Glen Berseth

I am an assistant professor at the University de Montreal and Mila. My research explores how to use deep learning and reinforcement learning to develop generalist robots.

Glen B Articles

Unreal IndiGolog Bot Project

Glen B

This is my project on developing strategic Unreal Tournament bots in the Unreal Development Kit. They were designed to display team work, using well defined team roles. These roles established seniority in a sense where some bot on the team could influence others and with one bot taking command of …

Research in Unique Satisfiability

Glen B

Work on analyzing at what ratio of variables to clauses do the most uniquely satisfiable formulas occur.


This report is a study on the effects of clause to variable ratio when checking for the number of USAT cases in a large number of tests. In the paper ”Hard and …

  • Sun 19 May 2013
  • misc

psycopg2 instering an array of polygons

Glen B

This post is an example of how to insert an array of polygons into the Postgres database using Python and psycopg2.

The most important and problematic part of inserting a polygon array is the string formatting for the polygon[].

The first thing I tried was to just make a string …

  • Sun 21 April 2013
  • misc

Install Twiki on Ubuntu 12.04

Glen B

This is short guide on how to install Twiki ~5.13 on Ubuntu 12.04. This guide has a fix or two that was not present in any other guide I found.

  1. Install all of the relevant dependencies.

    sudo apt-get install apache2 libgdal-perl libcgi-session-perl libhtml-tree-perl liberror-perl libfreezethaw-perl libgd2-xpm rcs libapache2-mod-perl2-doc …

  • Wed 17 April 2013
  • misc

Putting a steering algorithm into SteerSuite

Glen B

This is a guide I created which I hope to turn into a Wiki some day on how to put your steering algorithm in SteerSuite.

  1. First things first
    1. Your agent needs to extend the SteerLib::AgentInterface class so that is can be used properly with the gspacialDatabase
    2. If your algorithm …

  • Tue 19 March 2013
  • misc

Postgresql Transfer Database to New Tablespace with Python

Glen B

This is a quick script I wrote in python to generate the sql file needed to transfer one database to another tablespace.


# will generate the sql file needed to alter the tablespace for a database.

import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
import sys

# Configuration
host = '';            # The host on …

  • Sat 09 March 2013
  • misc

Rare but powerful Unix/Linux commands

Glen B

This blog is a list of some of the more powerful but not as frequently used Linux or Unix commands.

Need to copy a large amount of files from one directory to another

find \(directory1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*' -exec mv {} $directory2/. \; </pre><pre class="programlisting"></pre><pre class …

  • Fri 08 March 2013
  • misc

Eclipse Find/Replace

Glen B

This is a quick example on how to use the power of find and replace in eclipse. Some might say that eclipse find and replace is not as powerful as something like vi or sed but it is still rather powerful.

I had a program where I wanted to transform …

  • Wed 06 March 2013
  • misc

'SmartBody Example:'

Glen B

SmartBody characters are usually controlled via python scripts. These scripts are responsible for loading all of the features need for the character animation and then seting up the character in the environment and last functions to control the actions of the character(s).

This is a common exmaple, there are …

  • Fri 22 February 2013
  • misc

IndiGolog Basics

Glen B

This is a guide on the steps I took set-up a IndiGolog Program.

I prefer to divide up the sections of an IndiGolog program into different files. The different sections of an IndiGolog program are:

  1. Exogenous Actions
    1. Contains the code to handle exogenous actions from then environment.
  2. Fluents
    1. Fluents handle …

  • Thu 21 February 2013
  • misc

Install/setup Postgres 9.1 on Ubuntu 12.04

Glen B

Start by installing Postgres:

sudo apt-get install postgresql

After installing the first thing that needs to be done is adjust the connections postgres will accept. open the file /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/posrgresql.conf and turn on the listen addres

listen_addresses = 'localhost'

Then turn password encryption on

password …

  • Wed 20 February 2013
  • misc

Python and TCP/IP

Glen B

TCP/IP in Python

Some notes on how TCP/IP works in Python (2.7).

Basic TCP client

import socket
import sys

# Create a TCP/IP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Connect the socket to the port where the server is listening
server_address = ('localhost' …

  • Wed 20 February 2013
  • misc

Get and Compile Smart Body

Glen B

This page is linked to another and will outline the steps to get and compile SmartBody.

Current svn command and link

svn co smartbody 

To Compile for Windows follow the steps in the guide that basically just say to use visual studio …

  • Thu 07 February 2013
  • misc

Ubuntu 12.04 on ASUS n56v

Glen B

This blog is a collection of solutions to issues or not preferred settings in Ubuntu when installing on ASUS n56v

Press f2 to get into bios

  1. After installing Ubuntu fix Grub to boot Windows 8 again.
    1. So installing Ubuntu 12.04 along with a EFI partition with GRUB will result …


Glen B

GpsdInspector was created to facilitate visualization and tracking of a mobile robotics platform during an engineering competition. It has feature for downloaded 3D maps, reading data from GPS devices and fetching data from networked GPS devices on using.

This might eventually be a video of the software in action

Unreal Environment Interface

Glen B

The Environment Interface Standard was a project that started in the Clausthal University of Technology. The idea is to create a standard for interfacing environmentes for agent programming. It is very often that agents are written in another langauge than the environment they need to operate in, the interface would …