Spanish verb trainer

  1. Enter the correct form and press RETURN (or ENTER) to have it checked.
  2. If you make a mistake, the correct answer will be shown momentarily and you will have to re-enter it.
  3. You can change the exercise at any time by selecting other options and pressing the "START" button that will pop-up.
Accents are required. If you know how to set up your keyboard for Spanish, this is the best; otherwise there is another way. You can type a "/" before the character which requires an accent: "/a" will give "á", "/e" will give "é", etc...


  1. González Hermoso, A. Conjugar es fácil. Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, S.A. Madrid, 1996, ISBN: 84.7711.177-4 [also available in english...see below].
  2. González Hermoso, A. Spanish verb manual : correct conjugation and regional use. Passport Books, 4255 West Tonky Ave., Lincolnwood, Ill., ISBN: 0-8442-1346-2 (1999).

This applet was developped after a 2 week stay at the Instituto Cultural de Oaxaca.
With fond memories of: Nick, Branko, La Olla, Katie, La Candela and much more.... (2002).
 - More grammar at Universitad Internacional de Cuernavaca (2007)
 - Next stop; Academia Falcon (Guanajuato, 2009)

Author Home Page: Jean Vaucher
March 2002 (mod. jan 2009)