V. 1.2.5.

Package umontreal.iro.lecuyer.simevents.eventlist

This package provides different kinds of event list implementations.


Interface Summary
EventList An interface for implementations of event lists.

Class Summary
BinaryTree An implementation of EventList using a binary search tree.
DoublyLinked An implementation of EventList using a doubly linked linear list.
Henriksen An implementation of EventList using the doubly-linked index list of Henriksen.
RedblackTree An implementation of EventList using a red black tree, which is similar to a binary search tree except that every node is colored red or black.
SplayTree An implementation of EventList using a splay tree.

Package umontreal.iro.lecuyer.simevents.eventlist Description

This package provides different kinds of event list implementations. One can change the default SplayTree event list implemntation via the method Sim.init.

V. 1.2.5.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.