Alain Fournier Memorial Fund

Alain Fournier has left us with fundamental innovations to many areas of computer graphics. His generosity, curiosity, and insights have inspired researchers through-out the world. A website reminds us of some of his accomplishments.

The committee managing the "Alain Fournier Memorial Fund" is pleased to announce the "Alain Fournier Ph.D. Dissertation Annual Award". The award will be announced officially during the Graphics Interface conference. It comes with a plaque, a one-page announcement in the Graphics Interface proceedings, and $1000.

The list of Alain Fournier Ph.D. Dissertation Annual Award winners can be found on the newly associated CHCCS website.

Nominations of candidates are sought for this year's award. The eligible candidate must

The selection committee will evaluate each candidate according to the quality of the innovations, the dissertation, the curriculum, etc.

Note: a faculty member at a Canadian university can nominate more than one candidate. Questions about eligibility and the award can be sent to Dr. Pierre Poulin.

If you have any suggestions, please contact Pierre Poulin at

Alain Fournier Memorial Fund AT THE VANCOUVER FOUNDATION

Contributions to the The Alain Fournier Memorial Fund at Vancouver Foundation can be made at any time and in any amount.

Online donations can be made on the Vancouver Foundation associated website

If you wish to donate by cheque, please make your cheque payable to Vancouver Foundation, referencing The Alain Fournier Memorial Fund on the memo line.


If you wish to receive more information about the The Alain Fournier Memorial Fund, or if have any questions, please contact:

Nicole Jeschelnik

Vancouver Foundation
Suite 1200, 555 West Hastings Street
Box 12132, Harbour Centre Vancouver, BC, V6B 4N6