import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.simevents.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.rng.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.randvar.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.probdist.*; import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stat.*; import*; import java.util.*; public class CallCenter { static final double HOUR = 3600.0; // Time is in seconds. // Data // Arrival rates are per hour, service and patience times are in seconds. double openingTime; // Opening time of the center (in hours). int numPeriods; // Number of working periods (hours) in the day. int[] numAgents; // Number of agents for each period. double[] lambda; // Base arrival rate lambda_j for each j. double alpha0; // Parameter of gamma distribution for B. double p; // Probability that patience time is 0. double nu; // Parameter of exponential for patience time. double alpha, beta; // Parameters of gamma service time distribution. double s; // Want stats on waiting times smaller than s. // Variables double busyness; // Current value of B. double arrRate = 0.0; // Current arrival rate. int nAgents; // Number of agents in current period. int nBusy; // Number of agents occupied; int nArrivals; // Number of arrivals today; int nAbandon; // Number of abandonments during the day. int nGoodQoS; // Number of waiting times less than s today. double nCallsExpected; // Expected number of calls per day. Event nextArrival = new Arrival(); // The next Arrival event. LinkedList waitList = new LinkedList(); RandomStream streamB = new MRG32k3a(); // For B. RandomStream streamArr = new MRG32k3a(); // For arrivals. RandomStream streamPatience = new MRG32k3a(); // For patience times. GammaGen genServ; // For service times; created in readData(). Tally[] allTal = new Tally [4]; Tally statArrivals = allTal[0] = new Tally ("Number of arrivals per day"); Tally statWaits = allTal[1] = new Tally ("Average waiting time per customer"); Tally statGoodQoS = allTal[2] = new Tally ("Proportion of waiting times < s"); Tally statAbandon = allTal[3] = new Tally ("Proportion of calls lost"); Tally statWaitsDay = new Tally ("Waiting times within a day"); public CallCenter (String fileName) throws IOException { readData (fileName); // genServ can be created only after its parameters are read. // The acceptance/rejection method is much faster than inversion. genServ = new GammaAcceptanceRejectionGen (new MRG32k3a(), alpha, beta); } // Reads data and construct arrays. public void readData (String fileName) throws IOException { Locale loc = Locale.getDefault(); Locale.setDefault(Locale.US); // to read reals as 8.3 instead of 8,3 BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (fileName)); Scanner scan = new Scanner(input); openingTime = scan.nextDouble(); scan.nextLine(); numPeriods = scan.nextInt(); scan.nextLine(); numAgents = new int[numPeriods]; lambda = new double[numPeriods]; nCallsExpected = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < numPeriods; j++) { numAgents[j] = scan.nextInt(); lambda[j] = scan.nextDouble(); nCallsExpected += lambda[j]; scan.nextLine(); } alpha0 = scan.nextDouble(); scan.nextLine(); p = scan.nextDouble(); scan.nextLine(); nu = scan.nextDouble(); scan.nextLine(); alpha = scan.nextDouble(); scan.nextLine(); beta = scan.nextDouble(); scan.nextLine(); s = scan.nextDouble(); scan.close(); Locale.setDefault(loc); } // A phone call. class Call { double arrivalTime, serviceTime, patienceTime; public Call() { serviceTime = genServ.nextDouble(); // Generate service time. if (nBusy < nAgents) { // Start service immediately. nBusy++; nGoodQoS++; statWaitsDay.add (0.0); new CallCompletion().schedule (serviceTime); } else { // Join the queue. patienceTime = generPatience(); arrivalTime = Sim.time(); waitList.addLast (this); } } public void endWait() { double wait = Sim.time() - arrivalTime; if (patienceTime < wait) { // Caller has abandoned. nAbandon++; wait = patienceTime; // Effective waiting time. } else { nBusy++; new CallCompletion().schedule (serviceTime); } if (wait < s) nGoodQoS++; statWaitsDay.add (wait); } } // Event: A new period begins. class NextPeriod extends Event { int j; // Number of the new period. public NextPeriod (int period) { j = period; } public void actions() { if (j < numPeriods) { nAgents = numAgents[j]; arrRate = busyness * lambda[j] / HOUR; if (j == 0) { nextArrival.schedule (ExponentialDist.inverseF (arrRate, streamArr.nextDouble())); } else { checkQueue(); nextArrival.reschedule ((nextArrival.time() - Sim.time()) * lambda[j-1] / lambda[j]); } new NextPeriod(j+1).schedule (1.0 * HOUR); } else nextArrival.cancel(); // End of the day. } } // Event: A call arrives. class Arrival extends Event { public void actions() { nextArrival.schedule (ExponentialDist.inverseF (arrRate, streamArr.nextDouble())); nArrivals++; new Call(); // Call just arrived. } } // Event: A call is completed. class CallCompletion extends Event { public void actions() { nBusy--; checkQueue(); } } // Start answering new calls if agents are free and queue not empty. public void checkQueue() { while ((waitList.size() > 0) && (nBusy < nAgents)) (waitList.removeFirst()).endWait(); } // Generates the patience time for a call. public double generPatience() { double u = streamPatience.nextDouble(); if (u <= p) return 0.0; else return ExponentialDist.inverseF (nu, (1.0-u) / (1.0-p)); } public void simulateOneDay (double busyness) { Sim.init(); statWaitsDay.init(); nArrivals = 0; nAbandon = 0; nGoodQoS = 0; nBusy = 0; this.busyness = busyness; new NextPeriod(0).schedule (openingTime * HOUR); Sim.start(); // Here the simulation is running... statArrivals.add ((double)nArrivals); statAbandon.add ((double)nAbandon / nCallsExpected); statGoodQoS.add ((double)nGoodQoS / nCallsExpected); statWaits.add (statWaitsDay.sum() / nCallsExpected); } public void simulateOneDay () { simulateOneDay (GammaDist.inverseF (alpha0, alpha0, 8, streamB.nextDouble())); } static public void main (String[] args) throws IOException { CallCenter cc = new CallCenter ("CallCenter.dat"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) cc.simulateOneDay(); System.out.println ("\nNum. calls expected = " + cc.nCallsExpected +"\n"); for (int i = 0; i < cc.allTal.length; i++) { cc.allTal[i].setConfidenceIntervalStudent(); cc.allTal[i].setConfidenceLevel (0.90); } System.out.println ( ("CallCenter:", cc.allTal)); } }