/******************************************************************************** * BankClienAgent: * --------------- * This class is an example showing how to use the classes SequentialBehaviour, * OneShotBehaviour and CyclicBehaviour to build an agent. * * Version 1.0 - July 2003 * Author: Ambroise Ncho, under the supervision of Professeur Jean Vaucher. * * Universite de Montreal - DIRO * *********************************************************************************/ import jade.core.*; import jade.core.behaviours.*; import jade.domain.*; import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.*; import jade.lang.acl.*; import jade.content.*; import jade.content.lang.*; import jade.content.lang.sl.*; import jade.content.onto.*; import jade.content.onto.basic.*; import jade.util.leap.*; import ontologies.*; public class BankServerAgent extends Agent implements BankVocabulary { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- private Map accounts = new HashMap(); private Map operations = new HashMap(); private int idCnt = 0; private Codec codec = new SLCodec(); private Ontology ontology = BankOntology.getInstance(); protected void setup() { // ------------------------ // Register language and ontology getContentManager().registerLanguage(codec); getContentManager().registerOntology(ontology); // Set this agent main behaviour SequentialBehaviour sb = new SequentialBehaviour(); sb.addSubBehaviour(new RegisterInDF(this)); sb.addSubBehaviour(new ReceiveMessages(this)); addBehaviour(sb); } class RegisterInDF extends OneShotBehaviour { // --------------------------------------------- Register in the DF for the client agent // be able to retrieve its AID RegisterInDF(Agent a) { super(a); } public void action() { ServiceDescription sd = new ServiceDescription(); sd.setType(SERVER_AGENT); sd.setName(getName()); sd.setOwnership("Prof6802"); DFAgentDescription dfd = new DFAgentDescription(); dfd.setName(getAID()); dfd.addServices(sd); try { DFAgentDescription[] dfds = DFService.search(myAgent, dfd); if (dfds.length > 0 ) { DFService.deregister(myAgent, dfd); } DFService.register(myAgent, dfd); System.out.println(getLocalName() + " is ready."); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Failed registering with DF! Shutting down..."); ex.printStackTrace(); doDelete(); } } } class ReceiveMessages extends CyclicBehaviour { // ----------------------------------------------- Receive requests and queries from client // agent and launch appropriate handlers public ReceiveMessages(Agent a) { super(a); } public void action() { ACLMessage msg = receive(); if (msg == null) { block(); return; } try { ContentElement content = getContentManager().extractContent(msg); Concept action = ((Action)content).getAction(); switch (msg.getPerformative()) { case (ACLMessage.REQUEST): System.out.println("Request from " + msg.getSender().getLocalName()); if (action instanceof CreateAccount) addBehaviour(new HandleCreateAccount(myAgent, msg)); else if (action instanceof MakeOperation) addBehaviour(new HandleOperation(myAgent, msg)); else replyNotUnderstood(msg); break; case (ACLMessage.QUERY_REF): System.out.println("Query from " + msg.getSender().getLocalName()); if (action instanceof Information) addBehaviour(new HandleInformation(myAgent, msg)); else replyNotUnderstood(msg); break; default: replyNotUnderstood(msg); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } class HandleCreateAccount extends OneShotBehaviour { // ---------------------------------------------------- Handler for a CreateAccount request private ACLMessage request; HandleCreateAccount(Agent a, ACLMessage request) { super(a); this.request = request; } public void action() { try { ContentElement content = getContentManager().extractContent(request); CreateAccount ca = (CreateAccount)((Action)content).getAction(); Account acc = new Account(); String id = generateId(); acc.setId(id); acc.setName(ca.getName()); Result result = new Result((Action)content, acc); ACLMessage reply = request.createReply(); reply.setPerformative(ACLMessage.INFORM); getContentManager().fillContent(reply, result); send(reply); accounts.put(id, acc); operations.put(id, new ArrayList()); System.out.println("Account [" + acc.getName() + " # " + acc.getId() + "] created!"); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } class HandleOperation extends OneShotBehaviour { // ------------------------------------------------ Handler for an Operation request private ACLMessage request; HandleOperation(Agent a, ACLMessage request) { super(a); this.request = request; } public void action() { try { ContentElement content = getContentManager().extractContent(request); MakeOperation mo = (MakeOperation)((Action)content).getAction(); ACLMessage reply = request.createReply(); Object obj = processOperation(mo); if (obj == null) replyNotUnderstood(request); else { reply.setPerformative(ACLMessage.INFORM); Result result = new Result((Action)content, obj); getContentManager().fillContent(reply, result); send(reply); System.out.println("Operation processed."); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } class HandleInformation extends OneShotBehaviour { // -------------------------------------------------- Handler for an Information query private ACLMessage query; HandleInformation(Agent a, ACLMessage query) { super(a); this.query = query; } public void action() { try { ContentElement content = getContentManager().extractContent(query); Information info = (Information)((Action)content).getAction(); Object obj = processInformation(info); if (obj == null) replyNotUnderstood(query); else { ACLMessage reply = query.createReply(); reply.setPerformative(ACLMessage.INFORM); Result result = new Result((Action)content, obj); getContentManager().fillContent(reply, result); send(reply); System.out.println("Information processed."); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } void replyNotUnderstood(ACLMessage msg) { // ----------------------------------------- try { ContentElement content = getContentManager().extractContent(msg); ACLMessage reply = msg.createReply(); reply.setPerformative(ACLMessage.NOT_UNDERSTOOD); getContentManager().fillContent(reply, content); send(reply); System.out.println("Not understood!"); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } Object processOperation(MakeOperation mo) { // ------------------------------------------- Account acc = (Account)accounts.get(mo.getAccountId()); if (acc == null) return newProblem(ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND); if (mo.getAmount() <= 0) return newProblem(ILLEGAL_OPERATION); if (mo.getType() != DEPOSIT && mo.getType() != WITHDRAWAL) return null; if (mo.getType() == DEPOSIT) acc.setBalance(acc.getBalance() + mo.getAmount()); else if (mo.getType() == WITHDRAWAL) { if (mo.getAmount() > acc.getBalance()) return newProblem(NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY); acc.setBalance(acc.getBalance() - mo.getAmount()); } Operation op = new Operation(); op.setType(mo.getType()); op.setAmount(mo.getAmount()); op.setAccountId(acc.getId()); op.setDate(new java.util.Date()); List l = (List)operations.get(acc.getId()); l.add(op); operations.put(acc.getId(), l); return acc; } Object processInformation(Information info) { // ------------------------------------------- Account acc = (Account)accounts.get(info.getAccountId()); if (acc == null) return newProblem(ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND); java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); Operation op = new Operation(); // <-- Apply admin charge op.setType(ADMIN); op.setAmount(info.getType()==BALANCE ? BAL_CHARGE : OPER_CHARGE); acc.setBalance(acc.getBalance() - op.getAmount()); op.setBalance(acc.getBalance()); op.setAccountId(acc.getId()); op.setDate(date); List l = (List)operations.get(acc.getId()); l.add(op); operations.put(acc.getId(), l); if (info.getType() == BALANCE) return acc; if (info.getType() == OPERATIONS) return l; return null; } //--------------------------- Utility methods ----------------------------// Problem newProblem(int num) { // ----------------------------- String msg = ""; if (num == ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND) msg = PB_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND; else if (num == NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY) msg = PB_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; else if (num == ILLEGAL_OPERATION) msg = PB_ILLEGAL_OPERATION; Problem prob = new Problem(); prob.setNum(num); prob.setMsg(msg); return prob; } String generateId() { // ---------------------------- return hashCode() + "" + (idCnt++); } }