Onesimo Vaucher

  • Urodzony dnia 12 III 1860 - Cormondrèche, NE, Suisse
  • Zmarł w roku 1931 - Paysandu, Uruguay , wiek: 71 lat


śluby i dzieci


Abraham Louis Vaucher 1770-1853   Susanne Marie Porret 1802   Samuel Haller   Elisabeth Rioll
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Clovis Vaucher 1820   Jeannette Julie Haller 1821-1861
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Onesimo Vaucher 1860-1931



Notice from "El Telegrafo" (Paysandú) ( ...en Espanol )
[ Provided by Ricardo Vaucher ]

El Señor Onesimo Vaucher fue una figura de cariñoso y grato recuerdo entre los ruralistas de nuestro ambiente.

Since we are diving into the sustaining fountain of forces that encouraged agricultural progress in the region of influence of Paysandú, we shall mention here another figure of affectionate and pleasant memory: that of don Onésimo Vaucher. Possibly - we shall awaken, by virtue of the set of these notes, the cult of the past. We shall contribute as well, although this is not our main purpose, to stirring the memory of the inhabitants of today and, thus, bring new generations closer to the lives of their forebears, learning to know and admire them, precisely in the same place where they suffered, loved and fought. Don Onésimo Vaucher, who died in 1930, was a native of Switzerland. He emigrated to Uruguay at the end of the last century, devoting itself for several years to rural chores, as a labourer on the estates of Don Roberto Stírling and Don Manuel Stirling. Subsequently he worked as paymaster at the cattle ranch of Don Diego Stirling.

He then linked up with Dona Vicenta Roth, a Uruguayan of German descent, definitely establishing his home in "La Caridad" a farm they would exploit for their own account. La Estancia "La Caridad," located in the jurisdiction of Capilla de Carmen (Chapel of Carmen), was founded by Don Onesimo Vaucher, on January 14, 1901. After successive acquisitions by its founder, it consisted of 1,253 acres populated with Hereford cattle of remarkable quality. In addition, there were Merino sheep renowned for the excellence of their wool obtained from La Cabana "Los Merinos". The flocks also included excellent rams. The Estancia has being administered, from 1930, by Mr. Eduardo Vaucher, son of the founder. This well-known ruralista has continued improving the stock with the acquisition of pure-bred pedigreed studs from the breeding farm "The Cambará" of Messrs. Indarte and Garbarino, and the establishment of Mr. Oscar Young. In addition to running his own farm, Mr. Eduardo Vaucher, also exploited 400 cadras of leased land located in the jurisdiction of Capilla del Carmen.

Both Don Onésimo and Doña Vicenta, after her husband passed away, have been two good fighters of intense action and kind remembrance, who put their intelligence, their hopes and their activity, in the service of the rural prosperity of the region. With their guidance and help, their children, Juana, Josefina, Isabel, Conrado, Luis, Eduardo, Alberto, Julio, Delfín y Américo have been forged by the useful and healthy school of work. After a slow and painful transition with its initial years of ordeal, it is clear that they achieved a comfortable economic position, for themselves and for their children. In addition, they helped to transform an agricultural region into a zone than maintains itself on the cusp of progress. Skipping over further details, let us just point out the healthy influence of factors that have caused regional advancement. [ Loose translation here…] One important factor has been the energetic and harmonious action by Swiss and German immigrants, here and in other regions of the country, notably in the department of Colonia. In this sense, Don Onésimo Vaucher and doña Vicenta Roth de Vaucher, as now their children, have been faithful to that tradition.

[ Loose translation by J. Vaucher ]

- urodzenie, rodzina: Sociedad Suiza Paysandu Blog