Glen Berseth

I am an assistant professor at the University de Montreal and Mila. My research explores how to use deep learning and reinforcement learning to develop generalist robots.

Sergey Levine Articles

XT2: Training an X-to-Text Typing Interface with Online Learning from Implicit Feedback

Jensen Gao, Siddharth Reddy, Glen Berseth, Anca Dragan, Sergey Levine

We aim to help users communicate their intent to machines using flexible, adaptive interfaces that translate arbitrary user input into desired actions. In this work, we focus on assistive typing applications in which a user cannot operate a keyboard, but can instead supply other inputs, such as webcam images that capture eye gaze. Standard methods train a model on a fixed dataset of user inputs, then deploy a static interface that does not learn from its mistakes; in part, because extracting an error signal from user behavior can be challenging. We investigate a simple idea that would enable such interfaces to improve over time, with minimal additional effort from the user: online learning from user feedback on the accuracy of the interface's actions. In the typing domain, we leverage backspaces as feedback that the interface did not perform the desired action. We propose an algorithm called x-to-text (X2T) that trains a predictive model of this feedback signal, and uses this model to fine-tune any existing, default interface for translating user input into actions that select words or characters. We evaluate X2T through a small-scale online user study with 12 participants who type sentences by gazing at their desired words, and a large-scale observational study on handwriting samples from 60 users. The results show that X2T learns to outperform a non-adaptive default interface, stimulates user co-adaptation to the interface, personalizes the interface to individual users, and can leverage offline data collected from the default interface to improve its initial performance and accelerate online learning.

DisCo RL: Distribution-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning for General-Purpose Policies

Soroush Nasiriany, Vitchyr Pong, Ashvin Nair, Khazatsky Alexander, Glen Berseth, Sergey Levine

Can we use reinforcement learning to learn general-purpose policies that can perform a wide range of different tasks, resulting in flexible and reusable skills? Contextual policies provide this capability in principle, but the representation of the context determines the degree of generalization and expressivity. Categorical contexts preclude generalization to entirely new tasks. Goal-conditioned policies may enable some generalization, but cannot capture all tasks that might be desired. In this paper, we propose goal distributions as a general and broadly applicable task representation suitable for contextual policies. Goal distributions are general in the sense that they can represent any state-based reward function when equipped with an appropriate distribution class, while the particular choice of distribution class allows us to trade off expressivity and learnability. We develop an off-policy algorithm called distribution-conditioned reinforcement learnin (DisCo) to efficiently learn these policies. We evaluate DisCo on a variety of robot manipulation tasks and find that it significantly outperforms prior methods on tasks that require generalization to new goal distributions.

Ecological Reinforcement Learning

John D. Co-Reyes, Suvansh Sanjeev, Glen Berseth, Abhishek Gupta, Sergey Levine

Reinforcement learning is normally studied in the episodic setting where the agent is reset each episode. This makes learning easier but in the real world, we would like our agent to continually learn with minimal human supervision and without having to manually reset the agent each time it makes a mistake. Reset-free or non-episodic learning is difficult, especially with sparse reward where the agent may never experience any rewarding states and not make any progress. Without any algorithmic changes however, certain properties of the environment can make learning without resets and with sparse reward more tractable. We investigate and analyze these properties: environment shaping and environment dynamism.

Inter-Level Cooperation in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Abdul Rahman Kreidieh, Glen Berseth, Brandon Trabucco, Samyak Parajuli, Sergey Levine, and Alexandre M. Bayen

Hierarchical models for deep reinforcement learning (RL) have emerged as powerful methods for generating meaningful control strategies in difficult long time horizon tasks. Training of said hierarchical models, however, continue to suffer from instabilities that limit their applicability. In this paper, we address instabilities that arise from the concurrent optimization of goal-assignment and goal-achievement policies. Drawing connections between this concurrent optimization scheme and communication and cooperation in multi-agent RL, we redefine the standard optimization procedure to explicitly promote cooperation between these disparate tasks. Our method is demonstrated to achieve superior results to existing techniques in a set of difficult long time horizon tasks, and serves to expand the scope of solvable tasks by hierarchical reinforcement learning.

Morphology-Agnostic Visual Robotic Control

Brian Yang, Dinesh Jayaraman, Glen Berseth, Alexei Efros, Sergey Levine

Existing approaches for visuomotor robotic control typically require characterizing the robot in advance by calibrating the camera or performing system identification. We propose MAVRIC, an approach that works with minimal prior knowledge of the robot's morphology, and requires only a camera view containing the robot and its environment and an unknown control interface. MAVRIC revolves around a mutual information-based method for self-recognition, which discovers visual "control points" on the robot body within a few seconds of exploratory interaction, and these control points in turn are then used for visual servoing. MAVRIC can control robots with imprecise actuation, no proprioceptive feedback, unknown morphologies including novel tools, unknown camera poses, and even unsteady handheld cameras. We demonstrate our method on visually-guided 3D point reaching, trajectory following, and robot-to-robot imitation.

SMiRL: Surprise Minimizing RL in Unstable Environments

Glen Berseth, Daniel Geng, Coline Devin, Nicholas Rhinehart, Chelsea Finn, Dinesh Jayaraman, Sergey Levine

All living organisms carve out environmental niches within which they can maintain relative predictability amidst the ever-increasing entropy around them [schneider1994, friston2009]. Humans, for example, go to great lengths to shield themselves from surprise --- we band together in millions to build cities with homes, supplying water, food, gas, and electricity to control the deterioration of our bodies and living spaces amidst heat and cold, wind and storm. The need to discover and maintain such surprise-free equilibria has driven great resourcefulness and skill in organisms across very diverse natural habitats. Motivated by this, we ask: could the motive of preserving order amidst chaos guide the automatic acquisition of useful behaviors in artificial agents?

Contextual Imagined Goals for Self-Supervised Robotic Learning

Ashvin Nair*, Shikhar Bahl*, Alexander Khazatsky*, Vitchyr Pong, Glen Berseth, Sergey Levine

While reinforcement learning provides an appealing formalism for learning individual skills, a general-purpose robotic system must be able to master an extensive repertoire of behaviors. Instead of learning a large collection of skills individually, can we instead enable a robot to propose and practice its own behaviors automatically, learning about the affordances and behaviors that it can perform in its environment, such that it can then repurpose this knowledge once a new task is commanded by the user? In this paper, we study this question in the context of self-supervised goal-conditioned reinforcement learning. A central challenge in this learning regime is the problem of goal setting: in order to practice useful skills, the robot must be able to autonomously set goals that are feasible but diverse. When the robot's environment and available objects vary, as they do in most open-world settings, the robot must propose to itself only those goals that it can accomplish in its present setting with the objects that are at hand. Previous work only studies self-supervised goal-conditioned RL in a single-environment setting, where goal proposals come from the robot's past experience or a generative model are sufficient. In more diverse settings, this frequently leads to impossible goals and, as we show experimentally, prevents effective learning. We propose a conditional goal-setting model that aims to propose goals that are feasible from the robot's current state. We demonstrate that this enables self-supervised goal-conditioned off-policy learning with raw image observations in the real world, enabling a robot to manipulate a variety of objects and generalize to new objects that were not seen during training.