Rationale extraction and management |
Rationale Dataset and Analysis for the Commit
Messages of the Linux Kernel Out-of-Memory Killer
Mouna Dhaouadi, Bentley Oakes, Michalis Famelis.
International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2024.
Conference - Long paper.
arXiv / Slides
A Data Set of Extracted Rationale from Linux
Kernel Commit Messages
Mouna Dhaouadi.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2023. Conference - Extended Abstract. Student Research Competition.
Author's version
Towards Understanding and Analyzing Rationale
in Commit Messages using a Knowledge Graph Approach
Mouna Dhaouadi, Bentley Oakes, Michalis Famelis.
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) Companion, 2023. Workshop paper.
MDE Intelligence.
arXiv / Slides
End-to-End Rationale Reconstruction
Mouna Dhaouadi, Bentley Oakes, Michalis Famelis.
Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2022.
Conference - Short paper. NIER Track.
arXiv / Slides
Extraction and Management of Rationale
Mouna Dhaouadi.
Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2022.
Conference - Extended Abstract. Doctoral Symposium.
Author's version
Intelligent Concrete Syntax Generation |
Toward Intelligent Generation of Tailored Concrete Syntax
Meriem Ben Chaaben, Oussama Ben Sghaier, Mouna Dhaouadi, Nafisa Elrasheed, Ikram Darif, Imen Jaoua, Bentley Oakes, Eugene Syriani and Mohammad Hamdaqa.
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2024. Conference - Long paper
Adversary-aware machine learning |
Uncertainty-aware modelling |
Security-aware refactoring |
Prioritizing refactorings for security-critical code
Chaima Abid, Vahid Alizadeh, Marouane
Kessentini, Mouna Dhaouadi, Rick Kazman.
Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2021. Journal.
How Does Refactoring Impact Security When
Improving Quality? A Security Aware Refactoring Approach
Chaima Abid, Marouane Kessentini, Vahid Alizadeh, Mouna Dhaouadi, Rick Kazman.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2020. Journal.
Invited for Journal-first presentation at ESEC/FSE 2020.
Teaser video / Presentation video