Active Scientists

Jean Vaucher, Computer Science professor
Universite de Montreal

Webmaster for this site


Dr. Elvire Vaucher, Neurologist, Prof. Adjoint, Univ. de Montreal
Directrice: Laboratoire de neurologie de cognition visuelle
- Alzheimer Society Post-doctoral fellow, Douglas Hospital Research Centre, Verdun, Quebec.
- UdeM Nouvelles (fev. 2009)
Stéphane Vaucher, Doctorant, Informatique, Univ. de Montreal
- Vaucher, S., Sahraoui, H. and Vaucher, J. (2008). Discovering New Change Patterns in Object-Oriented Systems, 15th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering - WCRE'08, IEEE Computer Society, Antwerp, Belgium, 2008, 37-41.
- S. Vaucher and H. Sahraoui Étude de la changeabilité des systèmes orientés-objet, Proceedings of Langages et Modèles à Objets 2008, Montreal.
-S. Vaucher and H. Sahraoui Do Software Libraries Evolve Differently than Applications? Proceedings of Library-Centric Software Design 2007, Montreal.
France Dr.-Ing. Christophe Vaucher, France
Dr. Claude Vaucher
Conservateur, Dep. des Invertébrés (retraité depuis 2002) Museum of Natural History, Geneva, Switzerland
Expert dans les vers d'Amerique du Sud (Publications)

Hughes Vaucher, Dendrologue
Responsable, Bibliothèque Suisse de Dendrologie,
Arboretum National
Hughes Vaucher, Osteopathe
- Chargé de recherche, médecine communautaire de l'Université de Lausanne
Christopher Alan Vaucher, RPh, Pharmacist, New Mexico
Studied physics and astronomy before switching to pharmacy

Gail Tirrell-Vaucher, Meteorologist, New Mexico
Gail, Christopher's wife, is a nationally recognized scientist working at the White Sands Missile Range.
- President (1999) El Paso - Las Cruces Chapter of the American Meteorological Society
- Publications (Scientific commons)
- More publications
Yvonne Vaucher, M.D., Professor Pediatrics, Medical Center, San Diego

USA Aileen M. Vaucher, co-author of 12 papers with Dr. Lee, Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Maryland
Bresil Gary and John Vaucher, Founders of Soft-net