Essa (Esau) Souaid

številka Sosa: 2

  • Rojen 10. marca 1865 - Shibaa, Syria
  • Umrl 2. aprila 1945 - St. Hyacinthe , živel(a) 80 let
  • Pokopan - Mount Royal Cemetery, Section M 921
  • Carpet Weaver then peddlar


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Souaid Family   ? ?    
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Elias Souaid   Samra (?) Shatilla
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Essa (Esau) Souaid 1865-1945

  Bratje in sestre


Born in Syria. His parents had to leave Roshaya to escape persecution by the Druze. Was carpet weaver in Syria. Arrived in Canada in 1894. Worked as travelling salesman (colporteur....peddlar) around "Les éboulements" and Sept Iles though he didn't speak any french initially. Founded dry goods company, Jo Souaid & Assoc. Last residence: 955 Du Palais Avenue, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec

In the 1911 census (line 29), he is listed as Joseph living at 216 Cascade, St-Hyacinthe. His 2 sons, Elie and Joseph are living at the same address as well as Charles Nassif and his wife Angelina Tremblay (whose sister owned the building), Joseph Habib and another man from Syria. His wife will arrive (with Moussa) 2 years later in 1913. The census indicates he was born in Oct. 1865 in Syria; that he arrived in Canada in 1893 and was naturalised in 1903. He is described as a "marchand" and though he could speak French and Syrian he could neither read nor write.

Buried: Mount Royal Cemetery, Section M 921

Note: the census birthdate is at odds with the one given on his tombstone but this appears to be a recurrent problem with the early immigrants who couldn't speak the language and whose papers were probably written in arabic.