V. 2.6.

Interface CloneableRandomStream

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, RandomStream
All Known Implementing Classes:
F2NL607, GenF2w32, LFSR113, LFSR258, MRG31k3p, MRG32k3a, MRG32k3aL, MT19937, RandMrg, RandomStreamBase, RandRijndael, WELL1024, WELL512, WELL607

public interface CloneableRandomStream
extends RandomStream, Cloneable

CloneableRandomStream extends RandomStream and Cloneable. All classes that implements this interface are able to produce cloned objects.

The cloned object is entirely independent of the older odject. Moreover the cloned object has all the same properties as the older one. All his seeds are duplicated, and therefore both generators will produce the same random number sequence.

Method Summary
 CloneableRandomStream clone()
          Clones the current object and returns its copy.
Methods inherited from interface umontreal.iro.lecuyer.rng.RandomStream
nextArrayOfDouble, nextArrayOfInt, nextDouble, nextInt, resetNextSubstream, resetStartStream, resetStartSubstream, toString

Method Detail


CloneableRandomStream clone()
Clones the current object and returns its copy.

A deep copy of the current object

V. 2.6.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.