V. 2.6.


This package provides tools for exporting data to text and binary files, as well as for importing data from files.


Interface Summary
DataReader Data reader interface.
DataWriter Data writer interface.

Class Summary
AbstractDataReader This abstract class implements shared functionality for data readers.
AbstractDataWriter This abstract class implements shared functionality for data writers.
BinaryDataReader Binary data reader.
BinaryDataWriter Binary data writer.
CachedDataWriter This abstract class implements shared functionality for data writers that store all fields in memory before outputing them with close.
DataField This class represents a data field from a file read by an instance of a class implementing DataReader.
TextDataWriter Text data writer.

Enum Summary
TextDataWriter.Format Output format: organize fields as columns or as rows.

Package Description

This package provides tools for exporting data to text and binary files, as well as for importing data from files.

Each of the write() methods takes a field label as their first argument. This label can always be set to null, in which case an anonymous field will be written. The write() methods that take one-dimensional array argument can also take an additional integer argument, for convenience, to specify the number of elements to write in the array.

For a quick start, consult the following examples and the documentation for DataWriter and DataReader, as well as the constructors of implementing classes (TextDataWriter, BinaryDataWriter and BinaryDataReader).

Example of how to write data to a file:

public static void writerExample() throws IOException {
   String filename = "test.dat";
   DataWriter out = new BinaryDataWriter(filename);
   out.write("zero", 0);
   out.write("zerotxt", "ZERO");
   out.write("n", new int[]{1,2,3,4,5});
   out.write("pi", Math.PI);
   out.write("str", new String[]{"text1", "text2"});
   out.write("real", new double[]{2.5, 3.7, 8.9});
   out.write("real2", new float[]{2.5f, 3.7f, 8.9f});
   out.write(null, 24);
   out.write(null, 39);
   out.write(null, 116);

Example of how to read data from a file -- specific fields:

public static void readerExample1() throws IOException {
   String filename = "test.dat";
   DataReader in = new BinaryDataReader(filename);

   // read double field labeled "pi"
   System.out.println("[pi] (double) " + in.readField("pi").asDouble());

   // read integer-array field labeled "n"
   int[] n = in.readIntArray("n");
   System.out.print("[n] (int[]) ");
   for (int i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
      System.out.print(" " + n[i]);


Example of how to read data from a file -- list all fields:

public static void readerExample2() throws IOException {
   String filename = "test.dat";
   DataReader in = new BinaryDataReader(filename);

   Map<String,DataField> fields = in.readAllFields();

   // sort keys
   Set<String> allKeys = new TreeSet<String>(fields.keySet());

   for (String key : allKeys) {
      System.out.print("[" + key + "]");
      DataField d = fields.get(key);

      if (d.isString())
         System.out.print(" (String) " + d.asString());

      if (d.isInt())
         System.out.print(" (int) " + d.asInt());

      if (d.isFloat())
         System.out.print(" (float) " + d.asFloat());

      if (d.isDouble())
         System.out.print(" (double) " + d.asDouble());

      if (d.asStringArray() != null) {
         System.out.print(" (String[]) ");
         String[] a = d.asStringArray();
         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
            System.out.print(" " + a[i]);

      if (d.asIntArray() != null) {
         System.out.print(" (int[]) ");
         int[] a = d.asIntArray();
         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
            System.out.print(" " + a[i]);

      if (d.asFloatArray() != null) {
         System.out.print(" (float[]) ");
         float[] a = d.asFloatArray();
         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
            System.out.print(" " + a[i]);

      if (d.asDoubleArray() != null) {
         System.out.print(" (double[]) ");
         double[] a = d.asDoubleArray();
         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
            System.out.print(" " + a[i]);


V. 2.6.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.