Jericho: Chittenden Mill

(photos Patrice Marcotte, 14 octobre 2000 et
26 février 2011 (centre)) 

«Old Red Mill» l'hiver

Le moulin héberge une boutique d'artisans et, tout au fond, une petite exposition (gratuite) sur Wilson «Snowflake» Bentley 
(1865 - 1931), inventeur de la photographie de flocons de neige.

Un panneau donne les informations suivantes:

«Named for Thomas Chittenden, first governor of Vermont and great-great grandfather of Frank Howe. Frank and his father Lucian rebuilt this mill in 1885 changing from grinding with mill stones to the new gradual reduction roller process. Grain was shipped in on the B & L Railroad from the mid-west and the flour sold over a wide area of Northern Vermont. The four Tyler turbines were powered by the Brown's river. The miller's house was built in 1859. Until 1929 a Town Lattice Truss covered bridge spanned the gorge on the present footbridge.»