// MECF digital net of base q, with q^T points. If q=p^e the net is represented as net of base p with e-times more columns and rows Reference: Y. Edel, RS-Nets in prepertation // base q nets transformed so that they can be used as if they were DigitalNetBase2 // details: an Element "a_i X^i" is represented as binary eq-tuple "a_i" // each "column" c of the GF(q) generator is replaced by the eq columns X^i c // so we have the eq-times numbers of columns and rows as in the GF(q) matrix // Note, the strength remains the GF(q) strength k, but there are many projections have strength in the range k to eq*k // check if everything that involves GF(q) multiplication (e.g. scrambling) gives the desired result 2 // b (base) 24 // numCols 24 // numRows // outDigits= numRows 16777216 // numPoints (=b^{numCols}) 16 // dim // 6 // Stregth, see comment above // in class DigitalNetBase2 // genMat[i] should be the i-th number below // 1 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 134217856 268435712 536871424 1073742848 134742016 269484032 538968064 1077936128 142606336 285212672 570425344 1140850688 142608384 285216768 570433536 1140867072 143163392 286326784 572653568 1145307136 // 2 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 268436224 536872448 1073743232 402653824 538968064 1077936128 404226048 808452096 1090519040 436207616 872415232 1635778560 436213760 872427520 1635803136 1526749184 876871680 1637449728 1530068992 778436608 // 3 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 536871808 1073743616 402655104 805308032 404226048 808452096 1616904192 1482162176 1644167168 1543503872 696254464 1392508928 696264704 1392529408 1040201728 1971351552 1046872064 1977450496 2057994240 1834287104 // 4 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 1073741952 402653440 805306880 1610613760 1616904192 1482162176 673710080 1347420160 1409286144 964689920 1929379840 2113929216 2113959936 1837131776 1249921024 218105856 223674368 331055104 662110208 1207926784 // 5 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 402653952 805307904 1610614144 1476395648 673710080 1347420160 943194112 1886388224 2038431744 1795162112 1308622848 226492416 310382592 620765184 1132478464 520099840 939491328 1726906368 1556905984 680034304 // 6 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 805307264 1610614528 1476396928 671090304 943194112 1886388224 2021130240 1751646208 184549376 369098752 629145600 1115684864 864038912 1728077824 1602246656 780150784 948469760 1896939520 2049048576 1816395776 // 7 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 1610612864 1476395264 671089152 1342178304 2021130240 1751646208 1212678144 134742016 1174405120 494927872 847249408 1694498816 1468026880 1048590336 1954574336 2021685248 205783040 295272448 590544896 1181089792 // 8 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 1476395776 671090176 1342178688 939524736 1212678144 134742016 269484032 538968064 1702887424 1518338048 754974720 1400897536 1820354560 1216366592 150996992 301993984 912654336 1709015040 1521123328 760545280 // 9 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 671089536 1342179072 939526016 1879049856 269484032 538968064 1077936128 404226048 1384120320 1023410176 1937768448 2130706432 553656320 1107312640 469768192 830484480 1028980736 1941667840 2138505216 1879015424 // 10 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 1342177408 939524352 1879048704 2013266944 1077936128 404226048 808452096 1616904192 2097152000 1803550720 1325400064 260046848 1677746176 1501583360 721430528 1442861056 268402688 384729088 617381888 1082687488 // 11 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 939524864 1879049728 2013267328 1744831104 808452096 1616904192 1482162176 673710080 192937984 385875968 662700032 1182793728 989870080 1979740160 2105571328 1786800128 814252032 1628504064 1512177664 742653952 // 12 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 1879049088 2013267712 1744832384 1207961216 1482162176 673710080 1347420160 943194112 1191182336 528482304 914358272 1686110208 1300252672 176162816 352325632 595599360 1011089408 1905885184 2066939904 1852178432 // 13 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 2013266048 1744830720 1207960064 134218752 1347420160 943194112 1886388224 2021130240 1736441856 1585446912 746586112 1350565888 1157644288 461379584 922759168 1736466432 241565696 366837760 581599232 1163198464 // 14 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 1744831232 1207961088 134219136 268436096 1886388224 2021130240 1751646208 1212678144 1451229184 1015021568 1887436800 2030043136 1593858048 796928000 1451249664 1015035904 894763008 1673232384 1601634304 805273600 // 15 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 1207960448 134219520 268437376 536872576 1751646208 1212678144 134742016 269484032 2088763392 1753219072 1224736768 167772160 1988128768 2088794112 1753245696 1224755200 1073709056 1995341824 2093776896 1753776128 // 16 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 128 256 512 1024 524288 1048576 2097152 4194304 8388608 16777216 33554432 67108864 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 // end of file