import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.simevents.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.simprocs.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.rng.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.randvar.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stat.*; // import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.simprocs.dsol.SimProcess; public class Visits { int queueSize; // Size of waiting queue. int nbLost; // Number of visitors lost so far today. Bin visitReady = new Bin ("Visit ready"); // A token becomes available when there // are enough visitors to start a new visit. Tally avLost = new Tally ("Nb. of visitors lost per day"); RandomVariateGen genArriv = new ExponentialGen (new MRG32k3a(), 20.0); // Interarriv. RandomStream streamSize = new MRG32k3a(); // Group sizes. RandomStream streamBalk = new MRG32k3a(); // Balking decisions. private void oneDay() { queueSize = 0; nbLost = 0; SimProcess.init(); visitReady.init(); closing.schedule (16.0); new Arrival().schedule (9.75); for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) new Guide().schedule (10.0); Sim.start(); avLost.add (nbLost); } Event closing = new Event() { public void actions() { if (visitReady.waitList().size() == 0) nbLost += queueSize; Sim.stop(); } }; class Guide extends SimProcess { public void actions() { boolean lunchDone = false; while (true) { if (Sim.time() > 12.0 && !lunchDone) { delay (0.5); lunchDone = true; } visitReady.take (1); // Starts the next visit. if (queueSize > 15) queueSize -= 15; else queueSize = 0; if (queueSize >= 8) visitReady.put (1); // Enough people for another visit. delay (0.75); } } } class Arrival extends SimProcess { public void actions() { while (true) { delay (genArriv.nextDouble()); // A new group of visitors arrives. int groupSize; // number of visitors in group. double u = streamSize.nextDouble(); if (u <= 0.2) groupSize = 1; else if (u <= 0.8) groupSize = 2; else if (u <= 0.9) groupSize = 3; else groupSize = 4; if (!balk()) { queueSize += groupSize; if (queueSize >= 8 && visitReady.getAvailable() == 0) // A token is now available. visitReady.put (1); } else nbLost += groupSize; } } private boolean balk() { if (queueSize <= 10) return false; if (queueSize >= 40) return true; return (streamBalk.nextDouble() < ((queueSize - 10.0) / 30.0)); } } public void simulateRuns (int numRuns) { for (int i = 1; i <= numRuns; i++) oneDay(); avLost.setConfidenceIntervalStudent(); System.out.println ( (0.9, 3)); } static public void main (String[] args) { new Visits().simulateRuns (100); } }