaux et Systèmes L2S-Supelec (90), Paris, France, on Sources Localization Applications for a Passive Sonar; CNET, France Telecom's center for R&D (91-95),  Lannion, France, on Speech Processing (Recognition, Synthesis & Voice Transformation); Texas Instruments (95-96), Dallas, Texas, USA, on Speech Recognition and Graph Search Algorithms.

After a sabbatical period living in the US, I joined fall 1998 RALI, a laboratory within DIRO (Computer Science and Operational Research Department), University of Montréal, Canada. My main tasks were: The development of a tool that enables translators to create and manipulate a Bi-Text and the portability issues of the RALI's softwares between several platforms (Solaris/Linux/Win).

From July 1st 2000 to November 2007, I worked at support, DIRO, as system administrator.

I became Chief of Laboratories (IT Director) on december 2007. I manage DIRO technical support team, a.k.a, makers of miracles. I am member of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies Committee since November 2004. I also teach at the same department since fall 1999.



Fondamentaux de la science des données (Scientific Director, MOOC in french)



Traitement informatique des mégadonnées (IFT6501) (Fall 23, Fall 22, Winter 22, Falls 19 & 20).
Advanced Programming with C++ (IFT1169) (Fall 23, Fall 22, Fall 20 up to 15, Winters 15 up to 06, Summer 06).

Mobile platforms programming using Android (IFT1155) (Winter 23, Winter 22, Winters 19 up to 15, Summers 14 & 13).
Object Oriented Programming in C++ (IFT1166) (Summer 08, Summer 07, Fall 05, Winters 05 & 04, Fall 03, Fall 99 to Winter 01)
Computing II (IFT1020) (Summers 05, 04 & 03).
Advanced aspects of Java (IFT1176) (Fall 02, Summer 02, Fall 01).
Computer Networks (IFT3820/IFT6833) (Summer 02).
Java and applications with Object Oriented Programming (IFT1170) (Summer 01)


Some Publications

"Aladin: An Alignment Management Tool for Translators", M.N.Lokbani, RIAO-2000, April 2000.

"La Reconnaissance de la Parole ... 20 ans Après", M.N.Lokbani & S.White, La Recherche, April 1999.

"N-Best Solutions Algorithms and Post-Processing, in Speech Recognition", M.N.Lokbani, Ph.D. Thesis (Doctorat), September 1993.

"Performances et comparaison de méthodes haute résolution pour le traitement d'antenne ", M.N.Lokbani, Master Thesis (D.E.A/Maîtrise), Septembre 1990 (in french).

"Object Oriented Programming in C++" [Lecture notes] (latest version 2015, in french)

"Advanced Programming in C++" [Lecture notes] (latest version 2023, in french)

"Mobile platforms programming using Android" [Lecture notes] (latest version 2023, in french)

"Advanced Java Programming" [Lecture notes] (latest version 2002, in french)

"Programmation en Python, apprentissage machine et traitement informatique des mégadonnées" [50/50, should be available by the end of 2023] (in french)



Support's home page at DIRO University of Montréal.

Some technologies developed @ RALI.

TCL/TK (Aladin's GUI was developed using the TCL/TK programming language).


Humor ...... (courtesy