Syed Salahuddin Hyder (1930-2006)

HYDER, Syed Salahuddin died in his sleep in the night of April 15, 2006 at the age of 76. Of a family of six children, he is survived only by his sister, Apa Humann of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. He will be missed by his children, Alexander, David and Ingrid, and their mother Dinah. Born in Nator, India, our father emigrated first to Pakistan and then to Canada, where he took his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at McGill University. After a series of positions in Chalk River, San Diego, and Ann Arbour, he continued his research career as an Assistant Professor at McGill, moving on from there to become Professor of Computer Science at the University of Montreal. In later years, he was a visiting Professor in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. His work, which was the centre of his life, focused on applied mathematics and the theory of computation. He was actively engaged in research until the day he died. He was buried at the Islamic Cemetery of Quebec.