V. 2.6.

Interface PointSetRandomization

All Known Implementing Classes:
EmptyRandomization, LMScrambleShift, RandomShift, RandomStart, SMScrambleShift

public interface PointSetRandomization

This interface is used to randomize a PointSet. One can implement method randomize in any way. This method must use an internal RandomStream. This stream can be set in the constructor, but the methods getStream and setStream must be implemented.

The method randomize must be implemented using combinations of the randomization methods from the point set such as addRandomShift, leftMatrixScramble, stripedMatrixScramble, ...

If more than one PointSetRandomization is applied to the same point set, the randomizations will concatenate if they are of different types, but only the last of each type will remain.

Method Summary
 RandomStream getStream()
          Returns the internal RandomStream.
 void randomize(PointSet p)
          This method must randomize p.
 void setStream(RandomStream stream)
          Sets the internal RandomStream to stream.

Method Detail


void randomize(PointSet p)
This method must randomize p.

p - Point set to randomize


void setStream(RandomStream stream)
Sets the internal RandomStream to stream.

stream - stream to use in the randomization


RandomStream getStream()
Returns the internal RandomStream.

stream used in the randomization

V. 2.6.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.