Glen Berseth

I am an assistant professor at the University de Montreal and Mila. My research explores how to use deep learning and reinforcement learning to develop generalist robots.

Michiel van de Panne Articles

Feedback Control for Cassie with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Zhaoming Xie, Glen Berseth, Patrick Clary, Jonathan Hurst, Michiel van de Panne

Deep reinforcement learning has achieved great strides in solving challenging motion control tasks. Recently, there has been significant work on methods for exploiting the data gathered during training, but there has been less work on how to best generate the data to learn from. For continuous action domains, the most common method for generating exploratory actions involves sampling from a Gaussian distribution centred around the mean action output by a policy. Although these methods can be quite capable, they do not scale well with the dimensionality of the action space, and can be dangerous to apply on hardware. We consider learning a forward dynamics model to predict the result, \((x_{t+1})\), of taking a particular action, \((u_{t})\), given a specific observation of the state, \((x_{t})\). With this model we perform internal look-ahead predictions of outcomes and seek actions we believe have a reasonable chance of success. This method alters the exploratory action space, thereby increasing learning speed and enables higher quality solutions to difficult problems, such as robotic locomotion and juggling

Model-Based Action Exploration for Learning Dynamic Motion Skills

Glen Berseth, Alex Kyriazis, Ivan Zinin, William Choi, Michiel van de Panne

Deep reinforcement learning has achieved great strides in solving challenging motion control tasks. Recently, there has been significant work on methods for exploiting the data gathered during training, but there has been less work on how to best generate the data to learn from. For continuous action domains, the most common method for generating exploratory actions involves sampling from a Gaussian distribution centred around the mean action output by a policy. Although these methods can be quite capable, they do not scale well with the dimensionality of the action space, and can be dangerous to apply on hardware. We consider learning a forward dynamics model to predict the result, \((x_{t+1})\), of taking a particular action, \((u_{t})\), given a specific observation of the state, \((x_{t})\). With this model we perform internal look-ahead predictions of outcomes and seek actions we believe have a reasonable chance of success. This method alters the exploratory action space, thereby increasing learning speed and enables higher quality solutions to difficult problems, such as robotic locomotion and juggling

TerrainRL Sim

Glen Berseth, Xue Bin Peng, Michiel van de Panne

We provide 88 challenging simulation environments that range in difficulty. The difficulty in these environments is linked not only to the number of dimensions in the action space but also to the task complexity. Using more complex and accurate simulations will help push the field closer to creating human-level intelligence. Therefore, we are releasing a number of simulation environments that include local egocentric visual perception. These environments include randomly generated terrain which the agent needs to learn to interpret via visual features. The library also provides simple mechanisms to create new environments with different agent morphologies and the option to modify the distribution of generated terrain.

Progressive Reinforcement Learning with Distillation for Multi-Skilled Motion Control

Glen Berseth, Cheng Xie, Paul Cernek, Michiel van de Panne

Deep reinforcement learning has demonstrated increasing capabilities for continuous control problems, including agents that can move with skill and agility through their environment. An open problem in this setting is that of developing good strategies for integrating or merging policies for multiple skills, where each individual skill is a specialist in a specific skill and its associated state distribution. We extend policy distillation methods to the continuous action setting and leverage this technique to combine expert policies, as evaluated in the domain of simulated bipedal locomotion across different classes of terrain. We also introduce an input injection method for augmenting an existing policy network to exploit new input features. Lastly, our method uses transfer learning to assist in the efficient acquisition of new skills. The combination of these methods allows a policy to be incrementally augmented with new skills. We compare our progressive learning and integration via distillation (PLAID) method against three alternative baselines.

DeepLoco: Dynamic Locomotion Skills Using Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning

Xue Bin Peng, Glen Berseth, KangKang Yin, Michiel van de Panne

Learning physics-based locomotion skills is a difficult problem, leading to solutions that typically exploit prior knowledge of various forms. In this paper, we aim to learn a variety of environment-aware locomotion skills with a limited amount of prior knowledge. We adopt a two-level hierarchical control framework. First, low-level controllers are learned that operate at a fine timescale and which achieve robust walking gaits that satisfy stepping-target and style objectives. Second, high-level controllers are then learned which plan at the timescale of steps by invoking desired step targets for the low-level controller. The high-level controller makes decisions directly based on high-dimensional inputs, including terrain maps or other suitable representations of the surroundings. Both levels of the control policy are trained using deep reinforcement learning. Results are demonstrated on a simulated 3D biped. Low-level controllers are learned for a variety of motion styles and demonstrate robustness with respect to force-based disturbances, terrain variations, and style interpolation. High-level controllers are demonstrated that are capable of following trails through terrains, dribbling a soccer ball towards a target location, and navigating through static or dynamic obstacles.

Dynamic terrain traversal skills using reinforcement learning

Xue Bin Peng, Glen Berseth, Michiel van de Panne

The locomotion skills developed for physics-based characters most often target flat terrain. However, much of their potential lies with the creation of dynamic, momentum-based motions across more complex terrains. In this paper, we learn controllers that allow simulated characters to traverse terrains with gaps, steps, and walls using highly dynamic gaits. This is achieved using reinforcement learning, with careful attention given to the action representation, non-parametric approximation of both the value function and the policy; epsilon-greedy exploration; and the learning of a good state distance metric. The methods enable a 21-link planar dog and a 7-link planar biped to navigate challenging sequences of terrain using bounding and running gaits. We evaluate the impact of the key features of our skill learning pipeline on the resulting performance.

Modelling Dynamic Brachiation

Glen Berseth, Michiel van de Panne

Significant progress has been made with regard to motions such as walking, running, and other specific motions, such as falling and rolling. However, we still have difficulty simulating agile motions we see in nature, for example, brachiation by gibbons. Gibbons are one of the most agile primates and can leap remarkable distances. In this work we discuss the advantages of skill learning with explicit planning to create motion controllers for more complex and dynamic navigation tasks. Skill learning is complex and cannot be directly solved using only supervised learning because generating good data plays a key role in learning good skills. Here we construct a FSM controller to model the motion and capabilities of a gibbon, one of the most agile primates, shown in Figure 1. We endeavour to give this controller motion skills using reinforcement learning and use this dynamics model to intelligently sample good actions.

Terrain Adaptive Locomotion Skills using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Xue Bin Peng, Glen Berseth, Michiel van de Panne

Reinforcement learning offers a promising methodology for developing skills for simulated characters, but typically requires working with sparse hand-crafted features. Building on recent progress in deep reinforcement learning (DeepRL), we introduce a mixture of actor-critic experts (MACE) approach that learns terrain-adaptive dynamic locomotion skills using high-dimensional state and terrain descriptions as input, and parameterized leaps or steps as output actions. MACE learns more quickly than a single actor-critic approach and results in actor-critic experts that exhibit specialization. Additional elements of our solution that contribute towards efficient learning include Boltzmann exploration and the use of initial actor biases to encourage specialization. Results are demonstrated for multiple planar characters and terrain classes.