Ancestry of Janet Ferguson
Select generation
To the parents (2)
To the grandparents (4)
To the great-grandparents (6)
To the 5th generation (8)
To the 6th generation (12)
To the 7th generation (20)
To the 8th generation (30)
To the 9th generation (38)
Short display (*)
- Sosa base
Full (*)
- siblings
- notes
- sources
- relationships
- witnesses (spouses)
- comment (spouses)
Table (*)
- date of birth
- where born
- spouses
- date of marriage
- where married
- date of death
- where dead
- age at death
- occupations
- display generation
- display pedigree collapse
Tree (maximum 5 generations)
Male line
Female line
- Pictures
- Spouse
- Border
- Colour
List (maximum 8 generations)
Horizontally (maximum 8 generations)
Lines by name
Unknown ancestors
- Alphabetical order
- Include unknown spouses
Without GeneWeb links
(*) Only the selected generation
Browse using
Janet Ferguson
as Family Tree Root.